

Master ofArts




The World of the New

C. At least 24 units must be

NT70 1



taken at this semina1y.

The ~laster of Arts degree, with emphases in Bible Exposition, New Testament, Old Tcstamcm, Theology, Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, and Biblical and Theological Studies- Diversified (non-language), has been developed for those whose calling lO Christian service is to positions of leadership for which the Master of Divinity or other professional degrees are not normally required. It is struc-

First Ymr

OT 603 OT 604

Elements of Hebrew I .....3 Elements of Hebrew II ... 3

D. Ob tai n a 3.0 ave rage with no grade below a "C-" in all courses to be

First Semester

New Testament electives ................. 7-8

BE 517

Hermeneutics/ Bible Study Methods.. Sw.-cy ofGenesis-

credited toward graduation.

... 3

E. Compl ete the entire program

Old Testament Emphasis

BE 519

in no more than five years.

OT 603 OT 604 OT705

Elements of Hebrew I ... .3 Elements of Hebrew 11 ....3 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages ............ .3 Old Testament in Near

Malachi ...... .. ....... ...... .. 3

Students are placed on academic probation if their grade point average for any semester falls below 3.0 and wil l remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumulative grade point average remains below 3.0. Probation students are gramed one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for continuance in the sem- inary. A swdenl cannot graduate

TH 50 I

Theology of the Christian Life

.. 3

SS 510

Theological Research


lethodologies ................ 1

Eastern Come~t. Beginning Greek..

.....2 ....2

Emphasis or electives*


T 50 1

tured to provide:

NT 502 NT 503

Beginning Greek ............2 lmroduction to Exegesis.3


l. An understanding of Scrip- tures for students anticipating Christ- ian ministries that would in clude church admin istrators, para-church organization leadership, counselors, "tent-making" occupations in other cultures , lay leaders in the local

Second Semester

Old Testament electives

BE 520

Survey of Matthew -

..... I0

(4 exegesis, 6 open)



HT 514

Histo ri cal Theology

Theology Emphasis


........ .3

(Select one of the following groups

whi le on probation.

TH 502

Theology I ...................... .3

....... 7

of courses)..

church and others.

Emphasis or electil'es':' ...

......... 8

NT 50 I Beginning Greek NT 502 Beginning Greek


2. A biblical background for those who are preparing for teaching


NT 503 Int roduc ti on lO Exegesis

Program Structure

Second Year First Semester

in non-theological fields.


The academic programs leading to the degree Master of Arts with emphases in Bible Exposition, New Testament, Old Testamem, Theology, Philosophy of Religion and Eth ics, and Biblical and Theological Studies- Diversified are comprised of 64-fi6 units st rucwrcd in common to include I) biblical and theological foundations, 2) academic speciali za- tion in one of four disciplines requir- ing biblical language studies, or gen- eral swdies in which biblical lan- guages are not required, and 3) addi- tional elective courses determined by the sLUdenl in consultation with the

3. Au academic background for those who find the Master of Arts degree ample for a teaching position either at home or in a fo reign country. 4. A program of study for mis- sionaries who have only a brief fur- lough time in wh ich lo pursue formal

BE 530 Elementaq' Principles of

the Bibli cal Languages

Theology II ......


TH 603

Christian Thought electives

Emphasis or electives* ............... ....... 14

HT 722 Pl I 602 TH 709

Cults of America .............2 Apologetics .....................3 Contemporary Theology 2


Second Semester

TH 604

Theology Ill

.... 3

Ch ri stian Thought electives* .........8-12 ·

Emphasis or electives*..


Bible Exposition or Christian

study of the Scriptures.

Thesis** or electives* ............... ... .... 0-2

Thought Electives


5. Sustainable skills in spec ifi c ministries further developing your abilities and spi ritual gifts, and strengthening your areas of weakness. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants must possess a lnc- calaureate degree. Each should be a graduate from a recognized or accred- ited college with a minimum grade point average of3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). All applicants must submit a writ- ten statement outlining their voca- tional objectives and how the degree


*If the Greek option is chosen, only eight Christian Thought elective units in this category arc required.

* Up lO 6 graduate elective units maybe taken in other schools in Biola University with advisor's approval. **Consult the Talbot student handbook for preliminary steps that must be completed prior to enrolling

Philosophy of Religion and Ethics Emphasis

The main purpose of this empha- sis is to help the student become an apologist and develop the skills inl'olved in doing apologetics with spe- cia l focus on philosophy and soc ial ethics. The attitudes and character traits of an apologist will be fostered by department activities, professional modeling, and teaching techniques. The skills necessary for th e craft of apologe ti cs will be developed by equip- ping the student to think for himself or herself, do research and under- stand the nccessa1y philosophical and eth ical concepts for spelli ng out what Christians believe and why they hold those beliefs. The program is aimed at developing ability lo do apologetics in l'arious mini 11)' programs such as para church and local church evangeli sm, as well as preparing the student for further graduate work in philosophy, ethi cs, religious studies, law, political

in the thesis course.


Bible Exposition Emphasis

Program Reduction Based on Prior

Select two*

..... ..4

Academic Study

BE 602* Genesis BE 608* Matthew BE 610* Romans

Applicants who have taken under- graduate courses in biblical or theo- logical studies may request a program reduction based on collegiate work. An evaluation will be made by the reg- istrar's office following established guidelines lo determine competency within the fo ll owing parameters : I) undergraduate biblical swdies which are parallel in content with required courses and 2) undergradu- ate biblical studies which may justify a reduction in elective units. To qualifi' for such reductions the sLUdent must have earned a "B" grade in specific course(s) and be able to demonstrate competency in the subject matter.

NT50l NT 502 NT 503 NT604 NT605

Beginning Greek

... .2

might relate lo those objectives.

Beginning Greek ............2 Introduction to Exegcsis.3 Exegesis in the Gospels .. .3 Exegesis in the EpisLies and Acts ...........................3 Elements of Hebrew 1.....3 Elements of Hebrew 11 ....3

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfactorily complete 64-66 semester units as outlined in the cur-

riculum charts below.

OT 603 OT 604

B. Submit an acceptable thesis, chosen in consultation with the m,~or advisor, or at the option of the major advisor and in lieu of the thesis, com- plete four additional units of electives. Students who write a thesis will have a total requirement of 64 un its and those who take two additional units in lieu of a thesis will have a total

Bible Exposition electives .............. .5-6

New Testament Emphasis

NT 501 NT 502 NT 503 NT 604 NT 605

Beginning Greek ........ 2

Beginning Greek...

.... 2

Introduction lO Exegcsis.3 Exegesis in the Gospels... 3 Exegesis in the Ep istles

requirement of 6fi units.

and Acts. ........


science, and theology.

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