MEDIA CENTER The University Media Center offers a variety of audio- visual tools and methods to enhance the quality of communi- cation by faculty and students. Among these methods are the Media Center's physical resources. Thousands of com- puter indexed tapes, CDs, laser discs and films are open to use, as well as the latest presentation equipment and a pre- sentation preparation lab. These physical resources are avail- able at no charge. The Media Center is also available to work directly with faculty and students so that they will have the information and the training to create optimized presen- tations. The art of quality communication is also furthered by the Media Center's basic research. Quantifiable investiga- tions, informal feedback from faculty and students, and dia- logue with outside educational experts are synthesized to cre- ate new presentation tools and methods. THE ROLE OF MICROCOMPUTERS IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS OF THE UNIVERSITY Biola University believes that the microcomputer is an increasingly valuable tool and that one of our educational goals should be to prepare students for a world in which the computer will continue to play a significant role. Accordingly, it is our desire to integrate computer use into the university curriculum. Thus, the University provides access to microcomputers for every student and requires their use in freshman English. It is the intent of the University, over time, to require the use of these microcomputers over awide spectrum of the curriculum. BOOKSTORE The Biola Bookstore is open Monday through Saturday with evening hours Monday through Thursday for the convenience of the students, faculty, staff and public. All required textbooks, as well as general books and supplies, are available. The Book- store has a large selection ofChristian books and offers Bibles in a variety of styles and bindings. During school breaks and vaca- tions the Bookstore has shortened hours. Please call (310) 903- 4883 for information. Computer Store Located within the Bookstore, the Computer Store is designed to meet the computing needs of the academic com- munity, offering computers, software and accessories for pur- chase. Software, such as Microsoft, Aldus, Adobe, Lotus, WordPerfect, are available. The Computer Store keeps dif- ferent hours than the bookstore. For store hours and more information, call (310) 903-4884.
On the eastern side of the campus lie the athletic fields. Included are a crushed-brick, quarter-mile track; an excel- lent baseball diamond; a soccer field; and lighted tennis courts. In addition to more than 15 acres of recreational facilities on campus, there are off-campus facilities in the 105-acre La Mirada Regional Park, just across La Mirada Boulevard from the Biola campus. THE LIBRARY The Rose Memorial Library serves Biola University as the central library facility on campus, supporting the needs of all the undergraduate and graduate programs with extensive resources and a wide variety of services. In addition to more than 220,000 books, the library cur- rently subscribes to more than 1,090 periodical titles, with a number of bound journal back files dating from the nine- teenth century. Special holdings reflect Biola's enthusiasm and scholarly interest in Bible history and translation, the historical roots of fundamentalism and evangelical Christian- ity, and the worldwide witness of Christian missions. Auxiliary collections embrace extensive microform resources; selected Bible study tools in Braille; comprehensive pamphlet files including maps, charts, mission resources, and a wide variety of topics in the liberal arts; and special holdings of text and curriculum resources appropriate to teacher education. To facilitate study and the use of library resources, the Rose Memorial Library provides access to its holdings by SCROLL, the on-line public access catalog and circulation system, and an increasing number of CD-ROM index data- bases· available for patron searching. These initial steps in library automation reflect the University's commitment to providing quality service and expanding resources through the electronic exchange of ideas. In addition, copy machines, coin-operated typewriters, microform readers and reader-printers facilitate resource use. Study tables and indi- vidual carrels can accommodate approximately 400 patrons. Library seivices offer trained reference help at all times, with special effort made to relate students and faculty to other impor- tant library resources of the southern California area, the nation, and throughout the world. Reciprocal borrowing privileges are available for undergraduate and graduate students to access the impressive resources at California State University at Fullerton. Traditional interlibrary loan seivices are available. In-house and network computer seivices help Biola scholars to access the Inter- net and international bibliographical databases through OCLC FITTtSearch and DIALOG. Five professional librarians, supported by a well qualified paraprofessional staff and many student assistants, comprise a library work force dedicated to service more than 70 hours per week during the regular semester with adjusted sched- ules of service available year round.
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