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IV. Th e Uni ted States Depan - menL ofJustice, Immigration and Na t- urali zation Service. Chapel The purpose of chapel is to pro- vide op portuni ties fo r wo rship , in structi on and exposure LO current issues, ministries, mi ssions and gifted indi viduals. Chapel is an important part of a student 's educa tional experi- ence, co ntr ibut ing sign ifi ca ntl y to individual spir itual formation and the un ity of the scmina1y community. Chapel sen~ces are conducted each Tuesday in Calvary Chapel auditorium. Additional special chapels are held as announced. Special chapel series, such as the Lyman Stewai·t Lectures and tl1e FacultySeri es (Fall and Sp1ing), are held Tuesday through Thursday. Joint uni- versity-wide chapel servi ces are held sev- eral times a year. Studenl5 are required LO attend Tuesday chapel sen1ces if tl1ey have cla1ses either immediately before or after tl1e chapel hour. This require- ment also appl ies to each day of tl1e spe- cial chapel seri es. Participation in the chapel scn1ces of the university commu- ni ty are highlyencouraged. Prayer Groups Volun tary small prarcr groups arc fo rmed each school year, and meet at a time determined by the group. Each group is led bya facu lty member. Student ChristianService The scmina1y recogn iLcs the neces- sity of active sen•ice in Christian work whi lr stude nts are purs uing their co urses of study. From the time or· enro llment sllldents arc asked to engage in some type of approved weekly minisuy. The high population density of Southern Cali fornia creates extensive sen1ce opportunities ofmanytypes. Field Education Field educa tion is that part of the student's academi c program in which there is ac tive participa ti on in a super- vised experience within a church se t- ting. A full-time ~I. Div. studem must reg ister for fie ld educa ti on eac h semester. (A part-time M.Div. student must register for fi eld educa ti on once within cve11• 16 uni l5 completed.) For specific course numbers see the Prac- ti ca l Theology section under course descr ipti ons . After compl etin g 64 units of cl ass work in the M.Div. pro- gram, students become eligible to reg- ister for fi eld educa ti on internshi p. Th is intensive supervised practice of the minist1y is composed of three cl us- ters of lea rning: l) supervised fi eld

Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Dean of the Facu lty: Michael J. Wilkin s, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors:Anthony,, Dirks, Finley, Holloman, Kunanek, Moreland, Pierce, Rigsby, Saucy, Wi lkins Associate Professors: Arnold, Cox, Dollar, Flo1y, Garland, Gomes, Hutchi son,Johnson, Lu ter, McIntosh, Rae, Russell Assistant Professors:Arnold , Boersma, Cunningham, Hellerman , Leyda, Rhee, Ten Elshof, Tolbert Instructor: Fong Adminisu-ative Associate: DennisGaines OBJECTIVES The pu rpose of Biola Unive rsity, in a broad perspec tive, is to edu cate Christian men and women in order to produce graduates who arc: I) compe- tent in their fi eld of study; 2) knowl- edgeable in bibli cal studies; 3) earnest Christians equipped to serve the Chris- ti an community and society at large. Both the nature and the purpose of Talbot School of Theo logy arc elabo- ra ted more specifi ca lly in the fo llowing paragraphs, and further expanded at va rious places throughout the catalog as noted under each heading. Theologically Talbot School of Theology is inter- denominational by nature and is thor- oughly committed to the proclamation of the great histori c doctrines of the Christian church. It definitelyand posi- tively affirms hi storic orthodoxy in the framework of an evange li cal and pre- millennial theo logy whi ch is der ived from a grammatico-historical interpre- tation of the Bible, it earn estly endeav- ors to make these great doctrinal U1Jths a vital reali ty in tl1c spiritual li fe of th is presen t genera tion. The scmina1y aims to train studenL1who be li eve and prop- agate the great doctrines of the fai th as they are summari,ed in our Statement of Doctiine and teaching position. Spiritually It is the purpose of Talbot to develop in tl1e lives of it1students a spi1i- tual life which is in harmonv with the h'Teat dowincs taught, in orde'r tl1at tl1ey may grow in the grace as we ll as in the knowledge of our Lord and Sa11or Jesus Christ. Specificall y, tl1c goal is to educate and graduate studenl5 charactcri1.ed by praCLical Chri stian service, mis iona11• and evange listic ,eal and an adequate knowledge of tl1e Sc1iptures. To accom- pl ish these objectives tl1e seminan• con-

