Chair: Rebekah Fleeger, Ph.D. FACULTY Associate Professors: Fleeger, Gewe, Westcott (Associate Chair), Zukerberg Assistant Professors: Cozad,Johnson, Mi ersma Instructor: Chen OVERVIEW Biola University offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Nwsing which is accred- ited by the Ca li fo rni a Board of Regis- tered Nursing and the National League for Nursing. The program is designed to prepare graduates for a career in pro- fess ional nursing. The generic studem may select a fo ur or fi ve year op tion. The Nursing Department should be consulted for these options. Graduates of li censed vocat ional, di ploma and associate degree nursing programs may be admined as transfer students and evaluated individual ly. Policies are avail- able from the Nursing Deparunem. Clini cal nursing experi ences are provided 111th the cooperation of hospi- tals and agencies throughout both Los Angeles and Orange Counties. In com- pliance with State Board regulati ons, the candidate will be eligible to take the examination required by the Board of Registered Nursing fo r licensure as a reg istered nurse. Upon graduati on, appli ca tion can be made for certi fi ca- tion as a publi c health nurse. Both acceptance to and continuation in the nursing major will be determined by the student's preparation , performance and personal qualities, as assessed by the fac- ul ty of the Department of Nursing. PHILOSOPHY The philosophy of the Department of Nursing is in agreement with that of the University. As such, we beli eve nurs- ing is concerned with the wellbeing of the total person. Each individual is an integrated, unique person, created in God's image, and endowed byGod with dignityand worth. The enuy of sin into the world has placed a constraint on the indi1 dual 's total wellbeing which can onlybe remedied by the power and love of God th rough fa ith in Jesus Christ. God has crea ted all persons with the potential for dynamic growth and devel- opment throughout their lives, and with the right to make decisions which influ- ence th eir wellbeing. All persons require social interaction to achi eve and maintain we ll being. The familywithin the context of its cultural environment
is the fundamental unit through which the socialization process is advanced. We believe that caring, as exempli- fied in the li fe of Jesus Chri st, is the essence of nursing. The focus of nurs- ing activity is the three client systems and the dp1amic in teraction between them within the context of their em1ronment. These three systems (personal, imerper- sonal and com1mmity) also are interact- ing constantly with internal and external su·essorswhich may affect tl1e integri ty of tl1e systems. It is our 11ew that the pur- pose of nursing is to support and pro- mote tl1e processes tliat facili tate tl1e sys- tems' abilities to achieve and main ta in adaptive equilibrium. This is accom- pli shed thro ugh use of th e nursing process which is ongoing and involves assessing, di agnosing, planning, imple- menting, and evaluating. Effective use of tl1is process enables the nurse to work with client sys tems at 1mying locations on tl1e healtl1-illness continuum. Nursing is a dynami c profession based on a growing body of scientific knowledge. It is our belief that Bibli cal studies, together with the behavioral, biological and physical sciences are hm- damenta! to the development of nurs- ing's own unique body of knowledge . Nursing is both art and sc ience ; its uniqueness does not reside in any spe- cifi c component of theory or ac tion, but can be found only in the whole. As one of the major health care profess ions, we beli eve nursin g is accoun table to God and to society fo r pro11sion of quali ty health care servi ces in a broad variety of settings. Baccalau- reate nurses endeavo r to mee t thi s responsibili ty th rough involvement in leade rship, collaboration, education, and research utilizati on ac ti vi ti es to improve clini ca l practice, influence health care policies, and furth er the development of nursing science. In a rapidly changing world , ade- quate and equitable delivery of healtl1 care is a critical problem. We believe tl1at equal access to health care services is the right of every indi11duaI in society. Through its unique contribution, nurs- ing can and must be an effective social force in promoting the quali ty and avail- abili ty of health care se1vices for all per- sons. To effect positive changes nurses must participate in all aspec ts of the health care delivery system includ ing: (I ) evaluating the adequacy of health care servi ces for the community; (2) projecting needs for additional or new services; and (3) taking appropria te action to insure adequacy of servi ces.
