

General Studies

School of Continuing Studies

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GNST 101 Introduction to Career Planning (1-2)

Dean: Edward H. Norman , Ed.D. DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAM The School of Continuing Studies o!Ters a Bachelor of Science degree in Organim ional Leadership (BOLD) designed fo r the working adult who pl ans to complete hi s or her under- graduate degree. BOLD is an acronym for Bi ola Organizational Leadership Degree. The degree in Organi zational Leadership is an interdi sc ipli na ry major including the fields of Business, Ethi cs, Commun ica tion , Psyc hology and Bibli cal Studi es. DEPARTMENT OF INTERNA- TIONAL STUDENT EDUCATION The Departmem of International· Studem Education (OISE) under the Schoo l of Continu ing tudi es offers prog rams related to educa ti on of international sLUdents. For this pur- pose, OI SE prese ntl y provides the Engli sh Language Studi es Prog ram (ELSP) and the International Studcm Exchange Program (!SEP). ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES The English Language Studies Pro- grai11 atU'ilcts Ch,istian students from all counuies of l11e world. The English Lan- gi.rage Studies is a.ii intensive English pro- gram designed to develop students' pro- ficiency in l11e English language and to help 111cmachieve their degree at Biota. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM The International tudcnt Exchange Program (ISEP) is designed to prmide Biota Students wil11 the opportuni ty to study at a Christian university overseas. See SpecialStudies section of the camlog. DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAM Director: Don Willeu, M.A.; l>I.Div. OBJECTIVES Bi ota Uni ve rsit y, through th e School of Continuing Studi es, offers a major in Orga ni Lat ional Leadership to adult students who are return ing to complete th eir undergraduate degree. The BOLD m;tjor offers studems upper-di1~sion course work designed espe- ciallyfor adul t1 whowish to eai11 a degree whi le worki ng full time. Course work is aimed at development of ski lls in hum;m relations and mai1agement to work more e!Tectivcly as managers and in other roles.

A supplemental)' publi cation pro- vides more detail ed information on this program. For more in fo rmation, contact the BOLD Office. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS An applicant to the Organizational Leadership progrnm must be at least 25 years of age ai1d have 60 semester hours of u,msferable college credit fromaccred- ited ins titution before beginning the BOLDProgram. These uni ts can include College Level Examinations Program (CLE!') and Advanced Placement (AP) units. An applica tion fo 1111 must be com- pleted and l11e appl ication fee paid. The compl etion of references and offi cial transcripts from each institmion previ- ouslyattended must be sent to the School of Continuing Studies, Biota University. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Srienre degree in Orga- niwlional Leadership is offe red upon the completion of the university bac- ca laureate requirements and th e Organiza tio nal Leadership major. They include the fo llowing: A. Satisfactorily complete a mini- mum of 120 semes ter uni ts for gradu- ation. 8. Comp leti on of the Organi za- tional Leadership (4 1 units} major at Biota Uni versity. C. Obtain a "C" ave rage (2. 00 G. P.A.) or above on all wo rk ta ken within the major and at Biota University D. Completion of th e general educa ti on· requirements. G.E. Requirements Units Fi ne Arts 3 Communica tion 3 English Composition 6 Li terature 3 Histo,)' 8 Western CiviliLa tion(4) nited Sta tes (4) Behavioral Science* 3 Philosophy* 3 Math/ Science 8 Mathematics (3)* Science (3) Math/ Science (2) Foreign Language 4 (n1e general ed11mtion req11iremenl for a foreign la11guage may be met 1,y two years of the swnP high school /a11g11age or/our units ofa college /a11g11age.) *Two of the requim11e11/J in thefollowing three areas Behavioral Sc ience, Ma th- ematics, and Ph ilosophy may be met b)· cou1Jes in the BOU) /1rogram.

To provide swdents the opportu- ni ty to learn, exercise and refine skills to enhance their chances fo r a success- ful coll ege ex peri ence . To stimulate personal awareness and responsibili ty in the learning experience enhancing each sLU dem's ownership of his/ her education. Specifically, the courses will facilitate studem growth in: I ) broadly educating in the ans and sciences; 2) prm~ding fundamental skills necessar)' for competence in a major; 3) increas- ing kn owledge in bibli ca l studies by integrating fa it h and learning. COURSES GNST 001 College Study Skills (0) In structi on in effec ti ve swdy tec h- niques and reading skill s. Emphas is on the in co rporation of skills with cur- rent academic work. Fee: $60. GNST 003 Multicultural Internship (0) This two-semes ter imernship, Cultural Encounters, is designed to equip stu- dents from diverse backgrounds to bet- ter serve the Biola community and soci- ety at large by exposing them to the basic concepts of leadership, diversity and mul ticulturalism. In ternship grade is awarded on a credit/ no credit basis. Both semesters required of all S RGE Scholarship rec ip ients. Signawre of instructor is required. Fee: 50. GNST 005 Leadership Internsh ip (0) This two-semester internship program foc uses on lea dership , charac te r development and service. Participants will be challenged in a vari ety of ways by a series of leadershi p seminars, a leadership co nfe rence and small- group mento ring mee tings . In te rn- ship grade is awa rded on a credit/ no credit basis. Both semes ters required of all fi rst-year Leadershi p Scholarship rec ipienL1 . ignature of instructor is required. Fee: 50. GNST 100 University Life (1) An int roducti on to bas ic iss ues con- front ing first time uni ve rsity studen ts. Top ics in cl ude : transiti on strategies, ski lls necessaq· for academic and per- sonal success, and exposure to com- munity service and caree r exploration ac ti vi ti es. In structi on by ac ademi c advisors. Required of all first time sLU- den ts durin g th e fir st semeste r at Biola who do not have 12 transferabl e un its at a college (not in cl uding AP, CLEP or 18). Not cou nted towa rd total number of' uni ts to graduate.

Understanding of the world of workand an indi11dual's place in it. Emphasis on a bibl ical perspec ti ve of work, under- stand ing of self as it relates to career opportuni ties and how to successfully pursue them. GNST 300 Writing Competency Requirement (0) Before grad uat ion eve ry studen t is required to fulfill the Writing Compe- tency Requirement. This requiremem measures a student's ability to write clear and correct English prose; it also tes ts whet her a swdent can wr it e according to th e conventions of his or her fi eld of study. Each department o!Ters its own vaii- ant of the requiremem, and students must fulfill the requi remem given in their majors. Usuall y, a departmem o!Ters its Writing Competency Require- ment as pan ofone or more of its upper- division courses. Students should consul t 11~th l11eir ach~sors about the specifi cs of l11e requirement in their m,~ors. The requirement shoul d be com- pl eted in the j unior year. It is advis- able to discuss the requi rement with one's advisor prior to thej unior yea r. After a student has fulfill ed th e requirement, credi t will be registered on th e student's u·anscript. Astudent who docs no t compl ete th e requ ire- ment must re-attempt to fu lfi ll it dur- ing a subseq uent semes ter. Afte r twice fa il ing to ful fill the Writing Co mpe tency Requir ement in the major, the student will be required to compl ete En gli sh 210 Writin g fo r Compe tency before graduat ion. Completing Engli sh 2IOwith a grade of "C+" or better wi ll be considered a fulfillment of the Writing Competency Requ irement for graduati on. Stu - dents with more than one major will need to fulfill th e requ irement in each major.

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