

••••••••••••••••••••••••• Master ofArts in Christian Education


PH 523 PH 524 PH 544 PH 545 PH 547

Meta phys ics I.

.. .. 3

Program Reduction Based on Prior

will be placed on probation. Gradu- ates from approved unaccredi ted co l- leges, if accep ted will be granted pro- visio nal acceptance , though excep- tions may be made when the GPA is higher th an 3.0. Both probation and pr ov isional acce ptan ce ma y be changed to full acceptance if the stu- dent earn s a GPA of 3.0 or better on the first eight units at Talbot. Gradu- ates from approved unaccredi ted col- leges may be required to take certain additi onal .liberal an s co urse work (not appli cabl e toward the gradua1e degree) , if' their undergraduate pro- gram did not incl ude these courses.

Metaphys ics II .......... .. .. .. .3

Academic Study

The scope and signi fica nce of th e Chr ist ian educ ati on program arc dete rmined by the four dimensions

....... 3

Epistemology I

Qua lifi ed students coming fr om approved Bible colleges or Christian libe ral an s co ll eges ma) requ es t exe mpti on fr om ce rtain re qui re d courses. Reques ts for exemption may be considered from two perspectives: I) Program reducti ons arc poss i- ble up to a maximum of 12 units from the normal MACE requirement. Eval- uations fo r reduction are considered fo r undergraduate courses with sa ti s- fac101y parallel content, provided that th e co ll egiate courses are ap proxi- mately doubl e the unit va lue of the cenain semina1y courses. To qualify fo r such reductions th e student must have earned al least a "B" grade in th e spec ifi c co urs e(s) and be abl e LO demonstrate competency in the sub- ject matte r. In th e event the stuclem take a course which had been previ- ously waived, that previ ous reduction

Epistemology II ........... 3 The Theology and Philos- ophy of Science ............... 2 The Hi story of Ethi cs .... ..3 Seminar in Ethi cal Systems and Ethical Reasoning .... .3

whi ch fo llow:

Theological Orientation

PH 566 PH 587

The Chri stian educa tion program is an integral pan of the theological environment of' the sem inary. The program relates educa tional practi ce to the theologica l principles, see king to merge life sciences and theology. Both life sciences and theology view persons in desc1i ptive terms. Therefore Chri st- ian educa ti on is committed to th e developmelll of the whole person.

PH 624

Seminar in Ethical

Issues 1.. .... .. ..

.. .. .. .. 3

PH 625

Semi nar in Ethical

Issues II

.......... .. ........ .3

PH 667

Seminar in Phil osophi cal Anth ropology .... .. .... ........ 2 Seminar in Philosophy

PH 684

of Religion


Graduation Requi rements

PH 685

Seminar in Philosophical

Ministerial Preparation

A. Sati sfactorily compl ete 66-68

..... 3 .... 7

Theology Elec tives

The Christian educa tion program ex isL1 to prepare ministers in th e New Testament sense , with a variety of func- tional roles impl ied for sen1ce in local churches and related institutions. Th is focus on minisuy includes the imp licit 11ew that responsibility extends beyon d the classroom int o th e churches and related institutions where

semeste r uni ts. Sec (D.) below.

B. Take th e courses prescribed in th e Mas ter of' Arts in Christi an ed u-

Reduction and Transfer Guidelines for Philosophy of Religion and

cation cu rriculum.

Ethics Emphasis

C. 400 hours of supervised fi eld minisuy approved by fac ultyadvisor. D. Complete the program in no

Students with sa tisfactoJ)' under-

graduate parallel content in philosophy will be considered fo r course reduction. All requests for course reduction are subject to cleparunental approval on a case bycase basis. Stuclen ts seeking course reduction must have earned at

would th en be nullified.