1 learning is behavioral change in the cognitive, affec ti ve, and psychomotor domain s. Learning is a pu rposeful , d)~lamic process and involves changes in knowledge , skill s, attitudes, va lues and/ or beliefs. Learning occurs more effi ciently, is more pervasive and more enduring when the learn er act ively partic ipates in all phases of the learn- ing process. Previous experience pro- des the foundation for current learn- ing. Learning is facilitated when expe- ri ences move from the famili ar to the unfamili ar and from simple to com- pl ex . Learning whi ch emph asizes dis- cove1y of organizing principles rather than spec ifi c content fac ilitates th e transfer of learning to novel situations. We beli eve criti cal and creat ive thinking are essential for the profes- sional nurse. Deve lopment of these skills is fos tered in a supportive learn- ing environment whi ch (l ) provides opportuni ty for involvement in critical thinking and problem soh1ng th rough- out the learn ing process; (2) stimulates the processes of inqui1y and di scove,y; (3) provides exposure to a var iety of problems in a variety of se ttings; (4) encourages maturation of tl1e abili ty to utili ze internal and external evaluative nature of persons, we beli eve students and facul ty members are uniquely cre- ated by God and endowed byGod 111 tl1 digni ty and wortl1. As Christian educa- tors we va lue the distinctive cultural, ethnic, and social backgrounds of each person and recognize tl1at tl1is diversity enriches our learning environment. It is the role of the educator to provide a learning cl imate of Christian ca ring which: (! ) enhances students' abi lities to use their own unique learning styles effec ti ve ly; (2) promo tes students' accomplishment of personal goals; and (3) fac ili tates students' utili za ti on of resources and personal support systems to enhance their abil ity to mee t their individual learning needs. It is our beli ef that the goa l of This requires nursing involvement with communi ty action groupsand witl1 local and national legislative processes. We believe initial preparati on of professional nurses to meet th e health ca re needs of society is best accom- plished through the learning acquired in baccalaurea te education. As nurse educa tors it is our responsibility to provide an environment whi ch fac ili- tates the learning necessary to prepare graduates fo r pro fess ional pract ice and advanced profess ional educa tion. Consistent with our belief about the
feedback; and (5) promotes increasing self-di rection and independence. The educa tor as a rol e model enhances th e lea rning process by demonsu-ating Christian caiing and tl1e skills of inqui1y and discove1y. Acting as an ex pert lea rn er, fac ilitator , and resource person, the educator guides the student learner d1rough the educational expe1ience. We believe tl1at education is a life long process which facilitates the ongoing development of the learner's potentialities for continued growth as a person, citizen, and professional nurse. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE I. To provide a bibli ca ll y-ce n- tered liberal and professional educa- tion as a fo undation for professional practi ce, advanced educati on, and productive living. 2. To deve lop gradu ate s who value individual diversity, who respect each pe rson as uni quely created in God 's image, and who endeavor to ass ist cl ients to meet thei r needs. 3. To provid e a broad th eo ry base as a fo undation fo r the dynamic nurs ing practice which is required to mee t current and futu re health care needs of society. 4. To foste r the spiri tua l com- miune nt, moral di scernment, in te ll ec- tual inqui1y and competence in cri ti- cal and creative thinking essential for con ti nued growth as persons, citizens, and professionals. 5. To prepare graduates who are safe, competent prac ti tioners and who are equipped for involvement in lead- ership , co llaborati on, education, and research utili za tion ac tivities required to ful fi ll the responsibiliti es of bac- ca laurea te profess ional nurses in a broad var iety of settings. Program Objectives To demonsu·ate tl1e caring which is essential to tl1e practi ce of professional nursing the graduate is expected to: I. Base nursing prac ti ce on a phil osophi cal fo undat ion consistent with Bi ola University and the Depart- ment of Baccalaureate Nursing beliefs about the nature of persons and the nature of nursing. 2. Integ rate kn ow ledge fr om Bibli ca l studies, and th e behavioral, bi ologica l, and phys ica l sc iences toge ther with knowl edge from nurs- ing science and utili ze th is knowJ-edge as a basis for nursing practice. 3. Base nursin g prac ti ce on a formul ation of theoreti cal knowledge incorporating communica tion/ collab-
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