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college catalog is a great place to learn about a school. It can describe what degrees the college offers . It can tell you what courses are available. It can show you its faculty's credentials . The photos give you a glimpse of the campus: some smiling young faces , some picturesque buildings. At Biola we are pleased with all we can offer you . This catalog lists every class we offer . It describes each of our challenging academic programs . It details our flex­ ible financial aid packages and introduces you to the many conferences , activities and travel opportunities that Biola has designed to help build your mind and character . But remember that thumbing through this catalog is not like stroll ing through Biola's campus - you won't see the groups of students talking and praying together, you won't see the classes sitting in a circle on the lawn on sunny days. This catalog can't let you hear the bell tower's chimes, the din of conversation in the cafeteria , the melodies wafting from the music practice rooms. It can 't show you the faces of the life-long friends you'll make here. So , as you read this catalog and learn about Biola's many academic distinctives, bear in mind that it doesn't tell you everything. And remember that what it can 't tell you , you can only discover by being here.

C,i411.i:j;Ji ■ tii+ifii••#m TAB LE O F CO NT ENT S

_______ Computer Science__________54 Education.____________55 English.____________56 History_____________57 Geography___________59 Humanities ____________ 59 lntercultural Studies_________60 Mathematics___________62 Modern Languages__________63 Music______________64 Nursing _____________ 67 Philosophy___________70 Physical Education _________ 71 Physical Science/Physics________73 Political Science__________74 Psychology ___________ 75 Social Science ___________ 77 Sociology____________77 Teaching English as a Second Language___78 General Studies __________ 79 School of Continuing Studies Degree Completion Program ______ 80 English Language Studies Program 81 GRADUATE PROGRAMS Talbot School of Theology_______T-1 General Information T-1 Master ofOivinity Program T-4 Master of Arts T-8 Master of Arts Program in Christian Education T-9 Master of Arts Program in Practical Theology_______ T-11 Master of Arts Program in Ministry____ T-12 Certificate in Biblical Studies _____ T-13 Master of Theology Program_____ T-13 Doctor of Education Program _____ T-15 Doctor of Ministry Program ______ T-19 Departments and Course Descriptions __ T-21 Independent Studies ________ T-32 Talbot Graduate Student Awards____ T-35 Rosemead Schooi of Psychology _____ R-1 School of lntercultural Studies 1-1 School of Arts and Sciences E-1 Appendix A-1 Index UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Art ______________39 Biblical s_tudies 41 Biblical Languages 42 Biological Science 43 School of Business 45 Chemistry 48 Biochemistry 48 Christian Education 49 Communication 51

UNIVERSITY INFORMATION General Information __________ 3 Historical Sketch The Role and Mission ofBiola University

Student Services_________25 Residence Life Housing Commuter Students Food Service Bookstore Student Health Center Campus Safety International Student Services Disabled Student Services Counseling Services Career and Learning Assistance Services Appeals and Grievances Special Programs__________28 Biola-Israel Biola-Baja Biola-China England Semester Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies Christian College Coali tion Off-Campus Programs American Studies Latin American Studies Los Angeles Film Institute Oxford Summer School Program Middle East Studies Program Russian Studies Program Overseas Student Exchange Program Biola English Study Tour Program of !SE Summer Institute of Linguistics at Biola Summer Session lnterterm Army ROTC Air Force ROTC Undergraduate Program________33 High School Record Admission Procedure Notification Transfer Students Advanced Placement Program College Level Examination Program Challenging a Course Communi ty Uunior) College Transfer Academic Standards Philosophy of General Education Torrey Honors Institute Biblical Studies and Theology Requirement Arts and Sciences Requirement Student Activities __________ 38 Devotional Life Student Government Student Missionary Union Ath letics Student Publications Forensics Student Ministry

The Objectives of the University Accred itation and Affi liations Doctrinal Statement The Community of La Mirada The Biola University Campus Library Media Center Bookstore/ Computer Store

Financial Information __________ 8 Admission, Registration and Graduation Requirements Admission/Registration Requirements __ 15 Undergraduate/ Graduate Programs Re-Admission Admission of In ternational Students and Resident Aliens Veterans Pre-Registration

Regisu-ation Withdrawal Allendance Grades Auditors Academic Load Classification of Students Numbering of Courses Transcript Request

Extracurricular Activities Pre-professional Courses Degrees Offered Undergraduate Programs Graduation Requirements_______21 Requirements for All Baccalaureate Degrees Requirements for All Graduate Degrees Commencement Summary of University Enrollment Fall Semester 1994 Summary of University Graduating Class I993-94 Academic Year Graduation Rate Disclosure Academic and Behavioral Standards____23 Statement of Satisfactory Academic Progress Academic Probation Appeals Academic Integrity Community Agreements



