

150 Advanced Physical Education Skills and Techniques (1) Advanced skill s, individual and team strategy and rules in selected ac tivity classes. Lab fee: $15 (exception: bowl- ing, racque tball , golf, $35) . 180 Recreation Leadership and Programming (2) Basic qualifi cations of the successful leader of recreational groups; aims of a successful program; techniques of organizing and supervising the pro- gram. Recommended for youth club leaders and directors, and playground and camp assistants. 201 Elementary School Activities (2) Games, basic rhythmic skills and phys- ical activities designed for the elemen- tary child; preparation for the upper division professional methods course in the teaching of physical education. (Education majors on ly.) 205 History and Philosophy of Physical Education (3) AhistOiical review of physical education and sports; objectives of physical educa- tion; development of a basic philosophy and background for professional educa- tion. Offered alternate years. 301 Kinesiology (3) Human movement with emphasis on the structure and fun ct ion of th e ske leta l, muscu lar and nervo us sys- tems, with simple mechanical princi- ples involved in moveme nt ski lls. Pre- requisite: Bi9logy 252, 281 (see pre- requisites). Offered alternate years. 302 Physiology of Exercise (3) Immediate and long-range effects of muscular activity on the human organ- isms. Prerequisite: Biology 252, 281 (see Prerequisites) . Offered alternate years. 306 Elementary School Physical Education (2) Elementary school physical education procedures including pos tural and rhythmi c exerc ises, fundamenta ls of games, techniques covering the sim- plest prima,y skills through the more difficult seasonal sports, such as base- ball, basketball , footba ll and volley- ball; deve lopment of a program of physical education on the elementary school leve l. Offered altern ate years. 307 Tests and Measurements in Physical Education (3) Lecture, laboratory and field expe,ience in the developmen~ evaluation and appli- cationof tests in health and physical edu- cation;use and interpretation of elemen- tary statistics. Offered alternate years.

308 Sports Officiating (Men) (2) Rules, scoring and mechani cs of offici- ating athletic events; selected activi ti es and pract ices in actual officiating required. Offered alternate years. 309 Sports Officiating (Women) (2) Rul es, scoring and mechani cs of offici- ating athletic events; selected activities and practice in actua l offic iating . required. Offered alternate years. 310 Analysis of Soccer (2) Emphasis on the analysis of individual skill s and team play; var ious tech- niques of offensive and defensive tac- tics and strategy. Prerequisite: 110. Offered alternate years. 311 Analysis of Basketball (Men) (2) Histo ,y, rules, elementary mastery of individual and team play; and methods of teach ing basketball. Prerequisite: 110 or 150. Offered alternate years. 312 Analysis of Track and Field (2) Rul es governi ng individual events and the conduct of meets; elemental mas- tery of fo rm ; mechanica l principles invo lved; methods of coaching the various even ts. Prerequisite: 110 or experience. Offered alternate years. 313 Analysis of Baseball (2) History, rules, nomenclature, care of fi eld ; elemen tal maste,y of each posi- tion including base nmning, sl iding and base coaching; offensive and defensive play; su-ategy and methods of coaching softball. Offered alternate years. 314 Analysis of Wrestling (Men) (2) Essentia l techniques of wrestling; development of a team; conditioning and conduct of practice sessions; mechanical principles which govern performance. Prereq ui site: 11 0 or experience. Offered alternate years. 316 Analysis of Teaching Individual and Team Sports (2) A theory an d laborato ry co urse designed to acquaint students with teaching progression, practice tec h- niques, selection and care of equipment for selected sport activities. Prerequi- site: Completion of all required 100 level courses. Offered alternate years. 317 Analysis of Football (Men) (2) Analys is of teaching individual sk ill s and team play; various techniques of offensive and defensive tactics and strategy. Offered alternate years. 320 Analysis of Tennis (2) The organi zation and conduct of ten- ni s, competition , progression drill s, and prac ti ce techn iques; coach ing; selection and care of equipment. Pre- requisite: llO. Offered alternate years.

321 Analysis of Gymnastics (2) The organization and conduct of gym- nastics; balance and posture. Prereq- uisite: 110. Offered alternate years. 323 Analysis of Volleyball (2) A theory and laboratOiy class designed to acquaint students with progression, practice techniques, selection and care of equipment and the teaching and coaching of vo lleyball. Prerequisites: 110, 150. Offered alternate years. 324 Analysis of Rhythmical Activities (2) Instrumental material s and methods su itab le fo r all areas of rhythmica l activities. Prerequisites: 110 , 20 1. Offered alternate years. 325 Analysis of Softball (Women) (2) A theory and laboratOiy class designed to acquaint students with progression, practice techniques, selection and care of equipment and the teaching and coaching of softba ll. Prerequi sites: 11 0, 150. Offered alternate years. 326 Analysis of Basketball (Women) (2) Atheo,y and laborntory course designed to acquaint students 1vith progression; prnctice techniques; selection and care of equipment and th e teaching and coach ing of basketball. Prerequisites: 110, 150. Offered alternate years. 330 Psychology of Coaching (2) Analysis of factors in coaching in areas of motivation, attitude fo rmation and behavior, leade rship and techniques of coach ing. 400 Administration and Principles of Physical Education (3) Implementing the ac tivity program through proper organ ization; use of tests and measurements; purchase and care of equipment; public relations at all levels; auxi liary activity programs offered by organizations outside the school; the place of the intramurnl and inter-school program; developniem of principles which serve as a basis of the profession. Lecture/demonstrations team-taught with cooperating depart- ments. Offered altern ate years. 401 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3) Theo,y and practice of principles and techniques pertaining to athl etic con- ditioning; ca re of athl etic injuri es. Offered alternate years. Fee: $50. 402 Advanced Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3) Advanced th eory and applicati on of current techniques in the prevention and treatment of athletic injuri es. Prerequisite: 401. Fee: $50.

405 Adapted Physical Education (3) Analysis of the p1inciples underlying the physical education program for the handicapped; suniey of specific disabi li- ties and the implication of each for phys- ical education. Offered alternate years. 408 Motor Learning (3) Overview of signifi cant factors wh ich influence and determine the learning of motor skills. Bas ic principles of learning theOiy, transfer, cues, coding, practice, reminiscence, perception, motivation, reinforcement, exti nction and similar concepts applied to motor performance. Prerequisite: 307. 420 Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Sport (3) The socio-psychologica l aspects of sport relates sociological and psycho- logical theory and principles to the con text of sport. Indi vidual and group behavi or in social and cultural settings associated with sport for both the able-bod ied and phys ica lly chal- lenged athlete are addressed. 480 Research in Physical Education (1-3) Independen t study, readings and/or research in -the field. Senior standing with consent and consulta tion. Maxi- mum of six uni ts.


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