



COURSES 200 Introduction to Psychology (3) A survey of psychology as an empiri- cal/ behavioral science wi th a consid- eration of underlying philosophi cal bases in li ght of a Chr is ti an wo rld view. Topi cs to be surveyed in cl ude deve lopment , cogniti on, lea rning, moti va tion, physiology, sociali za ti on, personali ty and psychopathology. 206 Psychology and Christian Thought (3) An introducti on to the nature and process of the application of Christian thought to the study and prac ti ce of psychology. Pre requisites: 200 and Biblical Studies IOI. 210 Statistics with Computer Applications (4) Elementary statisti cs for psychological research; li terature and computer analy- sis in sampling, probabili ty, descriptive statistics, basic nonparametric statistics, t-tests, correlation, regression equations and data processing. Not for general educa tion math/ science requirement. Three hours lecture, two hours labora- tory. Either semester. 303 Human Sexuality (3) An examin ati on of human sex ual functioning, behavior, relati onships, and fee lings. Issues of sexuality are discussed within spiritual, psychologi- ca l, cul tura l, and medi ca l/ hea lth related perspectives. Prerequisite : 200 or Biology JOO or 111. 305 Experimental Psychology (4) Philosophy, methodology and analysis of the experimental method. Discussions of problems in conducting and evaluat- ing psychological research. Three hours lecture, two hours laborato1y. Prerequi- site:210. Sp1ing semester. 306 Introduction to Measurement (3) Theory and principles of measurement including the construction, reliabili ty, va lidity and appli cation of measu re- ment devi ces in various professional set- tings. Prerequisite: 210. Fall semester. 309 Abnormal Psychology (3) ature, causes and tr ea tment of abnormal behavior, including the full range of mental di sorde rs identified within current categori cal systems. 310 Learning (4) Empiri cal fin dings and th eo reti cal development in the area of learning and their application to human behav- ior. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Prerequi site: 305. Lab fee: $10. Fall semester.

313 Psychology of Religious Experience (3) An examination of the nature and scope of religious experience including such issues as the development of religious con- cepts and values, conve rsion, the experi- ence of prayer and spiritual maturi ty. Attention is also given to issues in the inte- gration of psychology and theology. 315 Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3) Astudyof the application of the prin- ciples of psychology in industrial and organi zational settings. Prerequisite : 200 or consent. 319 Crosscullural/Elhnic Issues in Psychology (3) The psychological dynamics involved in the formation and reduction of preju- dices, di scrimination, and stereotypes will be ex pl ored. Th e course is designed to increase student a1vareness of the histori cal treatment of crosscul- tural issues within a psychological con- text, and to sensiti ze students to ethnic minorities and issues. Prerequisite: 200. 320 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan (3) A study of the theo ry and research conce rning life-span deve lopment. Co nsidera tion will be give n to the phys ical, emotional, cognitive, social and moral aspects of human develop- ment across the entire span from con- cepti on to death. Di sc uss ion will include timely issues of personal rele- vance to the student 's own develop- mental pathway. Spring semester. 321 Developmental Psychology: Childhood·(3) An in-d epth stud y of th eo ry and research conce rning the childhood period from conception through pre- adolescence. Particular attention will be given to the issues of parent-child bondin g and th e impac t of fa mil y dynami cs and interac ti on upon the deve lopment of children. Geneti c- maturational factors along with their in te rac tion with experi ential fac tors will be examined as to their effec t upon behavior. Both pathogenic and adapti ve patte rn s will be addressed with a view to facili ta tin g optimal development and sociali za tion of chil- dren. Fall semes ter, alternating years. 322 Developmental Psychology: Adolescence (3) An in-depth studyof theory and research conce rning the adol escent peri od including the transition from childhood to adolescence and from adolescence to adulthood. Issues to be considered will include physiological , psychological and

Group II: Psychology of Religious Experience (313) Developmental Psychology: Life-Span (320) Developmental Psychology: Childhood (321) Developmental Psychology: Adolescence (322) Social Psychology (405) Group Ill : Experimental Psychology (305) Inu·oduction to Measurement (306) Advanced Statistics (502) Group IV: Abnormal Psychology (309) Theori es of Personali ty ( 411 ) Personali ty and Psychopathology I (515) All students are encouraged to take at /,east onecourse from thefollnwing: Group V: Human Sexuali ty (303) Industrial/Organi zational Psychology (315) Crosscultural/Ethnic Issues in Psychology (319) Seminar in Therapeutic Techniques (418) Seminar in Group Process ( 426) History and Systems of Psychology (530) All majors must complete an out- come examinati on prior to gradua- ti on to be taken during the student's last semester in the program. Graduate School Preparation The follnwing courses are recom- mended frn graduate school preparation: Experimental Psychology (305), Introduction to Measu rement (306), Lea rning (3 10) , Deve lopmental Psy- chology: Life-Span (320), Social Psy- chology (405), Theori es of Personali ty (411) , Phys iological Psychology (412) or Neurobiology (Bi ology 311 ), Hi s- tory and Systems of Psychology (530) . Undergraduate Permission to Take Graduate Courses Senior level undergraduate psychol- ogy majors may take certain graduate courses (listed at the end of this section) with permission. Aspecial fom1 may be obtained in the graduate Psychology Department. It must be filled out and signed by the student'sadvisor, dean of Rosemead, and instructor of the course. MINOR A Psychology Minor is offered with the completion of 18 uni ts, 12 of which must be upper division. Psychol- ogy 200 is a prerequisite for the minor.

A DMSION OF ROSEMEAD SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY Dean: Patricia L. Pike, Ph.D. Undergraduate Coordinator: Gary H. Strauss, Ed.D. FACULTY Professors: Guy, Poelstra Associate Professors: Grace, Ingram, Strauss OBJECTIVES The psychology majo r provides opportunities to study a broad spec- trum of issues conce rnin g human nature and fun ctioning from a di s- tinctlyChristian wo rld view. Since stu- dents select a psychology major fo r a variety of reasons, course offerings are designed to provide as much flexibil- ity as possible. Only three courses are required of all students (In troduction to Psychology, Psychology and Christ- ian Thought, and Sta ti stics with Com- pu ter Applications) . Students prepar ing for graduate sn1dy in psychology take a broad set of courses in the research and theory of psychology as we ll as foun dat ional courses in applied areas . Students majori ng in psychology as a terminal degree or those pre par ing fo r the mi nistry or other professional areas may select from both theoreti cal and applied cou rses those most suited to their vocational and personal goals. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bache/,or of Arts degree in Psy- chol,ogy is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. All students desiring to major in psychology must complete an application for admission to the major and mee t the requirements specified thereon . The appli cation fo rms are avai lable in the Undergraduate Psychol- ogy Program Offi ce . The psychology major requires the completion of a mini- mum of 35 uni ts beyond Introduction to Psychology (200), 24 of which must be upper division. Psychology 200 is pre- requisite to all other psychology courses. All majors are required to take Psychol- ogy and Christian Thought (206), Statis- tics wi th Computer Applica tions (210) and to select at least one course from each of the followinggroupsof courses: Group I: Learning (310)


Physiological Psychology ( 41 2) or Neurobiology (Biology 311 ) Mo tiva tion (410)

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