G EN ER AL •i@il•i;JH+i ■ C•H• Carrying on a tradition of educati onal exce ll ence that dates back over 80 years, Biola University now encompasses: the School of Arts and Sciences, Talbot School of Theology, Rosemead School of Psychology, the School of Intercultural Studies, the School ofBusiness, and the School of Continuing Studies. Offering three baccalaureate degrees in 23 majors, 10 mas ters and five doctoral degrees, Biola's commitment to academic excellence is firml yrooted in its adherence to an in­ depth, knowledgeable and li vi ng Christiani ty. Each year, over 3,000 students find Biola's unique bl end of faith and learning conducive to their academic and vocational goals. HISTORICAL SKETCH The cornerstone of the original Bible Institute building in Los Angeles was laid on May 31, 1913, and dedicated wi th these words: "For th e teaching of the truths fo r which the Institute stands, its doo rs are to be open every day of the year, and all people, without reference to race, color or class will ever be welcome to its privileges." Spoken by Lyman Stewart, president of the Insti tute and co-founder of the Union Oil Company, these words capture the vision of Biola's founders. Stewart, together with T.C. H01° ton, in itiated the Bible Institute, with the first permanent orga­ ni za tion taking shape in I908. By 1912, the school had grown sufficiently in its outreach and constituency to call R.A. Torrey, a leader in the fi eld of Christian education, as the first dean. The next eight decades have 1vimesscd tremendous growth in the development and outreach of tJ1e school. Under tJ1e lead­ ership of Dr. Louis T. Talbot, president from 1932 to 1952, the Bible Institute program became a four-year course, leading to degrees in theology, Ch1istian education, and sacred music. The School of Missionaiy Medicine caine in to being in 1945, la~ng the foundation for Biola's current baccalaureate nursing pro­ gram. In 1949, the Bible Insti tutewas renamed Biola College. Dr. Sainuel H. SutJ1erland became president in 1952, and with his leadership tJ1e college obtained regional ai1d professional accredi tation. Additionally, many new programs of studywere introduced, including Talbot Theo logical Seminary. The demands imposed bythe growing student bodyai1d the enlai·ged curriculum prompted the purchase of a 75-acre site in La Mi rada. Biola moved to the newsite in 1959. Dr. Sutherlai1d retired as president in I970, but continued to lend leadership as a member of Biola's Board ofTrustees. That same year, Dr. J. Richai·d Chase becaine Biola's sixth president. In 1977, the graduate programs of Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology were acquired by Biola and relocated on the La Mirada campus. The undergradu­ ate programs in psychology we re merged with Rosemead 's graduate programs in the fa ll of 1981, fo rmi ng the present Rosemead School of Psychology. Under the leadership of Dr. J. Richard Chase, Biola Col­ lege became Bi ola University onJuly I, 1981. The University was composed of the Schoo l of Arts and Sciences, Talbot Theological Seminary, and Rosemead School of Psychology. Dr. Clyde Cook became tJ1e seventh president of Biola on June I, 1982. Under his leadership, the School of Intercul­ tural Studi es was instituted as part of the University in 1983.

Talbot Theological Semina1y became Talbot School of The­ ology in the fa ll of 1983 as a resul t of the merger between me appropriate undergraduate and graduate level programs. The Board approved the establishment of the School of Business in 1993, and me School ofContinuing Studies in 1994. Because of me Universi ty's heri tage and commitment, its academic basis is broader than mat of tJ1e standard coll ege of ai·ts and sciences. Te1minal and preparato1y programs lead to se rvice in church-related vocati ons and the many other vocations and professions embraced by the present cunicula. In addition, the University is a Christian institution of higher education without anydenominational affi liation. From an institute to a un ive rsity, Biola' cornerstone has remained the same: commiunent to Jesus Christ, the inerrancy of Scripture and biblical Christianity (within an evangelical Protestant frainework), as well as to the spi1itual, academic ai1d holisticgrowth ofmose who ai·e personal lycommitted to Him. THE ROLE ANO MISSION OF BIOLAUNIVERSITY The mi ssion of Biola University is biblically-ce ntered edu­ cation, scholarship, and service - equipping men and women in mind and character to impact the world fo r the Lord Jesus Christ. Students. We exist for committed Christian students. Our quest is to graduate foll owers of the Lord Jesus Christ who are equ ipped with techn ical and relational skills to li ve and work with integrity, diligence, humility, and spiritual dis­ cernment. We expect our graduates to enter famili es, com­ muniti es, and careers to serve as leaders, role models, and competent professionals in their respective fi elds. Education. Our mission focuses on teaching and learn­ ing. Our goals are inspirational teaching from facultywho exhibit joy in learning coupl ed witJ1 excellent communica­ ti on ski lls, and graduates who capture this excitement and dedi cation, and leave Biola empowe red to th ink and prac tice in their fi elds of service froma Christian world view. Toward this obj ective, all students invest at least 20%of their course hours in bibli cal studies and the integration of their acade­ mic di sciplineswith theology. Research. Discern ing Christ-centered scholarsh ip charac­ teri zes the work of facul ty and students. Our undergraduate and graduate faculty grapple with the major intellectual, eth­ ical, and cultural issues of our time relating them to a consis­ tent biblical frainework. The university seeks to nourish fac­ ulty and students alike in a Christian environment which prizes research of the highest quality, and dialogue and criti­ cal tJ1ought within the context of common fa ith . Values. Seroice to a diverse constituency, modeled upon the example of the Lord Jesus Christ, is our first priority. We commit to love and respect fo r all persons, integrity in our words and tran sactions, and di ligence in our labor. We aspire to excellence, creativity, and awe of GOD in the fulfi llment of our mi ssion. Our vision is to create a distinctive Christian univer­ sity of service to the global community of faith . Impact. Our graduates make a difference. Servant lead­ ers, apprenticed at Biola, impact both the church and me secular world with practical, diligent service in such diverse fi elds as the arts, communication, business, nursing, psycho!-


