Certificate In Biblical Studies
Master of Theology
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Missions Emphasis CL 560
Program Director:
Urban Research and MinisLry .....
Clinton E. Arnold, Ph.D.
The CertificaLe in Biblical SLud ies program is designed wiLh two specific needs in mind. The firsL is for persons who seek a year of sLudy in preparation for a lay service with an overseas mis- sion agency, or for more effeCLive lay involvement in the life of Lheir local congregation. IL also serves as a "trial year in seminary" for persons who wish LO Lest Lheir gifts and ski lls wiLh a view toward possible funher preparaLion for full-Lime Christian minisuy Ccrti fi caLe course work may laLer be appli ed toward a Master of Divinity or MasLer of Arts degree. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ApplicanLs musL possess a bac- calaureate degree from an accredited coll ege with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). All applicants must submit a writ- ten statement outlining their voca- tional objectives and how the certifi- cate relates to those objectives. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfactorily complete all courses for a total of 32 semester units as outlined in the curriculum below. B. Obtain a 3.0 average with no grade be low a "C-" in all courses to be credited toward graduation. C. At least 24 units must be taken at this seminary. 0. Complete the entire program in no more than five years. Students are placed on academ ic probaLion if their grade poinL average for any semester falls below 3.0 and will remain on probation as long as the sin- gle semester or cumulative grade point average remains below 3.0. Probation students are granted one semester in which to bring tJ1eir academic work up to the required level (3.0) for concinuance in Lhe seminary. Astudent cannot grnduate while on probation. CURRICULUM BE 517 Hermeneutics/ Bible Study Methods ....3 BE 519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi3 BE 520 Survey of Matthew- Revelation ...................... .3 TH 501 Theology of the Christian Life.. ..... .3 TH 502 Theology I ...................3 TH 603 Theology II ....................... 3 TH 604 Theology Ill ... 3 ss 510 Theological Research Metl1odologies.. .. ... I Electives in BE, NT, OT, TH, PH ......6 Electives .. 4
All appli cants are required to submiL a Personal Statement of one Lo two dou- ble spaced typemitten pages expressing their career goals and personal objectives
.. ..........3
CL 540
Principles of Church Plaming......................... .3 The Historical Develop- ment of the World Christ- ian Movement .................3 Appli ed Anthropology for Christian Workers .......... .3
The Master of Theology curricu- 1um is a cha ll enging post-gradua te degree program designed to equip stu- dents with speciali zed academ ic know!• edge and advanced professional skills in one of the theological disciplines.. The program is of special interest to stude nts who aspire to Leach - whether in Lhe church, a Bible college or semi nary, an extension center, or in a cross-cu ltural setting . This is in accord with both A.TS. (the Associa- tion of Theological Schoo ls) and A.A.B.C. (the American Association of Bible Colleges) which consider the Th.M. deg ree the minimum educa- tional credential for teaching biblical and theological subjects at accredited semi naries and Bible schools. The pro- gram also provides an excellent prepa- ration for those who anticipaLe further study at Lhe Ph.D. and Th.D. level. Qualified students aspiring to exce l- lence and leadership in many areas of minisuy and se1vice for Chri st find tJ1e Th.M. program personally enri ch ing
CL 546
in seeking tJ1e Th.M. degree.
GraduaLes of other semina ri es musL file a full app li cation with the
CL 640
Omce of Graduate Admissions.
CL 751 Theology of Mission ........3 Biblical or Theological elecLives ........ .4 ICS electives . .. .............................6 Electives ................................2 27 Christian Education Emphasis CE 5 i 2 Education Adminisu-ation.3 PT 706 Personal Foundations of Minisu-y... .. ........ . 2 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ..... 2 Biblical or Theological electives ....... .4 Christian EducaLion electives ........... 10 Electives ...6 27 Marriage and Family Ministries Emphasis* CE 552 Life Span Oevelopmem in Ministry .. ..3 CE 629 Group Counse ling Leadership ......................3 CE 675 Fami lyLife Education ....3 CE691 Prncticum in MinisLry I ..... l CE 692 Practicum in Minisu 1, II .... 1 RSTP 721 Nature and Scope of In tegration .. ...... ..............3 PT618 Psychopathology and AssessmenL ...3 PT 628 Marital Counseling .........3 PT 706 Personal Foundations of Ministry ........ 2 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ..... 2 (SelecL a three elective unit from the following) CE 512 EducaLion Administration CE 562 Personal and lmerper- sonal Development CE 620 Premarital Preparation and Counseling CE 622 Philosophy of Ministry CE 6n Biblical Foundations of Family Min isLry CE 716 Min istry Lo Single Adults PT 725 Counseling Troubled Famili es Tota l 27 *Applicants must have 12 under- graduaLe semester un its of psycho logy which include educaLional psychology and abnormal psychology plus eighL unit1 of Bible and/ or docu-ine courses. If Lhese units were noL parL of the stu- denL's unde rgraduaLe program Lhey must be taken prior Lo completion of 36 units toward the degree.
Master of OiviniLy students cur- rently enro lled at Talbot may fi le for admission by submittin g a writte n request to the Graduate Committee in care of the Omce of Graduate Admi s- sions. This request shou ld indicate any changes in marital status or doc- Lrinal convictions since enrollment in Lhe Master of OiviniLy degree. In add ition , applicants shou ld signify Lheir intenti on to abide by the Stan- dards of Conduct of Biol a UniversiLy. Talbot Master of Divinity students who have completed 80 or more units, and whose current cumulaLivc GPA is 3.25 or above may be granted a con- curren t enrollment option . Inter- ested se niors should contact the Office of Gradua te Adm issions for
I T-13
detailed information.
Appl icants who have graduaLed from TalboL with a Maste r of Divinity degree may file for admission accord-
and academicallystimulating.
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The student must present accept- able Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor or Master of Divinity degrees. Specifi- cally they must have maintained at least a 3.25 average in their Divinity program and have completed at least nine semester hours of Greek beyond beginning Greek and 11 semester hours of Hebrew, three of which may be Aramaic. Applicants deficient in the biblical languages may take the prerequisite uni ts at Talbot while Lak- ing other Th.M. courses, but such deficiencies must be made up before more than 16 units in other subjects may be taken. Divinity degrees pre- sented from non-accred ited seminar- ies and theological schools arc individ- ually evalua ted. Deficiencies dis- cerned in such cases may be made up by course work at Talbot or other specifi ed accredited institmions. Stu- dcn ts musL also have the persona l qualifi cations necessa1y for a minister of Christ, including promise of future usefulness. They musL be spiritually qualified by provid ing evidence of a born-again experience and a consis-
ing to the following guidelines:
Less than two years since graduation
from Talbot:
ReAdmit Appli cation Personal StaLement
■ ■
Between two and jiveyems since graduation:
■ ReAdmit Appli cation
■ PasLor Reference on form pro- vided by the Admissions Omce
Personal Statement
Overjive years since graduation:
■ Full application
Personal Statement
Talbot gradua tes shou ld include in the Personal SLaLement any changes in marital status or doctrinal convictions since graduaLion with Lh e Master of Divinity degree. In addi- tion, they should signify their inten- tion to abide by the Standards of Con-
duct of Biola University.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Degrees are awarded to qualified candidates at the university's winter and spring commencements. Students are required to be present for graduaLion unless advance permission to graduate in absentia has been secured. To quali fy
tent Christian manner of life.
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