2) The substitution of electi ves in li eu of required cour ses may be arranged in certain circumstan ces. In some caseswhere one of the above CJi te- ria may preclude a program reduction, 1he studem may nevenheless be able to demonsu·atc a satisfacLOI)' level of com- petency in a given subject. In this evem, elec ti ves may be substitu ted for th e course in question. Interested students woul d comact th e appropriate depart- ment chairman rcgai·ding course substi- tutions. This altern ative is also a1,1ilable for tl1ose who quali fy fo r the maximum programreduction indicated above. Reques t fo r program reduct ion should be submi tted to the Admis- sions and Reg istrar's Offi ces befo re studi es beg in at Talbot, beca use reducti ons for a specifi c course can- not be considered after regist rati on for that course. The substiLUti on of elec ti ves in li eu of required courses may be reques ted anytime during the

more than fi ve years.

E. Complete an acceptable thesis (4 un its) chosen in consultation with the major advisor or at the option of the major advisor and in lieu of the thesis or complete six uni ts of elec ti ves. Students who write a 1hesis will have a total requirement of 66 uni ts and those who take six uni Ls of electives in lieu of a thesis will have a total requirement of 68 uni 1s. Five unbound co pi es of the thesis or thesis project are to be

students and graduates fonction.

Individualized Program

The program is charac tcri1ed by emph asis on adap tation to the indivi d- uali1y of the students, both in regard to personal distincti ves and in regard to the di sti ncti vcs embodied in varied forms of Christian education minisuy It is presumed that studems will cmcr 1he program with clearly estab- li shed Chri sti an fa ith and , normall y, with definite professional oriemati on. The program is designed Lo afford each studenl a fowfolcl opponunity: (a) the acquisition of knowledge (b) the development of professional skill , (c) personal growth and (cl ) the deepening of personal commitment to Christ.

least a '·B ., grade.

Students may only transfer courses tha1are para llel in coment and taken fromaccredited gradua te schools and seminaries. Reques t for transfer of courses should be submitted to the Rcgisu-ar's Office with prior approval from the department. Students must complete in res idence a minimum of 24 uni ts required in the Philosophyof' Rel igion and Ethi cs emphasis. Biblical and Theological Studies/Diversified Emphasis

submitted to the librarian.

F. At leas t 24 units mu st be

taken at this semina1y.

A student must have at least a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) to graduate. Stu- demi are placed on academic probation if' their GPAfor anysemes ter fall s below 3.0, and will remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumula- tive G. P.A. remai ns below 3.0. Proba- tion students are granled one semester in which LO bring their academic work up to the required lei-el (3.0) for comin- uan ce in the seminaJ)'· A student can-

BE 530

Elementa1y Principles of th e Biblical Languages .... 3

(Selec1one of th e following) ...... .... . 2-3

Timeliness of the Program

HT 722 Cull, of America H~I 556 World Religions

The Christian educa tion program is designed to mcr t the specific needs of the church wit h an emphas is in either Chri sti an Education or You th Mini stri es. In th e light of increasing demands fo r persons trained in Chri s- ti an education the prog ram is struc- tured to prepare perso ns to serve

PH602 Apologe1ics Evangelismand

swdent ·s first yea r.

PT .5 10

The Standard Program

Fo ll ow-up

The program leading to th e Mas- ter of Ans degree in Christian Educa- tion or emphas is in Youth Mini stries incl ude a minimum of 68 un its (or 66 units if a thesis is wrillen). The stu- dent who is able to enroll in 17 uni ts eac h semes te r can compl ete the degree in two years. The student who enroll s for less 1h an 17 units will require addi tional time to compl ete the degree program, in which case th e prog ram must be compl eted within

PT 703 CE 600

Church and Society Educational Mini stry

not graduate while on probation.

EMPHASIS REQUIREMENTS The academi c program lead ing Lo the Master of Ans degree in Christian education is structured to include (I) biblica l and th eo logica l foundati ons; (2) a core cu rriculum consisting of fo un datio nal courses and pract ica l sk ill s; (3) vocat ional spec ializat ion; and (4) additional elec ti ve courses.

in the Church ........ .........3


competcmly in the fie ld.


(a max imum of 6 uni L1 in PT and CE) ........... .. 14

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All appli cants mus t hold th e Bach- elor of An s degree or its academi c equivalent. They must have a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) . Those accep ted who do not meet thi s lauer requirement

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