ogy and education. Our faculty set the example in their pro­ fessional practice, and through rigorous research , insu·uc­ Lion , and practical internships. Members of the fac ul ty, staff, board of trustees, alumni and students all conu·ibute in sub­ stantive ways to societal and church needs. Character. Strength of character is our u-ust. Members of the faculty, staff, admin istration, and board of u·ustees covenant as a community to model Christian character in our daily lives and work. We further aspire Lo mentor and serve our students in a manner that nurtures Christian minds and character. Our alumn i shall be recognized as men and women of character, who work and serve with integrity, humil ity, wisdom, and commitment. Evangelism. Our graduates bear witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Biola has played a major role in furnishing Christian leaders and workers fo r the church, society, and the cause of world evangelism since its founding in 1908. We anticipate that the miniSU)' of "making di sciples" will be expanding throughout the closing years of this centu1)' and we ll into the next. Biola understands its God-given mission and remains dedicated to the task. Our planning, fi scal poli­ cies, and commiunent to academic excellence are all directed toward the ongoing performance of the mission we have successfullypursued for more than eight decades. THE OBJECTIVES OF THE UNIVERSITY Biola Un ivers ity seeks Lo in struct Christian men and women in order to produce graduates who are: I. Competent in their fi eld of study; 2. Kn owledgeable in biblical studie ; 3. Earnest Christians equipped to serve the Christian communi ty and society at large. With particular refe rence to the undergraduate pro­ grams, the intention of the Un iversity is to seek to produce a graduate who is: I. Broadlyeducated in the arts and sciences with a bibli­ cal perspective as the foundation. a. One who has broad exposure to the ideas that have shaped man 's think ing. b. One who knows how to use reasoning processes: (1. ) who can use the processes of investigati on, (2.) who can reason logically, (3.) who recognizes that man cannot rely on reason and experience alone but must also exercise faith. c. One who can communi ca te and defend hi s* ideas on the basis of evidence. d. One who has a well-conceived system of values and beliefs which are biblically based and which mediate behavior. e. One who understands and appreciates ethnic and cultural differences. f. One who understands himself, has a good self­ image, and is su-iving to realize his potential. g. One who understands the various creative expres­ sions of man's ideas and feelings in art, drama, music and literature. 2. Competent in his major.

a. One who is competently prepared for service in those programs that lead direc tly to a vocation or profession, with all programs having the potential of preparing students for Christian minisu-i es. b. One who is thoroughly prepared for graduate study in those programs where graduate degrees are offered. 3. Knowledgeable in biblical studies. a. One who has a clear understanding of the con­ Lent of the Bible ea rning units with an under­ graduate minor. b. One who has integrated biblical thought into his major fi elds of interest. 4. Able through his vocation, church and communi ty to make distinctive contributi ons to mankind and Lo enhance the spiritual well-being of those whom and with whom he serves. a. One who has developed and maintained high moral standards for his own benefit and in order tliat he might serve as a wholesome example and leader. b. One who expresses tl1rough his li fe a clear com­ mitment to Christ, who is able openly and wisely to share both his knowledge of the Bible and his commitment to Chri st with oth ers, and who demonstrates Christian love toward others. c. One who is prepared to fulfill Christ's commis­ sion Lo make disciples of all nations. d. One who is sensitive to tl1e total needs of his fel­ low man and who is equi pped to contribute to tl1e meeting of those needs. e. One who holds to the conviction tl1at the Christian is to be a good citizen of the state, who respects authority, submits to the laws of the land, and seeks constructive change th rough legal channels. *Al l third person pronouns are used genericall y. ACCREDITATION AND AFFILIATIONS Biola University holds institutional accredi ta ti on by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universiti es of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (1961). In add ition, the institution and certain of its programs are acc red ited by th e American Psyc hologica l Association (1980), the Association of Theological Schools (1977), the Na ti onal Association of Schools of Music (1970), the State of California Board of Registered Nursing (1966), the National League for Nursing (I 972), and the Cali fornia Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing (1960). Biola University is authorized to train students under the Veteran's Bill of' Rights. In addition , the Un iversity is affili­ ated with a number of professional organizations, of' whi ch the fo llowing are representative: American Antl1ropological Association; Ame1ican Associa­ tion of Colleges for Teacher Education; An1erican Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers; American Association of Health, Phys ical Education and Recreation; American Council on Education; American Guild of Organists; American Intercollegiate Athletic Women; American Library



Association; Associated Collegiate Press; Association of Ch1ist­ ian Schools, International;Association of College Unions Inter­ national; Ameri can Association of Higher Education; Associa­ tion of Independent California Colleges and Universities; Cali­ fo rni a Association of Health , Physical Educati on, and Recre­ ation; California Council on the Education of Teachers; Choral Conductors ' Guild (Cali fo rnia); Christian College Coalition; Chri stian Scholar's Review; College Entrance Examinati on Board; Council on Post-secondary Accreditation; Evangelical Teacher Training Association; Intercollegiate Press; Music Edu­ cator's Na tional Conference; Na tional Association of In tercoll e­ giate Athleti cs; Western Association of Graduate Schools; West­ ern Council on Higher Education fo r Nursing; and Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. DOCTRINAL STATEMENT Inasmuch as the University is inlerdenominalional and ye t theo logically conservative, the Ar ticles of Incorporati on contain a doctrinal statement which is given below: The Bibl e, consisting of all the books of the Old and New Testaments, is the Word of God, a supernaturallygiven reve­ lati on from God Himse lf, conce rning Himse lf, Hi s be ing, na ture, character, will and purposes; and concerning man, his nature, need and du ty and des tiny. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are without error or misstatement in their moral and spiritual teaching and record of historical facts. They are without error or defect of anykind . There is one God, eternally ex isting and mani fes ting Himself to us in three Persons - Father, Son and HolySpi rit. Our Lord Jesus was supern aturally conce ived by th e power of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin - Mary, a lin­ eal descendant of David. He lived and taught and wrought mighty works and wo nders and signs exactly as is recorded in the four Gospels. He was put lo death by crucifixion under Ponlius Pilate. God raised from the dead the body that had been nailed to the cross. The Lord Jesus after His crucifi x­ ion showed Himself lo be alive to His disciples, appearing unlo them by the space of 40 clays. After thi s, the Lord Jesus ascended into heaven, and the Father caused Him to sit at His right hand in the heavenly places, fa r above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, nol only in this world, but also in that which is to come, and put all thi ngs in subjection under His feel, and gave Him to be Head over all things to the Church. The Lord Jesus, before Hi s incarnation, existed in the form of God and of His own choice laid as ide His divin e glory and took upon Himself the fo rm of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. In His pre-existent stale, He was with God and was God. He is a divine person possessed of all the attributes of Deity, and should be worshiped as God by angels and man. "In Him dwelleth all the fulln ess of the Godhead bodi ly." All the words that He spoke during His earthly life were the words of God. There is absolutely no error of any kind in them, and by the words of Jesus Christ the words of all other teachers must be tested. The Lord Jesus became in every respec t a real man, pos­ sessed of all the essential characteristi cs of human nature.

