••••••••••••••••••••••••• Master ofArts in Practical Theology
D. Obtain a 3.0 average with no grade below a "C-" in all courses to be
Survey of Genesis -
Women and Men in Christian Ministry
Malachi ............................3
The Master of Arts in Practical Theology with emphases in Pastoral Care and Counseling, Specialized Ministries , and Women 's Minisu-ies, is designed as a professional program for specialized ministry. It has been developed for those whose calling to Christian service is to positions of leadership for which the Master of Divinity or other professional degrees are not normally required. It is struc-
credited toward graduation.
Theology of the
CE52 1
Psychological Founda- tions of Christian Minisu-y Counseling Adolescents
E. Complete the entire program
Christian Life ..................3
ss 510
in no more than five years.
Theological Research
Students are placed on academic probation if their grade point average for any semester falls below 3.0 and will remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumulative grade point average remains below 3.0. Probation students are granted one semester in which to bring their academ ic work up to the required level (3.0) for continuance in the sem- inary. A student cannot graduate
Methodologies .
.. ... I
and Their Parents
............ .5
Emphasis or electives*
Moral and Faith Develop-
ment in Minisu-y
Second Semester
CE 620 CE 675 CL520 PH 624 PT750 PT775
Premarital Preparation Family Life Education Interpersonal and Inter-
BE 520
Su1vey of Matthew -
.. .. .. .3
HT 514
Historical Theology
cultural Adjustment
tured to provide:
Su1vey..............................3 Theology I .......................3
Seminar in Ethical Issues I Directed Study Research
I. An understanding of Scrip- tures for students anticipating Christ- ian ministries that would include pas- toral or lay counse lors, para-church organization counse ling, women's ministries, specialized "tent-making" occupations in other cultures, lay lead- ers in the local church and others. 2. A biblical background for those who are preparing for counsel-
TH 502
Emphasis or electives* ................ .........8
Parent Education in
whi le on probation.
Spiritual Conflicts and
Second Year First Semester
TH 717
Theology of Human
Program Structure
TH 603
Theology II
........ .... 3
The academic programs leading to the degree Master of Arts in Practi- cal Theology with emphases in Pas- toral Care and Counse ling, Special- ized Ministries, and Women's Min- istries are comprised of 64-66 units structured in common to include I) biblical and theological foundations, 2) academic specialization in one of four disciplines requiring biblical lan- guage studies, or general studies in which biblical languages are not required, and 3) additional elective courses determined by the student in
Emphasis or electives*.
.. ..... 14
Specialized Ministry Emphasis This emphasis se1ves a dual purpose: I. To provide curricular oppor- tunities for students with particular
ing in secular fields.
Second Semester
3. Aprogram of study for mission- aries who have only a brief furlough time in which to pursue fonnal study of the Sc1iptures and would like to empha- size pastoral counseling, women's min-
TH 604
Theology Ill.
...... ...3
Emphasis or electives* ..... Thesis** or electives*
........... 12
...... 0-2
2. To provide specialized min- istry preparation in areas not addressed by established curricula. The elements of this emphasis are: I. A biblical/theological core of 25 units (the same core as the other
* Up to 6 graduate elective units may be taken in other schools in Biola University with advisor 's approval. **Consu lt the Talbot student handbook for preliminary steps that must be completed prior to enrolling
istries or a specialized ministry.
4. Sustainable ski lls in specific ministries further developing your ab ili ties and spiritual gifts, and strengthening your areas of weakness. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS App li cants must possess a bac- calaureate degree. Each should be a graduate from a recognized or accred- ited co ll ege with a minimum grade point average of3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). All applicants must submit a writ- ten statement outlining their voca- tional objectives and how the degree
M.A. emphases);
2. The balance of the program is custom designed by the student in consu ltation with his or her advisor.
in the thesis course.
consultation with the advisor.
Program Reduction Based on Prior
Academic Study
Pastoral Care and Counseling
I. Applicant submi ts a statement of ministry/ vocational objectives as part of the admission process. Appli- cation to this program must be made at least three months prior to the
Applicants who have taken under- graduate courses in biblical or theo- logical studies may request a program reduction based on collegiate work. An evaluation will be made by the reg- istrar 's office following established guidelines to determine competency within the fo ll owing parameters: 1) undergraduate biblical studies which are parallel in content with required courses and 2) undergradu- ate biblical studies which may justify a reduction in elective units. To qualify for such reductions the student must have earned a "B" grade in specific course(s) and be able to demonsu-ate competency in the subject matter.
CE 552
Life Span Development in Minisu-y ..........................3
CL 622
Communication .. .... ....3
Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy.......
beginning of classes.
.. ....3
2. Upon acceptance into this pro- gram emphasis, the student submits a proposed curriculum in writing to the program coordinator. The advisor and studelll then refine this proposed cur-
might relate to those objectives.
PT628 PT696 PT697 PT698 PT703 PT706
Marital Counseling...... ... 3 lnternship ........................3 lmernship .. ....... ......... , . ..3 Advanced Internship ......3
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfactorily complete 64-66 semester units as outlined in the cur-
Church and Society Personal Foundations
.. 3
riculum togeu1er.
riculum charts below.
a. In this proposal, the rationale for each course chosen is to be given so that each course chosen clearly relates ministry/ vocational objectives. A maximum of 18 units in other schools of Biola Un iversity will be accepted. Independent study will be limited to 10 units. Internship will be
B. Submit an acceptable thesis, chosen in consultation with the major advisor, or at the option of the major advisor and in lieu of the thesis, com- plete four additional units of electives. Students who write a thesis will have a total requirement of 64 units and those who take two additional units in li eu of a thesis will have a total
of Ministry.
.. ..... 2
Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling .. ... 2
Advanced Pastoral
Counseling................ ......3
Counseling Troubled
Families ........
First Year
Issues and Ethics in
PT 740
limited to 3 units.
requirement of 66 units.
First Semester
b. Request for transfer credits from other institutions (if applicable) with rationale related to objectives
C. At least 24 units must be
BE 517
Hermeneutics/ Bible
ature and Scope
taken at this semin ary.
Study Methods .................3
of Imegration .... .............3
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