Computer Science (54 units)
458 Peasant and Tribal Cultures (3) Analys is of the cu ltural institutions and values in tribal, peasant and newly emerg in g economies, with special consideration as to their openness or resistance to change. 460 Urban Practicum (3) A program of crosscultura l intern- hips in the urban metropoli tan area of Los Ange les. By pe rmi ss ion of instructor only. 461 Gender Roles in International Setting (3) The dynamics or male and female ro les in Western, non-Western and biblical cu ltures. Focus on responsi - bilities, ob li gations, expectatio ns, leadership and interre lati onsh ips as they relate to the society as a whole. 465 Integration Seminar: Gospel and Culture (3) Iss ues in the contempo rary world addressed from a cross cu ltural and bibli cal perspec tive. Field experience and case studies used to demonSU'ate integrative skills. Prerequisite: Senior standi ng. Requ ired of all majors. Non-majors by permiss ion only. 470 Seminar/lntercultural Studies: Selected Topics and Issues in Missions (1-3) Women in l1lam; The theoretical and practical concerns ofMuslimwomen. Short Term Missions Pre/wration: Orientation for short term mi ssions program. 471 Introduction to Bible Translation (3) An in troduction to the principles and problems of intercultural communica- tion with special emphasis on trans la t- ing the Bible into indigenous languages. 473-474 Practicum Seminar (1-3 , 1-3) 475 Multicultural Education (3) Focuses on the need to understand the techniques of teaching the mul ti- cultural populations which our urban schools serve . 480 Directed Research (1-3) 490 Practical Mission Training (1-6) Topi cs in mi ssio nary prepara ti on . Will not credit to major.
Chair: Walter Stangl, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Thurber Associate Professors: Stangl, Woo OBJECTIVES The Deparonent of Mathematics at Biola University provides several ,u-eas of conce1mation in addition to a basic core cuJTiculum. The student is allowed con- siderable flexibility in the major, depend- ing upon vocational or professional goals. Resources a1"<1il able to the depart- ment include two Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 3100 workstations, three Hewlett Packard 9000 workstations, and a Digital Equipment Corporation Decstation 2JOO all networked together. We also have IBM, PC, PC-AT and Mac- intosh microcomputers. Operating sys- tems include VMS, UNIXand DOS. The department endeavors to pro- vide (I) a sn·ong foundational core cur- ricul um for the snident desiring to pur- sue graduate study in both the pure and applied fi elds of mathematical science, (2) course work and n-aining to prepare students for applied mathematical sci- ences (s tati st ics , computer sc ience, operations research and actuarial sc i- ence) and the field of teach ing, (3) sup- port courses for the curriculum or other majors (biological science, physical sci- ence, engineering, business and nurs- ing) and (4) courses basic to gaining some knowledge of mathematics as part of a liberal arts education. The depart- ment provides an attractive and thor- ough offering in mathematics as part of God's creation and there is a concerted effort to integrate faith and learning. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelnr ofScience degree in Mathemat- ical Sciences is offered upon completi on of the university baccalaureate and the math major in one of the emphases. Those who plan to pursue graduate stud ies should take at least two of 410, 450 or 480 regard- less of the area of co n cen □-ation. MAJORS Applied Math (48 units) Students who are interested 111 prepa1ing for careers in business or indus- uy should choose this emphasis. Courses in troduce a variety of areas of applied mathema tics. This emphasis must com- plete: Math 105, 106, 11 2, 131, 205, 291, 305, 315, 321, 331, 332, 333, 435 or 440, one course (3 uni ts) at the 300 or 400 level in Math, and Computer Science 105.
This emphasis allows a mathematics major the opportunity to focus on the more mathematical aspects of computer science. This emphasis must complete: Math 105, 106, 11 2, 131, 205, 29 1, 305. 315, at least two of 321 , 331, 332, 333; Computer Science I05, I06, 202, 400; and three courses (9 units) at the 300 or 400 level in math or computer science. Mathematics (48 units) This emphasis allows the student nexibili ty in the selection of upper-divi- sion courses. The student planning to pursue mathematics in graduate school wou ld find this particularly appropri- ate. A faculty advisor will aid the stu- dent in making these choices. This emp hasis must complete: Math I 05, 106, 11 2, 131, 205,291,305,315; Com- puter Science 105; and six courses (18 uni ts) in math at the 300 or 400 leve l. Mathematics Secondary Teaching (60 units) Students who wish to prepare to teach mathematics at the high-school level shou ld select this emp has is. These students work toward a prelimi- nary single-subject crede nti al and should consult the Education Depart- ment. This emph asis must complete: Math 105 , 106, 11 2, 131,205,291, 305,315, 33 1,332,4 15,420, two courses (6 units) at the 300 or 400 leve l; Compu ter Sc ience 105, and Education 300, 330,425, and 435. Those students intemsted in a teaching cmdential should be advised that all single subject teaching credential progmms me 1md111goingrevision. Consult the Education De/Jmtment for details on cunen I /Jrogmms. All concen trati ons must in cl ude 24 upper division un its. Note: The general education req1tire- ment for a. foreign language for those fol- lowing a mathematical sciences ma.jor may be met /Jy two years of high school lang1tage or the fmt four units of a colkge lm1guage. The science/mathematics requirement may be me/ /Jy three units ofscience. MINOR A Mathematical Sciences Minar is offered with the comp letion of 27 uni ts, six of which must be upper divi- sion . Students must consult with a department adviser. The basic CUJTicu- lum for a minor is 105, 106, 131, 205, 291 , two courses (6 uni ts) at the 300 or 400 level and Computer Science I05.
90 Intermediate Algebra (3) Review of elementary algebra, graphs and polynomials. Study of linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, factoring, fractions , exponents and radicals. Prerequisite: one year of high school algebra. ot counted for general educat ion requirement or toward graduation. Fall. 101 Precalculus Mathematics (3) Sets, the real number system, relations, functions, graphs, algebraic processes, inequali ties, trigonometric fun ct ions, matrices and determinants, complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions, introduction to sequences. Prerequisite: th ree years of high school mathematics or consent. Cannot be counted toward the major. Spring. 102 Topics in Mathematics (1-2) Se lected top ics in mathematics. Arr anged in conjunction with the individual needs of the student. Pre- requisite: consent. 103 Calculus for Management Sciences (3) Fundamental principles of differential and integra l calcu lus. App li cat ions chosen mainly from the management sciences. Prerequisite: passing profi- ciency exam admini ste red by lath- emati cs Department or receiving a "C" or better grade in Math 90 the prior year. Fall , spring. 105 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (4) An introduction to analytic geometry, differe nti at ion and in tegrat ion of polynom ial fun ctions, with appli ca- tions. Prerequisite: four years of high sc hool mathematics or consent. Fall. 106 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4) Differentiation and integration of u-igonomeu·ic; logarithmic and exponen- tial fu nctions; variousmethods of integra- tion, sequences and series; and vectors in die plane. Prerequisite: I 05. Spring. 111 Fundamentals of Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (3) Set theory, re lations and funct ions, number systems and algebraic struc- tures, numeration sys tems, elementary number the01y, in formal geomeoy, use of manipulatives. For elementa1y edu- cation majors only. Cannot be counted towa rd the mathematics major. Fall.
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