


BIOLA UNIVERSITY TUITION INFORMATION 1996-97 Semester Annual School/Degree/P,ogmm foition Tuition


Summer Session

Semester Audit Fee Per Unit




Per Unit

Per Unit

Per Unit

(12-18 units)

(12-1 8 uni ts)

(1- 11 , 19+) $559

Undergraduate Tuiti on (including A.S. fee)






Engl ish Language Studi es {102- 109) S/Jecial Student Tuition ( non-degree seeking) Undergraduate Special Students 6,704






Continuing Studies


Adult Degree Program English Language Institute (100- 101)

314 288

Graduate Tuition (including A.S. fee) School ofArts and Sciences & GraduateSpecial Students (post baccalaureate 288 per un it except Rosemead) School of lnlercultural Studies (includ ing A.S. fee)

288 per unit

288 per un it

288 per unit

288 per unit

50 per unit

Master's Programs and specials

288 per unit 559 per un it 559 per un it

288 per uni t 559 per un it 559 per unit

288 per un it 559 per uni t 559 per uni t

288 per uni t 528 per uni t 528 per uni t

288 per un it 559 per uni t 559 per unit

50 per unit 559 per uni t 559 per unit

Doctor of Education Doctor of Miss iology

Talbot School of Theology (in cludingA.S. fee) Master's Programs and specials

288 per un it 559 per uni t 799/ coursc

288 per un it 559 pe r unit 799/ course

288 per unit 559 per uni t 799/ cou rse (1-8, I7+ units)

288 per unit 528 per un it 799/ course

288 per unit 559 per uni t 799/ course

50 per un it 559 per uni t 799/ course

Doctor of Education Doctor of Minisuy

Rosemead School ofPsychology (in cluding A.S. fee) Master of Arts and specials

(9-16 units)

(9- 16 un its)

7,031 7,031 7,031

14,062 14,062 14,062

586 586 586

555 555 555

586 586 586

586 586 586

Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Psychology


Biola Uni versity seeks to provide a quali ty education for all its students at the most reasonable cost possible. As a pri­ vate, non-profit insti tution, Biola University receives no sup­ port from taxes or other public funds. Tui tion pai d by the students does not cover the costs of providing a quali ty edu­ cation. Consequently, every student who attends Biola Uni­ ve rsity rece ives a substanti al subsidy made possible by the gifts of alumni , individual fri ends, interested churches and, in a few cases, businesses and corporations. The expenses of students at Bi ola University are shown in the fo ll owi ng schedul es. The University reserves the right to change all student charges, modi fy its services, or change its progi·ams of study should economic conditions, curriculum revisions or national emergency make it necessary to do so. APPLICATION FEE An appli cation fee of $35 must accompany each applica­ tion. Thi s fee is non-refund able. Applications fo r spring rece ived afte r January I, or fo r fa ll rece ived after August I must be accompan ied bya fee of $45 rather than $35. ROOM Per year in residence hall .... ...... .... ..$2,296-$2,798 Per semester .... .. .. .. ..... .. ......... ... .............. .. .....$1,148-$1,399

Meal Tickets (requ ired fo r all undergraduate resident students) Per year.. .. ..... .... ....$1,956-$2,398 Per semeste r. .... ... ... ... ......... .... .....$978-$1,199 APARTMENT RENT One-bedroom, unfurnished (familyhousing up to 3 people) $650/ month, all utilities included Two-bedroom, furnished (single students) $294/ person/ month, all uti liti es included, based on fo ur-person occupancy GENERAL FEES (In addition to tui tion, only as applicable to the individ- ual student.) *Enrollment Deposit (non-refundable) Undergraduate .. ... .. ... .... .... .. ...$100.00 Graduate Psychology .. ....... ... ... .. ..... .. .... .100.00 All other programs. ... ....50.00 *U/Jon notice of acceptance, an enrollment deposit is required. This amount is applicabw toward the total expenses during the stu­ dent's l.ast semesterofenrollment, but is forfeited if the applicant Jails to report for the semester/or which ap/!lication was made.

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