425 Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teach ing reading through content areas in sec- ondary schools; attention to reading techniques, testing, and individualiza- tion. Aminimum of 35 hours of obser- vation / parti cipation in schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent 430 Elementary Curriculum (4) Introduction to the scope and sequence of the elementary school cur- riculum in mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts; emphasis on variety of teaching approaches, integra- tion across content areas, classroom management, and resources available. A minimum of 60 hours of observa- tion/ participation in public and Christ- ian schools is required. Prerequisite:
is in the process of receiving approval of this certificate from the Commis- sion on Teacher Credentialing. See the Education Department for details. COURSES 300 Introduction to Teaching (2) The structure and function of the school, foundations of education , qualities required for teacher effec- tiveness, and contemporary issues in education. Aminimum of 35 hours of observation/ participation in schools is required. Successful completion of this course constitutes one of the requirements for admission to the Preliminary Credential program. Pre-
Chair: Elizabeth L. Rambo, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Doland Associate Professors: Rambo, W. Shanebeck, Smith Assistant Professors: Holt, Ingraffia, Taskesen OBJECTIVES The Department of English has five objectives: the understanding of language as a means of communica- tion , the ability to speak and write with clarity; an understanding of liter- ature as a record of the development of human thought and the reflection of human history; the appreciation and enjoyment of literature; and an acquaintance with the literary her- itage of the English-speaking world. History 305 is recommended for all English majors. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor ofArts degree in English is offered upon completion of the uni- versity baccalaureate and English major in one of the emphases which consists of 30 units, 24 of which must be upper division. MAJORS English Emphasis (33 units) The student is required to take English 250, American Literature, to fulfill the general education literature requirement. English 251 and 252 are required for the major and are prereq- uisite to upper division courses in the major. The student must also com- plete three units of 400 Shakespeare, three units of 451 History of Critical Theory, three units of 452 Studies is Contemporary Literature Theory, three units of 470 Seminar and select at least three units from each of 351, 353 or 354, 360, and 370. Remaining units may be completed in any of the upper division English course offer- ings. The following emphases/special programs are also offered: Writing Emphasis (36 units) The English Department offers a Writing Emphasis. This program enables students to supplement their study of literature with theoretical and vocational training in writing. As part of the regular general edu- cation requirement, students must complete English 110A and 11 OB, Eng- lish 251, and either Communication 100, 170, 181, or 280. The major con-
sists of 36 units, 30 of which must be upper division. Students must take three units in each of the following courses: English 252 , 340, 351, 360, 370, 400, 450, 470 and Communication 230. Three additional units must be completed in any one of the following courses: English 353, 354, 360, 370, 420, 430, 440 or 460. Six units must be completed in any of the following courses: English 342, Communication 330,331,334,388,431, or 457. English/Communication Secondary Credential (33 units) The English Deparunent in coop- era tion with the Communication Department provides a program lead- ing to a Single Subject Ca liforni a Teaching Credenti a:I in English/ Com- munications. This program provides considerable flexibility for those plan- ning to teach English in high school. Students who complete this program are ab le to waive the Nationa l Teacher's Exam (NTE), which other- wise would be required for a Califor- nia Teaching Credential. In addition to the general educa- tion requirement of 12 units in Eng- lish I IO A/ B, English 250: American Literature and Communication 100, an English core of 22 units (English 251,252, English 320,351 or 353,354, one unit of English 470, and nine units to be selected from English 340, 342,360,370,400,420,430,440,451, 452, and 460) is required. For a total of 33 units in the major, an additional II units are to be selected from areas in Communication: (I) journalism/ writing, (2) drama, (3) speech com- munication / forensics, (4) speech communication/ vocational. The stu- dent must consult with the Depart- ments of English , Communica ti on and Education for specific courses allowed in the four areas listed above. Tlwsestudents interested in a teaching credential should be advised that all single mbject teaching credential programs are undergoing revision. Consult theEducation Depa,tment for details on current programs. Humanities Major/English Concentration The Department of English offers an English concentrat ion for the Humanities major (see Humanities sec- tion for specifics). It is basicallya minor in English, but more flexibility is possi- ble through department advisement.
requisite: sophomore standing. 330 Psychological Foundations of Education (3)
330 and consent. Fee: $20. 435 Secondary Curriculum (4)
Application of psychological principles to the educative process, role of the teacher and learner, human growth and development, learning styles, moti- vat ion , memory, transfer of learn ing, measurement and evaluation, research and experimentation in learning the- ory. This class is designed to fulfill the University's writing competency requirement. Prerequisite: 300, Psy- chology 200, approved consent, and formal application and acceptance in to Education Department. 370 Teaching Assistant Preparation (1) Instituti on and practice in general and specific methods of teaching as an assistant to professors of large uni- versity classes . Taught jointly by instructors from the Education Department and the specific depart- ment using teaching assistants. 410 Mainstreaming (3) Focuses on competencies that teach- ers must develop to meet needs of exceptional pupils; special attention to needs of minority students, to cul- tural and ethnic differences, and to development of moral/spiritual va l- ues. Prerequisite: 330 and consent. 420 Teaching Reading in Elementary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading to students in elementary schools; attention to a variety of approaches and techniques; considera- tion of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds. A minimum of 35 hours of observation/ participation in schools is required . Prerequisite: 330 and consent.
Secondary school curriculum, class- room management, teaching meth- ods, use of media and other educa- tional ski lls in content areas. Amini- mum of 60 hours of observation/par- ticipation in public and Christian schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent. Fee: $20. 440, 442 Student Teaching , Elementary Schools (6,6) 450, 452 Student Teaching, Secondary Schools (6,6) Full time laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teach- ers and university supervisors. Weekly seminar required. Prerequisite: appli- cation and consent. Students doing student teaching are limited to a max- imum of 15 units that semester. 470 Computers in the Classroom (2) Knowledge and skills in computer use in education settings; includes com- puter app li cations in curriculum , managing instruction, record keep- ing, generating instructional materi- als, and use within appropriate grade levels and subject areas to develop process skills. Prerequisite: consent. 480 Directed Study (1-3) Consideration of topics in school cur- riculum according to needs of individ- ual students. Prerequisite: consent.
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