350 A Advanced Keyboard Skills (1) Th is course is designed to teach church service playing sk ill s at an advanced level to pianists and organ- ists. Areas of work include: harmoniza- tion, transposition , modulation, impro- visation, hymn playing, accompanying (solo and choral) and repertoi re. 360 A, B Piano Accompanying (2) Study and performance of piano accompanimem for vocal and instru- mental literature; discussion of styles and performance practices; experi - ence in public performance. 370 Junior Recital (0) Preparation for jun ior level app li ed 1rntjor 30-mi nute recital. Credit/ no credit; no tuition. 381 Church Music Principles - Philosophy and Practice (3) Music of tJ1 e Bible. Music in multicul- tural churches. 382 Church Music Leadership - Administration (3) Planning and organ izing worsh ip ser- vices and other church events involv- ing music. Conducting music ensem- bles and co ngregational singing. Working with the pastoral staff and volumeers. Communication skill s. 383 Congregational Music (3) Hymns, songs, praise and worship music, ethnic music, accompaniments. 384 Church Music Literature (2) Choi r, keyboard instruments, drama resources , an , symboli sm, banners,
Section Bwill build on Section A material by focus ing on sub-text and character analyzation in musical the- ater material. It will also deal with more musica ll y complex material. Prerequisite: sectionAor consent. 393 Musical Theater Performance and Production (1-3) The rehearsal and performance of major musical theater works and/ or revues. Audition required. 410 Music Cultures of the World (3) An introductory studyof tl1 e interrela- tionships between music and culture through the exam ination of the music of varying cultures. Basic elements of music as they are found in wo rld cul- tures wil l be studied wi th spec ific application to the work of the church. 420 Special Studies in Music Literature (2) An in-<lepth study of music litemure as it relates to specific instruments, ensem- bles, periods of history, geographical locations, indi,~dual composers or ethnic groups. One or more sections offered eve1y year in areas such as piano litera- ture, choral liternture, organ liternture, instrumental literature (strings, wood- winds, brass, percussion instruments), American music, the symphony, th e suing quartet, the concerto, u1e sonata. 430 Pedagogy (2) For the private teacher. Prnctical pro- cedures in training a student in gen- era l mu sicianship , memorization, proper practice habits, sigh t-readi ng and other areas peculiar to specifi c instruments. Survey of graded litera- ture an d methods. Sections wi ll be offered in areas such as: piano, organ, voice,wind and orchestral insu·uments. 440 Church Music (2) The biblical founda ti on for chu rch music; its historical development; cur- rent trends; the development of a church music program. 450 Music Practicum (1-3) Fieldwork experience in music under the supervision of the music faculty and professionals in the fi eld. Open to juni or and se ni or music majors with the consem of the music faculty. 460 Principal Applied Instruction (1-3) Beyond degree requirements , any music degree objective . Same areas of instruction as und er 121 and 131 above. (For music majors.) 470 Senior Recital/Final Project (0) Preparatio n for seni or leve l music education major (30-mi nute recital).
480 Oirected Research (1-3) Independent study in areas such as history, literature, pedagogy, church music. Each studem assigned to a fac- ulty member for guidance and eva lua- tion. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and consent of instructor. 481 Internship in Musical Theater (1-3) The placeme!ll of students in a profes- sional or semi-professional work arena, and/ or study outside of tl1e university setting. Students will be ass igned lO work specifica llywi th a theater organi- zation in production and performance. Each intern will be provided supervi- sion and evaluation by the theater organization supervisor as we ll as by Biola's Musical Theater Coordinator. 490 Senior Recital (2) Preparation for senior leve l perfor- mance major (60-minute recita l). Credit/ no credit cou rse. Ensembles 001 Biola Chorale (1) Performance of standard choral litera- ture representing a var iety of styles and periods. Membership by audition. 002 Chamber Music Ensemble (1) Encompasses a wide vari ety of chamber grouping and chamber music liternture. The fo ll owi ng ensemble combinations are commonl y organi zed under this heading: brass quintet, wood11~nd quin- te t, flute ensemble, string quartet, per-
cussion ensemble , piano chamber ensemb les. Open to keyboard and other insu-umental students byaudition. 003 Chamber Orchestra (1) Performance of standard chamber music literature encompassing a wide variety of styles and periods. Member- shi p by audition . 004 University Singers (1) Performance of tradi tional and con- temporary Gospel music. Member- ship by audition . 007 Jazz Ensemble (1) To provide music education majors and other imerested studen ts experi- ence in jazz techniques and literature. A large vol ume and wide variety of lit- erature is played, discussed and evalu- ated as to its prospective use al the various levels of secondary and colle- giate education . At least one public performance per semester is sched- uled. Membership by audition. 008 Symphonic Winds (1) Performance of standard wind ensem- ble literature. For advanced wind and percussion players. Membership by audition. 009 Handbell Choir (1) Performance of a wide spectrum of handbell literall!re as separate ensem- ble and in conjunctio n with other instrumental and vocal ensembles. Membership by audition .
audio-visual techniques. 390 Opera Workshop (1-3)
The study and performance of cham- ber operas, one-act operas, scenes from major operas and selected Broadway musicals. Open to al l stu- dents by audition. 391 Musical Theater Literature (2) The study of song literature of tl1e musi- cal theater repertoire. Each semester will focus on a different hi storical period or particular composer(s). The context and contribution to the devel- opment of the musical theater genre of each histo1ical pe1iod and/ or composer will be examined. Lecture, demonsua- tion, audio and video recordings, and student performance wi ll be employed. 392 A/B Musical Theater Performance Techniques (2) Sec ti on A will include the study of basic performance techniques and the anal ys is of musica l theater material. Included will be stage presence and audition preparation .
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