duct1 a chapel program and gives atten- tion LO i15 studenLI' scn1ce opportuniti es. Academically It is the purpose of the semin ai)' to pro11de il5 swdent5 11~ tl1 the best in tl1e- ological educa ti on in order that th ey maybe equipped intelligently LO preach and teach the Word of God and present it Lealousl)' LO the world. In kee ping wit h this goa l, ever)' department is geared to empha1iLc tl1e clear and accu- rate exposition of the Scriptures. The bibl ical languages ai·e uti lized to expose the inner meaning of the inspired tex t, Bibl e exposition, whether by synthesis or analysis, prcscnt.1 a conn ec ted and related interpretation of the infallible Book. Systemat ic th eo logy moves toward a wel l organi Led and sm1ctured arrangement of bibli cal u·utl1 . Histori- cal theology engages it5e lf to acquain t the studenLwith the progress of the inerrant Word among tl1 e household of faitl1 throughout the Ch1istian era. Phi- losophy of religion furni shes the ele- ments whereby the servant of Chri st may give a we ll-marshall ed reason fo r the faith that is 111thin. Missions, practi- cal theology, and Christian education su·ivc to perfect in the studem a skill fu l and 11insome presentation of the u·lllh , private!)' and publi cly. Talbot stands for one faith, one in tegrated curriculum, one eternal Word of God and its effec- tive proclaina tion LO a modern genera- tion with il5 mul tipli city of needs. Practically It is the purpose of the scminaiy to prepare for the Gospel minisu1• those who believe, live and preach the great histo ric doctr in es of faith whi ch have been committed to the churc h. To rea li ze these broad objectil'es, the semi- nary offers eight deg ree programs, each with il5 own distinctive purpose. DEGREESOFFERED Talbot Schoo l of Theology offers the following degree programs: ■ Master of Divin ity ■ Master ofArn: Bibl e Ex pos ition, New Tes tament , Old Testament, Theology, Phil osophyof Religion and Ethics, and Bi blical and Theological Studies/ Dive rsifi ed emphases ■ Master of Arts in Christian Education ■ Master ofArt1 in Practi calTheology ■ Mas ter of Arts in Minisuy

Ca ndid ates for deg rees mu st demonstrate an exemplary Christian character, a commitment to commu- nica te the truth of the Word of God and manifest promise of usefuln ess in Christian service. Additi onal educa ti onal opti ons/ programs offered through Talbot are

highlighted below: Talbot After Hours

Late afte rnoon, even ing and Sat- urday classes are regul arly offered at the La Mirada campus. This arrange- ment prov id es an opp ort unity to obta in several courses each semester, when other responsibili ties prevent enr ollment as a full-time stu de nt. Cou rses offered are identical in con- tent to those provided in the daytime sc hedul e and are appl ica bl e toward the degree programs of the semina11•. Holy land Studies Ta lbo t Sc hoo l of Th eo logy will transfe r up to 12 un its of elect ive credit fo r graduate level courses take n at the In stitute of Holy Land Studies, .J eru sa lem, Israel. Study tours for credi t are also offered. OISTINCTIVES Accreditation Western A1sociat.ion of Schools and Colleges. Talbot, as a school of Biola University, is included within Biola Uni - ve rsity's accreditation by the Accredit- ing Commi ss ion fo r Senior Coll eges and Universi ti es of the Wes tern Associa- tion of Schools and Coll eges. A1Sociat ion of Theological Schools. Talbot is a member of theAssociation of Theological Schools ( IOSummit Park D1ive, Pitl5bu rgh, PA1527!'>- I103) in the United States and Canada, tl1e in terna- tionally recogni zed accredi ting body of seminari es and schoolsofdi11nity. Recognition Agencies of the Uni ted States Gov- crnmelll wh ich recogni7e the training given at Talbot incl ude: I. Th e Un ited States Depart- ment of Health Education and Wel- fa re, Office of Education. II. The Chaplaincy Br·anches of the Army. Navy and Air Force. Full-ti me semin ary studcms are eli gible Lo app l)' for commissions as second licutcnams or ensigns in the chapl aincy branches of the Army, Air Force or Navy, with eight wee ks of active dut)' tra ini ng optiona l dur ing th e summe r vacat ion. A course in chaplain cy ori enta tion is offe red by the department of practical theology. Ill . The VeteransAdministration.


■ Master ol'Theology ■ Doctor of Education ■ Doctor of Ministry

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