MASTER oF ARTs I N ■ =oaE-iiiD
First Year
(2) the Talbot Curriculum
whi ch will in te rview each applicant
and evaluate all credentials.
First Semester
The Master of Arts in Ministry is designed for individualswho have been in minisoy for a significant number of years and have not had the opportuni ty to earn a baccalaureate degree. Gradu ate level training is provided in several
2. Each approved appli cant will be enrolled tentatively in the Master of Arts in Mi nisuy program until 32 units have been completed, ofwhich 24 must be in core courses as described below.
d. At this point an advi sor is ass igned and subsequent changes in this curriculum must be requested in writing and approved in writing by the adviso r and th e Talbot Curri culum
BE 517 Hermeneuti cs/ Bible
.... .3
BE 519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi ... 3
CL555 Introduction to
World Mi ssions............ .... ... J
PT 5IO Evange lismand Follow-up ....3 TH 511 Theology 1- lno·oduction:
essential aspects of professional minGRADUATION REQUIREMENTS
isuy in order to enhance signifi cantly
Women 'sMinistries Emphasis CE 51 2 Education Administration ... 3 CE514 Women and Men in Minisuy..2 CE552 Lifespan Development.. .... .. .3 CE691 Practicum in Minisuy I ........ I CE692 Prac ti cum in Ministry II .. .. .. . I
A Satisfactorilycomplete 64 semesRevelation and Nature
the effectiveness of participating min ister units as outl ined in tl1e cuITiculum.
....... .. .. .... ... .. .... 3
ters. In establishing this program, the
B. Qualify fo r cand idacy status at
SS510 Theological Research
semina1y is endeavoring to address spethe conclusion of 32 units. At the
.. .... 1
cific needs of the Church as it functions in the major ethnic communities within
completion of 32 un its, an evaluation will be made regarding admi ssion to candidacy status in the Master of Arts grade point average of at leas t 2.50 will receive candidacy status. Students with a GPAbetween 2.00 and 2.50 will be allowed to complete an addi tional
Second Semester
the Southern Cal ifornia area.
CL520 Interpersonal and
BE 520 Survey of Matth ew -
The two primary foci of the proin Minisuy program. Students wi th a
lntercultural Adjustment .....3
..... .. ........3
gram are biblical and practical studies. Th e biblica l emphasi s provides an increased breadth in knowledge of the content of the Word of God, incl uding its background and sound princip les of literary interpretati on. Prac ti cal
PT 628 Marital Coun seling...... .... .. .. .3
TH 512 Theology 11 - Works of
Cod, Angels, Man and Sin ... 3
PT 706 Personal Foundations
Emphasis or electives ..
... I0
of Ministry.. ...... ...... ...... .... . .. .2
PT 707 Foundations of Pas toral
8 units (for a total of 40) to
be credSecond Year
Care and Counseling . .........2
ited toward a certifi cate in minisuy.
PT 725 CounselingTroubled
First Semester
stud ies concentrate on the enhanceC. At least 24 units must be
Fami lies
... 3
TH 613 Theology Ill - Cl11ist, Salva-
ment of minisuy and communica tion skill s. The goal of both emphases is improved experti se in a min isuy of the Word as it relates to the daily lives of
taken at this semina1y.
.. ...... ....... JO
tion and tl1eSpi1i1.. . .. .... ...........3
Specia lization.. .. .. ..
D. Obtain a 2.50 grade point average with no grade below "C-" in all co urses to be credi te d towa rd
CE 600 Educa tional Minisuy in
... ..... ...8
Elec tives .... ..
the Church.... ..
.. ....3 .... .3
PT 703 Church and Society
people and their eternal des tiny.
Emphasis or electives
.......... .....7
E. Complete the entire program
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Students who are unable to meet the academic requirements for admission listed beloware encouraged to consider the MA in Minisuy PrerequisiteTrack.
in no more than six years.
Second Semester
F. Prior to candidacy status, stuTH 614 Theology IV - The Church
dents with a grade point average below 2.0 are placed on probation and remain
and Last Things .. .. .. .. .. ...... ....3
HT 514 Hi storical Theology Survey .. 3
on probation as long as the single semesEmphas is or electives ..
.. ........ 10
ter or cumulative grade poin t average remains below2.0. After candidacy sta tus isgranted, the minimum grade point average is acljusted upward to 2.50, witl1
A. Personal Qualifications
I. Completi on of fi ve ye ars in mini st ry and present ly on a church
Each srudent must select a minisu-y
staff in an offi cial capaci ty.
probation calculated accordingly. Stuemphasis and complete tl1e requiremen t
2. Participation in the Mas ter of Ans program in Minisuy presumes a significant level of mi nisuy experience
dents on probation are granted one
of that emphasis during the program.
semester in which to bring their acadeFour empha,es are currentlyoffered:
mic work up to the required level fo r
Pastoral Missions
and personal matura tion. For this reacontinuance in the seminaiy. Astudent
son, applicants must be at least 30 years of age, and the degree is rarelygranted to persons less than 35 years of age. 3. Applicants usuallywill not have the B.A. or equivalent degree. Talbot offers other programs for appli cants who have the baccalaureate degree. 4. Three references are required:
cannot graduate while on probation.
Ch,istian 1.:.1/ucation
Maniage and Family Minisllies
The Master of Arts in Min isuy curPastoral Emphasis
riculum includes courses in: 1) core curriculum, 37 uni ts; and 2) minisuy
Se lect one* .. .
.. .... .. .. ........ .... .2
BE602* Genesis
emph asis, 27 un its. The total requireBE 608* Matthew
BE610* Romans
ment is 64 uni ts.
BE 726 Expositional Methodology
church or denom inational endorseThe courses specifi cally identifi ed
in Daniel/Revelation ...... .. ... 3
ment; personal fr iend ; and mini stry co ll eague (o r emp loye r if current ly
by department and number in th e chart below are required in the core curriculum. In addition , each student must complete the req uirements of one emphasis during the program. The fo llowing chart presen1s the curriculum sequence for students who dent, who will be enrolled on a "half time" bas is should pl an to comple te eight units each semester, no1111ally tak ing courses ind ica ted as "first ye ar" before tl1ose in the "second year" group.
PT 602 Pas toral Minisuy....
.. .. 3
PT 609 Sermon Preparation.. .. .... 3
employed outside the church). 8. Academic Qualifications
PT 706 Personal Foundations
of Minisuy .
.. .....2
I. Equi va lency of two ye ars of
PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral
co llegiate level stud ies.
Care and Counseling .. . .. ..... 2
2. Proficiency in English language.
will be "fu ll-time" in the program. StuPT 730 Biblical Leadership and Management .... ... 3
C. Admission Procedure
CE 673 Biblical Foundations of FamilyMinist1y ..
I. The appli cant 's potenti al to compete successfully in a graduate program will be determined by the Master of Arts Guidance Committee,
.. .... .. .. 3
Electives ........ .. .... ...... ..
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