By His death on the cross, the Lord Jesus made a perfect atonement for sin , bywhich the wrath of God against sinners is appeased and a ground furnished upon which God can deal in mercy with sinners. He redeemed us from tl1e curse of the lawby becoming a cw-se in our place. He who Himself was absolutely without sin was made to be sin on our behalf that we might become the 1ighteousness of God in Him. The LordJesus iscom­ ing again to his earth, personally, bodily, and visibly. The return of our Lord is tJ1e blessed hope of the believer, and in it God's pwvoses ofgrace toward mankind will find their consummation. The HolySpirit is a person, and is possessed of all the di s­ ti nctively divine auribu tes. He is God. Man was created in tl1e image of God, after His likeness, bu1 the whole human race fell in the fa ll of the first Adam. All men, unti l th ey accept th e Lord Jesus as their personal Savior, are lost, darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God th rough the ignorance that is in them, hardened in bean , morally and spirituall y dead th rough their trespasses and sins . They cannot ee , nor enter the Kingdomof God until th ey are born again of the HolySpi ri t. Men are justified on the simple and single ground of the shed blood of Christ and upon the simple and single condi­ tion of fa ith in Himwho shed the blood, and are born again by th e qui ckening, renewing, cl eansing wo rk of the Holy Spiri t, through the instrumentality of the Word of God. Al l those who receive Jesus Christ as their Sa,~or and their Lord, and who confess Him as such before their fe llowmen, become children of Goel and receive eternal life. They become heirs of God and join t-heirs with Jesus Christ. Al death their spiri ts depan lo be with Christ in conscious blessedness, and at the Second Coming of Christ tJ1eir bodi es shall be raised and transformed into the likeness of tJ1e bodyof His glory. All tJ1ose who persistenlly reject Jesus Christ in the present life shal l be raised from the dead and th roughout eterni ty exist in 1.l1e state of conscious, unutterable, endless tonnent and anguish. The Church consists of all those who, in this present dispen­ sa tion, m1ly believe in Jesus Chri st. It is 1.l1e body ,md b1icle of Christ, which Christ loves and for which He has given Himself. There is a personal devil , a being of great cunning and powe r: "The prince of the power of the air," ''The prince of this world," "The god of this age." He can exert vas t power only so far as God suffers him to do so. He shall ultimately be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone and shall be tor­ mented clay and night forever. Note: 17zis Mchinal statement, pre.sen/et/ hereas 01igi.nally co,zceived /Jy thefounden ofthe01gani.uztion, lws been a.nd continues to be the stated theological position ofBi.ola Univl!lrity. Whem "ina.n "is used, rejening lo the human race, it includes both gendm. In !Uldition, the following expla11at01y iwtes indicate theorga.nization.s uiulerstanding mul teaching f!osilion 1Jn. certain. pointswhich could be subject.tovmi1Ju5 inte1pretalions: The Scriptures are lo be inte1vreted according to dispensa­ tional clistinctives wi th 1.l1e com~ction that tJ1e return of the Lord for HisChurch 11111 be r.,remillennial, before the T,ibulation, and that the Millennium is lo be the last of the dispensations. The ex istence of the Creati on is not explainable apart from the roles of God as the sovereign creator and sustainer of the entire natural realm. Concepts such as th eistic or threshold evolution do not adequatelyexplain creation.



