

Master ofArts in Ministry


First Year


whi ch wi ll interview each ap pli cant

must be included at this time. Limi t

and evaluate all credentials.

of transfer credits is 12 uni ts.

First Semester

The Master of Arts in Ministry is designed for indi11duals who have been in minisny for a significant number of years and have not had the opportunity to earn a baccalaureate degree. Gradu- ate level training is prm1cled in several essential aspects of professional min- iSU)' in order to enhance significantly the eflectiveness of participating minis- ters. In establi shing this program, the scmina1y is endeavoring to address spe- cific needs of the Church as it functions in tJ1e m,tjor ethn ic communities within

2. Each approved applicant will be enrolled tentatively in the Mas ter of Arts in Minisuy program until 32 uni ts have been completed, of which 24 must be in core courses as described below. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfactorily complete 64 semes- ter units as outlined in the cuniculum. 8. Qualify for candidacy status at the conc lusion of 32 units. At the compl eti on of 32 units, an evaluation wi ll be made regarding admission to candidacy status in the Master of Arts in Minisuy program. Students with a grade point average of at least 2.50 will receive candidacy status. Students with a GPAbetween 2.00 and 2.50 will be allowed to complete an additi onal 8 un its (for a total of 40) to be cred- ited toward a certificate in miniSU)'· C. At least 24 un its must be

c. The proposed curricu lum

BE 517

Hermeneutics/ Bible

Stud)' Methods .. ... ... ........3

must be approved by:

BE 519

Surve)' of Ge nesis -

(I) the coord inator



(2) the Talbot Curriculum

CL 555

Introduction to World Missions ..........................3 Evangelism and Follow-up3 Theolog)' of the Christian


cl. At this poi nt an advisor is assigned and subsequent changes in this curriculum must be requested in writing and approved in writing by the adviso r and the Talbo t Curri culum

PT5 l0 TH 501




Theological Research



..... I



Women 'sMinistries Emphasis

Second Semester

the Southern California area.

CE 512


BE 520

Survc)' of Matthew -

The two prima1y foci of the pro- gram are biblical and prac tical studies. The biblical emphas is provides an increased breadth in knowledge of the content of the Word of God, including its background and sound principles of literary in terp retation. Practical studies concentrate on the en hance- ment of min isll)' and communication ski ll s. The goal of both emphases is improved expertise in a minisuy of the Word as it relates to the daily li ves of

Adminisu-ation .. . ............3



CE 514

Women and Men in

TH 502

Theolog)' I .......................3

Ministry ..........................2 Lifespan Development ...3 Practicum in MiniSlt)' I ... I

Emphasis or electives ........... ... ......... 10

CE 552 CE 69 1 CE 692


Second Year First Semester

Practicum in Ministry II. .

.......... 1

TH 603 CE 600

Theology II

.. 3

In terpersonal and Inter- cu ltural Adjustment ........3 Marital Counscl ing..........3 Persona l Foundations of


taken at this semin a1y.

Educational Min isll)' in the Church ...... .... ........... .3 Church and Society ... .3

D. Obta in a 2.50 grade point average with no grade below "C-" in all co ur ses to be cred ited toward

PT628 PT 706

PT 703

Emphasis or electives..

.... 7


... 2

people and their eternal destiny.



Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling .. 2


E. Complete the enti re program

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Students who are unable to meet the academic requirements for admission listed below arc encouraged to consider tJ1e M.A. in Ministry Prerequisite Track.

Second Semester

in no more than six )'ears.

TH 604 HT 514

Theology Ill..


PT 725

Counse ling Troubled

F. Pri or to candidacy status, stu- dents witl1 a grade point average below 2.0 are placed on probation and remain on probation as long as the single semes- ter or cumulative grade point average remai ns below 2.0. After candidacy sta- tus isgranted, the minimum grade point average i adjusted upward to 2.50, with probauon calculated according!)'. Stu- den ts on probation are granted one

Historical Theology




......... ............3

.. 10

Special ization ...... .

Emphasis or electives

...... 10


..... .8


A. Personal Qualifications


I. Completion of five years in ministry and presently on a church

Each student must select a minisuy emphasis and complete tl1e requirement of that emphasis during the program. Four emphases are currently offered:

staff in an official capacity.

2. Parti cipation in the Master of Arts program in Ministry presumes a significant level of minisuy experience and personal maturation. For this rea- son, applicants must be at least 30 years of age, and the degree is ra rely granted to persons less than 35 years of age. 3. Applicants usually will not have the B.A. or equivalent degree. Ta lbot offers other programs fo r appli cants who have the baccalaureate degree. 4. Three references are required: chu rch or denominational endorse- me nt; personal friend; and mi nistry co ll eague (o r empl oyer if currently

semester in whi ch

to bring their acade-

Pastoral J\/issions

mic work up t6 the required level for continuance in tJ1e semina1y Astudent cannot graduate wh ile on probation.

Christian Education

J\1/airiage and Family Minist,ies


Pastoral Emphasis

The Master of Arn in ~linisuy cur- riculum includes courses in: I) core curriculum, 37 units; and 2) ministl)' emphasis, 27 units. The total require-

Select one*

BE 602* Genesis BE 608* Matthew BE 610* Romans

ment is 64 units.

BE 726

Expositional Methodology in Dan iel/Revelati on .......3 Pas toral Minisuy.............3 Sermon Preparation .......3 Personal Foundations of

The courses specificall)' identified by department and number in the chart below are required in the core curriculum. In addit ion , each student must comp lete the requirements of one emphasis during the program. The fo ll owing chart presents the curricu lum sequence for students who 11111 be "full-time·· in the program. Stu- dents who wi ll be enrolled on a '·half- time" basis shoul d plan to complete eight units each semester, normally tak- ing courses indicated as '•fi rst year" before those in the '·second rear" group.

PT 602 PT609 PT 706

employed outside the church). B. Academic Qualifications

Minisuy ....... .

..... 2

l. Equivalency of two years of

PT 707

Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counse ling ...... 2 Biblical Leadership and Management.. ..................3 Biblical Foundations of Family Minisuy ........ .... ... 3

co ll egiate level studies.


2. Proficiency in English language.


C. Admission Procedure

CE 673

I. The app li cant's potential to compete successfu lly in a graduate proaram wi ll be determined b)' the Mas~er of Arts Guidance Committee,

..... ...6



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