E. CompleLi on of the BOLD bibli- cal sLUdies learning oULcome. Alearn- ing 01.ilcome wo rksheeL is avai lab le from BOLD office. Note: Writing Comf1etency is met by romp/et-ion of the Senior Project. Some course requimnents may be met /Jy Credit for P1ior Leaming (CPL). GRADUATION HONORS For graduaLion honors, BOLD sLu- denLS who have earned a minimum of 48 graded units at Biola University and who have comp leted their pro- gram with a 3.95 GPA are graduated with high honors. Those completing their program with a 3.85 GPA are graduated wiLh honors. CURRICULUM The major consists of 18 required courses . Obtaining a degree in thi s major consisLS of 41 uni LS of which 24 units must be upper division in the BOLD program. Must include 210,220, 240, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360, 370, 380, 410, 420, 430, 440, 450, 470, 480. CREDIT FOR PRIOR LEARNING Undergraduate students working for a degree in Organizational Leader- ship have the opportuni ty to earn elec- ti ve credit toward graduation through the evaluation of prior learn ing acquired outside an institution of higher learning. Credit is awarded only after a student's record has been carefullyweighed by the
tions. Students 1,ill examine case studies taken from group and organizational behavior that demonstrate both the method and difficulties of integration and app lication. Students, throughout the course, 11~11 be encouraged to apply the principles of integration to their own experience in order to develop a mind- set of thinking Chiistianlyas an essential component of their life and education. ORLD 240 Foundations of lifelong Learning (2) Consideration of life development the- ory/career patterns and future u·ends as foundations for lifelong learning. Specific emphasis will be placed upon anal)~is of experiential learning outcomes. Guid- ance will be given for preparaLion of a portfolio which documents prior learni ng. ORLD 310 Biblical Concepts Seminar II (1) This sem inar is designed to identify bibli cal concepLS that provide a basis in spec ial revelation for human rela- ti onsh ips and interpersonal communi- caLion . ALLention will be given to the biblical description of human beings as designed and created by God, the nature and conseq uences of' the fa ll and the impact of salvation and sancti-
uals. The Senior Project is begun in week three of this module. Fee: $183. ORLD 350 Management Information Systems (3) Stude nt s exami ne the formal and informal functions of organi zations and analyze an agencyor organ ization based on a systems model. Students wi ll also analyze and so lve organi za- Lional problems using a step-by-step ap proach. Thi s ana lys is will be app li ed to student's Senior Project. ORLD 360 Statistical Methods and Research (3) Problem analysis and eval uation tech- niques are presented. Students are shown methods for defining, research- ing, anal yz ing, and evalua ting a prob- lem theywould solve in their work or a vocational emironment. Specific stati s- tical information covered in the course includes identi fy ing and measuring objectives, collecting data, working wiLh significance levels, analyzing va riance, and consu-ucting ques tionnai res. ORLD 370 Interpersonal Communication (3) This module invesLigates commun ica- tion and relati onships in creating a productive work environment. Effec- tiveness in personal and social rela- tionships is also covered through read- ings and exercises concerning non-ver- bal feedback, deali ng wiLh anger, and resolving conflict. Students develop a model for effective relationships. ORLD 380 Managerial Accounting (3) An overview of financial tools available to the manager in decision-making. Includes a studyof income statemenLS, balance sheets, cash fl ow, budgets, changes in financial posi Lion and ratio analysis. Emphasis is on reading and understanding accounting documenLS rather than upon their preparation, ORLD 410 Biblical Concepts Seminar Ill (1) The role of special revelation formu- lating eLhi cal va lues with focus on bib- li cal prin ciples with relevance for orga ni zatio ns. An exam in at ion of fundamental moral principles and their cu ltural expression as we ll as the biblical bas is for values and morality. ORLD 420 Symposium Ill (1) Case studies in Lhe mean ing of God, man and life 1,ith relevance to eth ical choices in our professional and personal lives. ORLD 430 Human Resource Management (3) StudenLS will explore the key elemenLS of the human resource managemen t function from personnel planning and forecast ing through the search and
selection process, compensation, orien- tation, pe1formance evaluation, training and degree, corrective action programs and termination . Specific attention will be given as to how biblical principles impacting relationships with people should be interwoven throughou t the human resource management process. ORLD 440 Principles of Management and Supervision (4) SLudents will study the nature of management principles and their appli- cation through the use of biblical con- cepts. Motivational theo1y and applica- tion , leadership qualities and styles and negotiation wi ll receive special aLtention. ORLD 450 Organizational Ethics (3) The capstone course in which the stu- dent formu lates a philosophy of life, providing the base fo r such concerns as ethi cs in organi za tions, accountabil- ity in government, respect for human rights , and a responsible lifestyle in our contempora1y world. Ethical the- ori es and personal va lues are exam- ined through readings, anal ysis of the work place and classroom discussion. ORLD 470 Senior Project I (2) The student is ass isted in selecLing a topic, the use of a compu terized data base, research techn iques and writing. Emphasis is on the integration of bib- li cal and other sources in the research whi ch is re lated to a specific issue, problem or opportunity. ORLD 480 Senior Project II (3) This fin al portion of the Senior Pro- ject gives the student opportunity to write a document detailing the con- clusions and recommendations. ORLD 499 Continuous Enrollment (0) Required for BOLD studenLS who have finished cl1eir cl1ree regular BOLD terms but 1,ill not be graduating. Fee: $50. ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES PROGRAM Director: Sung W. Lee, Ed.D. FACULTY Ass istant Professors: Cole, Moore OBJECTIVES The English Language Studies Pro- gram (ELSP) is designed to develop studenLS' proficiency in Engl ish and to better prepare them to ach ieve th ei r degrees at Biola. All non-native English speaking Christian students are invited to participate in th is intensive Engli sh program at Biola University.
fi cation on human beings. ORLD 320 Symposium II (1)
Specific passages illustrat ing var ious aspects of interpersonal communica- tion taken large ly from Old Testa- ment wisdom literature Uob, Psalms, Proverbs , Eccles iastes, Song of Solomon) and selected New Testa- ment passages wi ll be studi ed and their pracLical impli caLions for inter- personal communi cation discussed . Case stud ies will be considered and evaluated in the liglu of material from both general and special revelation. ORLD 330 Theology and the Christian life (3) A co nsideration of God's Person, ex isting as one God, yet mani fes ted in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the believer 's responsibili ty to the Church, Christ's body, as we ll as to the wor ld at large as an agent of reconciliaLion in God's broader king- dom program in the end Limes. ORLD 340 Group and Organizational Behavior (3) This module is a study of group behav- ior and how groups function effec- tively. Emphasis is placed on decision making and reso lvin g conflict in groups. Students develop st rategies fo r effic ient and productive group management and determine whi ch tasks are handled bygroups or indi11d-
faculty of the University. SENIOR PROJECT
Each student will complete a Senior Project which will emph asize research related to a real problem in the work- place or communi ty. Along with the knowledge and perspective ga in ed while completing the project, the stu- dent will develop ski lls in thinking, writ- ing, effecti ng change, research and writ- ing proposals. The project is developed over a course of nine months with the assistance of a senior project ad1~sor. COURSES ORLO 210 Biblical Concepts Seminar I (1) Consideration of li fe development the- ory/career patterns and future u·ends as foundations for lifelong learning. Specific emphasis 11ill be placed upon analysis of experiential learning ou tcomes. Gu id- ance will be given for preparation of a portfolio which documents prior learning. ORLO 220 Symposium I (1) This course will provide an opportuni ty to app ly the understanding arrived at through integration to real life si tua-
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