THE COMMUNITY OF LA MIRADA The city of La Mirada is in Los Angeles County, 22 miles soutl1east of downtown Los Angeles, and is SLUTOunded bysuch cities as v\11ittier, Nonvalk, Buena Park, La Habra and Fullerton. La Mirada is a suburban residential comm·unitywith a population of 40,000. Included witl1in the vi cini ty are several major shopping areas in addition to manyother business establishments. La Mirada is si tuated near many of the outstanding attrac­ tions of Soutl1em California. Down town Los Angeles is a half­ hour 's drive from tl1e campus. Disneyland is 12 miles to tl1e southeast and famed Knott 's Berry Farm is six mil es away. Within an hour's d,ive are such popular beach cities as Long Beach, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach. Recreati onal facilities are easily accessible. An 18-hole go lf course lies a mil e east of the campus and otl1er parks in the area offer opportuni ty fo r activities and relaxation. An hour 's drive will take one into the nearby mountains where wi nter sports are avail abl e. Cultural and research opportunities abound in the area. Seve ral major universities and librari es are within easy dri­ vi ng distance of La Mirada including the Unive rsity of Cali­ fo rnia, Los Angeles.; the Uni ve rsity of Southern Cali fo rnia; the University of California, Irvine; and seve ral other state and private institutions. THE BIOLA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS The campus is bounded on the west by Biota Avenue and on the east by La Mirada Boulevard. It is located between tl1e large east-west thoroughfares of Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway. Approximately three miles to the south­ wes t is the Santa Ana Freeway (Freeway 1-5) . Students coming to the campus byautomobil e should fol­ lowthese directions to the main entrance on Biota Avenue: ■ Coming from tl1e northwest, leave the San ta Ana Freeway at Rosec rans and travel eas t to Bi ota Ave. , th en turn north on Biola Ave. ■ Coming from the soutl1 east, leave the Santa Ana Freeway at Valley Viewand travel north to Rosecrans, tl1en turn right on Rosecrans to Biota Ave., then turn north on Biota Ave. ■ Coming from the east via San Bernardino Freeway (10) turn south on th e Orange Freeway (57) to Imperi al Highway and u·avel west on Imperi al Highway (approxi­ matelynine miles) to Biota Ave., turn south on Biota Ave. The campus consists of 95 acres with 700,000 square feet of building space in 30 major buildings. Just under half of the space is dedicated to seven student residence complexes, housing nearly 1,500 students in a fin e variety of living quar­ ters. Living quarters range from the traditional residence hall to full y independent aparunents, and special housing is availabl e for both married students and graduate students. The rest of th e buildings house cl assrooms, laboratori es, auditoriums, offi ces and students servi ces. Highlights of the buildings include Soubirou Hall , containing specialized class­ rooms fo r nursing instruction , along with nursing depart-

Though there may be many fillings of the HolySpirit, there is onlyone baptism which occurs at the time of regen­ eration. The gifts of the Spirit are given to believers accord­ ing to the Will of God for the purpose of bui lding up the Church. During the foundational era of the Church (i.e. , the time of Christ and the Apostles) God gave special mani­ festati ons of the overtlysupernatural and miraculous gifts (e.g., tongues, heatings, miracles) as "signs" that witness to the validi ty of those bearing newcanonical revelation (c.f. 2 Cor. 12:1 2; Heb. 2: 34) . Beyond the fo undational era, God in His sovereignty may grant anyspiri tual gift and work miraculously for the benefit of His Church at any time. Th e Bibl e is cl ear in its teaching on th e sanctity of human li fe. Life begins at co ncepti on. We abhor th e destruction of innocent life through aborti on-on-demand. Confession before men is viewed as tangible fruit of salva­ tion and not as a qualifying condition fo r salvation. Biota University does not necessarilydenyemployment to persons merely fo r lack of firm personal convictions on any teaching position in these explanatory notes. However, Biola Un iversity does weigh carefull y the understanding and per­ sonal convictions of employment applicants on these points as we ll as tl1e nature of their prospective work assignments, in determining their suitabili ty for employment. TEACHING BIBLICAL STUDIES Academic study of the sacred Scripture differs from otl1er disciplines in a university setting in that the p1imary text isGod's Word, which underscores the importance of maki ng instruction relevant to faith , learning and living. At Biota every effo rt is made to be academically credible, tl1eologically ortl1odox and practical ly relevant. Whether engaged in a cri tical discussion of the text, or a theological debate about a particular docuine, the discussion must finallycome to the meaning for life today. Though facultymembers in this department share a commi~ ment to the convictions reflected in the Universi ty dominal state­ ment, tl1ey reflect a healthy di versi ty regarding other contempo­ ra,y issues and interpretation of specific passages. Whether a divergent viewis held byotl1ers on campus or not, care is taken to represent opposing positions fairly, so that students can decide for themselves in a genuine educational environment. In prac tice, the task of teaching bibli cal studies is not lim­ ited to those within that department. Rather, the integrati on of Christian thought into all fi elds of inqui ry is the goal of the entire teaching fa cul ty. In this sense it is desired that eve,y course contribute to the deve lopment of a Christian worldviewfor the Biota graduate. CHAPEL Unive rsity chapels and conferences are intended to bring the Biota communi ty together regularly fo r worship, spiritual nurture and education regarding relevant issues facing us in our li ves. The overall program brings a unique distinction to the ethos of Biota as a Christian university. Due to the cen­ tral and significant nature of that ethos, attendance at chapel is required of all students.


ment faculty offices; Lansing Auditorium, a 450-seat concert hall with a fine pipe organ and excellent acoustics; the Rose of Sharon Chapel, a small chapel exclusively reserved for silent prayer and meditation; and a gymnasium-swimmi ng complex with a short-course Olympic pool. On the eastern side of the campus lie the athletic fields. Included are a crushed-brick, quarter-mile track; an excel­ lent baseball diamond; a soccer field; and lighted ten ni s courts. In addition to more than 15 acres of recreational faci lities on campus, there are off-campus faci liti es in the I05-acre La Mirada Regional Park, just across La Mirada Boulevard from the Biola campus. THE LIBRARY The Rose Memorial Library serves Biola University as the central library facili ty on campus, supporting the needs of all the undergraduate and graduate programs with extensive resources and a wide variety of services. In addition to more than 193,000 books, the library cur­ rently subscri bes to more than 1,100 periodical titles, with a number of bound journal back files dating from the nine­ teenth century. Special holdings reflect Biola's enthusiasm and scholarly interest in Bible history and translation , the historical roots of fundamentalism and evangelical Christian­ ity, and the worldwide witness of Christian missions. Auxi li ary collections embrace extensive microform resources; selected Bible study tools in Braille; comprehensive pamphlet files including maps, charts, mission resources, and a wide variety of topics in the liberal arts; and special holdings of text and curriculum resources approp,iate to teacher education. To fac ilitate study and the use of library resources, the Rose Memorial Library provides access to its holdings by SCROLL, the on-line public access catalog and circul ation system, and an increasing number of CD-ROM index data­ bases available for patron searching. These initial steps in library automation reflect the University's commitment to providing quality service and expanding resources through the electro ni c exc hange of ideas. In addition , copy machines, coin-operated typewriters, microform readers and reader-p1inters faci litate resource use. Study tables and indi­ vidual carrels can accommodate approximately400 patrons. Library sen,ices offer trained reference help at all times, with special effort made to relate students and faculty to otl1er impo1° tant library resources of the southern California area, the nation, and throughout the world. Reciprocal borrowing privileges are avai lable for undergraduate and graduate students to access tlie impressive resources at California State University at Fullerton. Traditional interlibrary loan sen-ices are avai lable. In-house and network computer sen-ices help Biola scholars to access the Inter­ net and international bibliographical databases through OCLC First Search and DIALOG. Five professional librarians, supported by a well qualified paraprofessional staff and many student assistants, comprise a library work force dedicated to service more than 70 hours

per week during the regular semester with adjusted sched­ ules of sen-ice available year round. MEDIA CENTER The Universi ty Media Center offers a variety of audio­ visual tools and methods to enhance the quality of communi­ cation by faculty and students. Among these methods are the Med ia Center's physical resources. Thousands of com­ puter indexed tapes, CDs, laser discs and films are open to use, as well as the latest presentation equipment and a pre­ sentation preparation lab. These physical resources are ava il­ able at no charge. The Media Center is also avai lable to work directlywith faculty and students so that they will have tl1e information and the u·aining to create optimized presen­ tations. The art of quality communication is also furthered by the Media Center's basic research. Quantifiable investiga­ tions, informal feedback from faculty and students, and dia­ logue with outside educational experts are synthesized to cre­ ate new presentation tools and metliods. THE ROLE OF MICROCOMPUTERS IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS OF THE UNIVERSITY Biola Unive rsity believes that the microcomputer is an increasingly valuable tool and tl1at one of our educational goals should be to prepare students for a world in which the computer will continue to play a significan t role. Accordingly, it is our desire to integrate computer use into the university cuniculum. Thus, tlie University prOl,ides access to microcomputers for every student and requires their use in freshman English. It is the intent of the University, over time, to require tlie use of tliese microcomputers over awide spectrum of the curriculum. BOOKSTORE The Biola Bookstore is open Monday through Saturday for tlie convenience of the students, faculty, staff and public. All required textbooks, as well as general books and supplies, are avd.i lable. The Bookstore has a large selection ofChristian books and offers Bibles in a vaiiety of styles and bindings. Dur­ ing school breaks and vacations tlie Bookstore has shortened hours. Please cal l (310) 903-4883 for information. Computer Store Located within tl1e Bookstore, the Computer Store is designed to meet tl1e computing needs of the academic com­ munity, offering computers, software and accessories fo r pur­ chase. Software, such as Microsoft, Aldus, Adobe, Lotus, WordPerfect, are ava ilable. The Computer Store keeps dif­ ferent hours than the bookstore. For store hours and more information, call (310) 903-4884.



BIOLA UNIVERSITY TUITION INFORMATION 1996-97 Semester Annual School/Degree/P,ogmm foition Tuition


Summer Session

Semester Audit Fee Per Unit




Per Unit

Per Unit

Per Unit

(12-18 units)

(12-1 8 uni ts)

(1- 11 , 19+) $559

Undergraduate Tuiti on (including A.S. fee)






Engl ish Language Studi es {102- 109) S/Jecial Student Tuition ( non-degree seeking) Undergraduate Special Students 6,704






Continuing Studies


Adult Degree Program English Language Institute (100- 101)

314 288

Graduate Tuition (including A.S. fee) School ofArts and Sciences & GraduateSpecial Students (post baccalaureate 288 per un it except Rosemead) School of lnlercultural Studies (includ ing A.S. fee)

288 per unit

288 per un it

288 per unit

288 per unit

50 per unit

Master's Programs and specials

288 per unit 559 per un it 559 per un it

288 per uni t 559 per un it 559 per unit

288 per un it 559 per uni t 559 per uni t

288 per uni t 528 per uni t 528 per uni t

288 per un it 559 per uni t 559 per unit

50 per unit 559 per uni t 559 per unit

Doctor of Education Doctor of Miss iology

Talbot School of Theology (in cludingA.S. fee) Master's Programs and specials

288 per un it 559 per uni t 799/ coursc

288 per un it 559 pe r unit 799/ course

288 per unit 559 per uni t 799/ cou rse (1-8, I7+ units)

288 per unit 528 per un it 799/ course

288 per unit 559 per uni t 799/ course

50 per un it 559 per uni t 799/ course

Doctor of Education Doctor of Minisuy

Rosemead School ofPsychology (in cluding A.S. fee) Master of Arts and specials

(9-16 units)

(9- 16 un its)

7,031 7,031 7,031

14,062 14,062 14,062

586 586 586

555 555 555

586 586 586

586 586 586

Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Psychology


Biola Uni versity seeks to provide a quali ty education for all its students at the most reasonable cost possible. As a pri­ vate, non-profit insti tution, Biola University receives no sup­ port from taxes or other public funds. Tui tion pai d by the students does not cover the costs of providing a quali ty edu­ cation. Consequently, every student who attends Biola Uni­ ve rsity rece ives a substanti al subsidy made possible by the gifts of alumni , individual fri ends, interested churches and, in a few cases, businesses and corporations. The expenses of students at Bi ola University are shown in the fo ll owi ng schedul es. The University reserves the right to change all student charges, modi fy its services, or change its progi·ams of study should economic conditions, curriculum revisions or national emergency make it necessary to do so. APPLICATION FEE An appli cation fee of $35 must accompany each applica­ tion. Thi s fee is non-refund able. Applications fo r spring rece ived afte r January I, or fo r fa ll rece ived after August I must be accompan ied bya fee of $45 rather than $35. ROOM Per year in residence hall .... ...... .... ..$2,296-$2,798 Per semester .... .. .. .. ..... .. ......... ... .............. .. .....$1,148-$1,399

Meal Tickets (requ ired fo r all undergraduate resident students) Per year.. .. ..... .... ....$1,956-$2,398 Per semeste r. .... ... ... ... ......... .... .....$978-$1,199 APARTMENT RENT One-bedroom, unfurnished (familyhousing up to 3 people) $650/ month, all utilities included Two-bedroom, furnished (single students) $294/ person/ month, all uti liti es included, based on fo ur-person occupancy GENERAL FEES (In addition to tui tion, only as applicable to the individ- ual student.) *Enrollment Deposit (non-refundable) Undergraduate .. ... .. ... .... .... .. ...$100.00 Graduate Psychology .. ....... ... ... .. ..... .. .... .100.00 All other programs. ... ....50.00 *U/Jon notice of acceptance, an enrollment deposit is required. This amount is applicabw toward the total expenses during the stu­ dent's l.ast semesterofenrollment, but is forfeited if the applicant Jails to report for the semester/or which ap/!lication was made.


Doctor of Ministry Program

Room Reservation Deposit .. .. .... .................... .... ......$100.00 Readmission Application Fee .... .......................... .. .... .. 10.00 Biola English Placement Exam make-up late fee ....... 15.00 Biola English Placement Exam (English Language Studies Program students only) Chall enge..........25.00 Late Registration - Any time after scheduled registration ............... ... ..... ... .... ... ... . ... .45.00 Late Pre-registration -Any time after scheduled pre-registration but before end of semester ............... ......... ..........20.00 Special Registration Fee.... .... ....................... .. .. ... ... ... .. .35.00 Change of Class Schedule (Add/ Drop) ..... ... ..... ..........5.00 Late Change of Class Schedule ...... .. ..... ............ ..... .. .. .15. 00 Diploma Fee.. ...... ... .. .... ........... .... ........ ..........40.00 Cap and Gown Fee Undergraduate... .............. .... ... .... .. .. ....... .......20 .00 Graduate.... ..... .... .. ..... .... .. .......................35.00 Parking Fee (per year) ... ..............................................84.00 Returned Check Fee (per occurrence) .. ... . .. .20.00 Transcript Fee Official (per copy) ....... .. .... ....... .............................6.00 Unofficial/Student (per copy) ....3.00 Graduation Petition Late Fee .............. ............ ..... .. .100.00 Health Insurance Plan** Fall es timate ........ ...... .... .. ... ... .. ... ........................ 164.00 Spring estimate .. .. .. ... .... .. ... .... .... .... ............. .... .. .164.00 **Required of all students laking seven units or more unless a "f1roof of insurance card" is filed at the time of registra.tion. A1hli­ tional sports insumnce coverage is required of all students pa.itici/Jal­ ing in intercollegiatesports at apremium of$I50.00 peryear. SPECIAL FEES- UNDERGRADUATE There are special fees for specifi c labs, clinics, physical education/ recreation and camping courses, etc. See course descriptions for fees. Class and Laboratory Fees ........................... ....$8.00-400 .00 Nursing/ Business Application Fee ............................. 20 .00 Nursing Late Application Fee ... .. ... .. ... .... .... ... .. .... .. .... .10.00 Nursing Liability Insurance (per year) ...... ....... .... ..... .14.50 Nursing Activity Fee (per year) ................. .. .... ............ 15.00 Nursing Skills Lab Fee (Level I only) ........ ...... ........... 15.00 RN / LYN Nursing Challenge Examination (per theory & per clinical challenge) .... ... ..... . .....50.00 Nursing Achievement Tests (per semester) .... ....... .. ··········· ....... ..... . ..... 12.00 CPL Credit Evaluation Fee - BOLD (per un it) ... ..... ... .30.00 CompetencyEvaluation Fee - BOLD.. ......35.00 Biblical Studies outcome SPECIAL FEES - GRADUATE Talbot NewStudent Fee .... ... .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. .................$32.00 Biola English Placement Exam make-up late fee ....... 15.00 Biola English Placement Exam (English Language Studies Program students only) Chall enge ..........25.00

Enrollment Deposit per course (non-refundable) .................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ..........$100.00 Late Enrollment Fee ................. ................... ..... ... .... 100.00 Late Project Fee....... ...... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .............. ...... ..........50.00 Dissertation Fee ................................. ... ... .. .... .............799.00 Graduate Psychology Program Admissions Personal Intervi ew Fee (non-refundable) .. .... .... ....... ..... .... ....... ... ... .........$75.00 Professional Growth Fee (per semester) ..... .. .... .. .... .... ... .. ............ .. ... ... ...... 500.00 (Terminal M.A. studen ts are required to pay the Profes­ sional Growth fee for three semesters. Students in the Psy.D. or Ph .D. programs pay the fee for a total of 10 semesters, including those students who enter Rosemead with transfer credit.) Thesis/Dissertation Binding/Microfilming Binding (per copy) ............................................. ......$20.00 (University requires four copies) Personal binding (per copy) (optional) ... .... .. ... .... .. .. 20.00 Microfilming/ Indexing (one copy required) Doctoral dissertation .... .... ... .. ... .. ... .... ...... ...55.00 Master's thesis ................. .. ... .. .... ... ....... .. .. ........ ... 15.00 Copyright- dissertation or thesis (optional) Doctoral Dissertation .... ..... ... .... . .. 35.00 Master 'sThesis .............. ......... ... .... .... .. ... ... .. ...... . .. 30.00 MUSIC FEES Private Study Per Unit One unit guarantees a minimum of 13 one half-hour lessons for the semester. In some cases up to 15 lessons may be possible. Fee includes the privil ege of using practice room one hour per day. Music Majors: One Unit (one half-hour lesson per week) ................ ..... .$220.00 Non-Music Majors (per unit) ......... ... ...... ... ... .............. ....... ..... .. .... ....255.00 Accompanying Fees, Per Semester Voice students (per unit of study) ... ... ..... .. .... ..... ... ... 12.00 Instrumental students (per unit of study) .. .....8. 00 Recital Fees Fees range from $12.00 to $30.00 depending upon length of recita l, length and compl ex ity of printed program required. Complete information avai lable in the music office. Class Instruction Voice or Guitar .................................................... .. .$55.00 Electronic Piano Lab (two hours per week) ..............90.00 Movement and Dance Class ..................................... .. 50.00 The University has the following organs: a 26-rank, three- manual Schantz; a 12-rank, two-manual Tracker; a two-man­ ual Rogers 11 O; and two two-manual Rogers 75.


TYPICAL COSTS The combination of tuition, fees and associated expenses at Biola University is sufficien tlyhigh that it is necessary for students to carefullycalculate their financial resources and costs. The fo~ lowing estimated student budget reflects tl1e average cost to full­ time students for tl1e 1995-96 academicyear (nine month ): Undergraduate With On Off Parents Campus Campus Tuition &Fees $13,408 $13,408 $13,408 Room & Board 2,322 5,196 5,742 Books & Supplies 612 612 612 Personal/Misc. 1,440 1,170 1,566 Transportation 702 558 8!0 TOTAL $18,484 $20,944 $22,138 Graduate - Master's Programs and Specials (except Rosemead) (Based on 9 units With On Off per semester) Parents Campus Campus Tuition & Fees $5, 184 $5,184 $5, 184 Room &Board 2,322 5,196 5,742 Books &Supplies 612 612 612 Personal/Misc. 1,440 1,170 1,566 Transportation 702 558 810 TOTAL $10,260 $12,720 $13,914 Doctoral - Ed.D. and D.Miss. (Based on 12 uni ts With On Off per semester) Parents Campus Campus

PAYMENT OPTIONS Astudent's account must be curren t (no outstanding bal­ ances) prior to re-enrollment in subsequent sessions. Cost of tuition , room and board and special fees may be paid in one of the following ways: Plan 1 - Payment of each session in full on or before the day of registration . Plan 2 - Adown payment at the time of registration with payment of any remaining balance by the first payment due elate (October 15 - fa ll semester; March 15 - spring semes­ ter). Down payments include 60% of the balance of tuition , room and board, class fees and vehicle registration less con­ firmed fin ancia l aid plus I00% of insurance charges. No finance charges are assessed. Plan 3 - Adown payment as described in PLAN 2 with the remaining balance in tliree payments (October-December or March-May). A finance charge of 1.5% per month of the first $1,000 of unpaid balance and I%per month of unpaid balance over $1,000 is added at each billing to carry the accounL All pay­ ments are clue in the Student Accounting Office on or before the 15th of the month as indicated in the billing summary. DOWN PAYMENT Minimum cl own paymems 1 are calcu lated acco rding to the fo ll owing schedul e: Master's &Special Undergraduate 1 Programs 3

$5,581 $4,022 100% 75% 60%

$3, ll 4 $1,555 100%

On Campus Off Campus

l-3 units 4-6 units 7 units and above

75% 60% Graduate Psychology2

$13,408 2,322 612 1,440 702 $18,484

$13,408 5, 196 612 1,170 558 $20,944

$13,408 5,742 612 1,566 810 $22, 138

Tuition &Fees Room & Board Books &Supplies


Personal/Misc. Transportation TOTAL Graduate Psychology

$4,577 $3,019 100%

$7,222 $5,273 100%

On Campus Off Campus

l-3 units 4-6 units

75% 60%

With Parents

On Campus $14,062

Off Campus $14,062

7 units and above 4 units and above Notes



Tuition &Fees




In terterm (I st yr. ) Prof. Growth Fee Room &Board Books &Supplies* Personal/Misc. Transportation**

1 Dm,m pllyments include Iii£ llmounts slwwn on this schedule plus the llpplicable percentages for class fees and vehicle registration. Owrges for insurance must be paid in full al the lime of registration. 2 Down payments in the Graduate Psychology program include the mnounts shown on this schedule plus theapplicable perce111agi1 for clllSs fees and vehicle registration. Charges for imurance must be paid in full al the time of registration. Al the time of registration, 75 % of the applicableProfessional Growth Fee must also be paid.

1,000 2,322

1,000 5,196

1,000 5,742











$23, 184 $24,378


*$750 for first year students **May be adjusted for practicum travel expense.

3 Assu111£s 9units per semester.

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