


MASTER OF jj:1:(•)!C•Xft



Missions Emphasis CL560 Urban Research and Ministry. CL540 Principles of Church Pl aming

Program Director:

Climon E. Arnold, Ph .D.

The Ce1tificatein Bibliral Studies pro­ gram is designed with two spec ifi c needs in mind. The first is for persons who seek a year of swdy in preparation fo r a lay sen~ce with an overseas mis­ sion agency, or for more effective lay in vo lvemem in the life of their local congrega tion. It also serves as a "trial year in semina1y" for persons who wi sh to test their gifts and skills with a view toward possible further preparation for full-time Christian minisuy. Certifi cate course work may later be applied toward a Master of Divinity or Master ofArts degree . ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Appli cants must possess a bac­ calaureate degree from an accredited co ll ege with a minimum grade poim average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) . All applicants must submit a writ­ ten statement outlinin g thei r voc.1- tional objecti ves and how the certifi­ cate relates to those objectives. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Sati sfa ctoril y comp lete all courses for a to tal of 32 semester units as outlined in the curriculum below. B. Obtain a 3.0 average with no cr rade below a "C-" in all courses to be ~redited toward graduation. C. At least 24 units must be taken al this semina,y. D. Complete the entire program in no more than fi ve years. Students are placed on academi c probation if their GPAfor anysemes ter fa lls below3.0 and will remain on pro­ bation as long as the single semester or cumulative GPAremains below 3.0. Probation students are gramed one semester in which 10 b,ing their academic wo rk up to the required level (3.0) fo r continuance in the seminary. Astudem cannot graduatewhile on probation. CURRICULUM BE 517 Hermeneuti cs/ Bibl e StudyMethods .. .. ... 3 BE5I 9 Survey of Genes1s-Malac h1 .. ..3 BE520 Survey ofMatthew-Revelation. ..3 TH 511 Theology 1- lnu-oduction: Revelation and Nature of God 3 TH 512 Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin ..3 TH 613 Theology Ill - Christ, Salva- tion and the Spiiil.....................3 TH 614 Theology TV - The Church and Last Things .. ..................3 SS 510 Theological Research Methodologies ...................... I Electives in BE, NT, OT, TH , PH ..... ..6 Electives .. .. .4

All applicai1ts are required to submit a Personal Statemem of one to two dou­ ble spaced typewritten pages expressing their career goalsand personal objectives in seeking the Th .M. degree. Graduates of oth er seminari es m11st file a full appli ca tion with the Office of Graduate Admissions. Master of Divinity students cur­ rently enrolled at Talbot may fil e fo r admi ss ion by submittin g a written I T-13

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............3 CL 546 The Histori cal Development of the World Christian Movemelll.. .. ...... .... .. .. ....3 CL640 Applied Amhropology for Christian Workers .... .. .. .. .. .. ..3 CL75 1 Theology of Mi ssion .. .. .... .. .. .3 Bi bl ical or Theological elec tives ........ .4 ICS electives.. .. ...6 Elec tives .. .. .. ..2 27 Christian Education Emphasis CE 512 EducationAdminisua tion .. ...3 PT 706 Personal Foundati ons of Ministry ...... .... ............ 2 PT 707 Foundations of Pas toral Care and Coun seling .......... 2 Bibl ical or Theological electives ........ 4 Christian Educa tion elec ti ves ...... 10 Electi ves .. ......6 27 Marriage and Family Ministries Emphasis* CE 552 Life Span Developmelll in Ministry .... .3 CE 629 Group Counseling Leadership .. .. .. .. ...... .3 CE 675 Family Life Educati on .. .. .... .3 CE 69 1 Prnc ticum in Ministl)' I .... .. .. .. . 1 CE 692 Prncticum in MinisU)' II ..... .. I PT 618 Psychopathology and Assessment.......... . .. ...... .. .3 PT 628 Marital Counseling.. .. ....3 PT 706 Personal Foundations of MiniSU)' .. ........ ...... .. .. .2 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counse ling ..........2 (Select a three elective 11nit from the fo llowing) CE 512 Education Administration CE 562 Personal and lmerpersonal Developmelll CE620 Premarital Preparation and Counseling CE 622 Philosophyof Ministry CE673 Biblical Foundations of FamilyMinistry CE71 6 Ministry to Single Adults PT 725 Counseling Troubled Families Total graduate semes ter units of psychology which include educational psychology and abnormal psychology plus eight units of Bible and/ or doctrine courses. If these units were not part of the stu­ den 1 's undergraduate program th ey must be taken p1ior LO completion of 36 uni ts toward the degree. 27 *Applicants must have 12 under­

The Master of Theology curricu- 1um is a chall enging pos t-graduate degree program designed to equip slU­ dents 111th specialized academic knowl­ edge and advanced professional skill s in one of the th eological di sciplines.. The program is of special imeres t to students wh o aspire to teach - whether in the church, a Bible college or seminaiy, an extension cemer, or in a cross-cultural se lling. Thi s is in accord with both A.T.S. (th e Associa­ tion of Th eo log ical Schoo ls) and A.A.B.C. (the American Association of Bibl e Co ll eges) whi ch consider th e Th.M. degree the minimum educa­ ti onal credential for teaching biblical and theological subjects at accredited seminaries and Bible schools. The pro­ gram also pro1~des an excellem prepa­ ra tion fo r those who amicipate further studyat the Ph.D. and Th.D. leve l. Qualified students aspiring LO excel­ lence and leadership in many areas of minisuy and se1vice for Christ find the Th.M. program personally enriching and academicallystimulating. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The swdent must present accept­ abl e Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor or Mas ter of Divinity degrees. Spec ifi ­ ca lly th ey must have maintain ed at least a 3.25 average in their Divinity program and have compl eted at least nine semes ter hours of Greek beyond beginnin g Gree k and 11 seme ster hours of Hebrew, three of which may be Aramaic. Appli cants defi ciem in the bibli cal languages may take th e prerequisite units at Talbot while tak­ in g oth er Th.M. courses, but such defi ciencies must be made up before more than I 6 uni ts in other subj ects may be taken. Di vinity degrees pre­ semed from non-accredited seminar­ ies and theological schools are individ­ uall y evalu ated. Defi cienci es dis­ cerned in such cases may be made up by course work at Talbot or oth er specified accredited institutions. Stu­ dents must also have th e personal qualifi ca tions necessa1y fo r a minister of Christ, including promise of future usefuln ess . They must be spiritually qualifi ed by providing evidence of a born-again experi ence and a consis­ tent Christian manner of life.

reques t to th e Graduate Committee in care of th e Offi ce of Graduate Admis- sions. This request should indicate any changes in marital status or doc- trinal convictions since enrollmem in th e Maste r of Di vin ity deg ree . In additi on, appli cants should signify their intenti on to abide by the Stan- dards of Conduct of Biola University. Talbot Master of Divini ty swdents who have completed 80 or more uni ts, and whose current cumulati ve GPA is 3.25 or above may be gramed a con­ current enrollment option. Inter­ es ted se ni ors should co ntac t th e Offi ce of Graduate Admi ss ion s for detailed information. Appli cants wh o have graduated from Talbot with a Master of Divinity degree may fil e fo r admi ss ion accord­ ing 10 the foll owing guidelines: Less than two years since graduation from Talbot: ■ ReAdmit Appli ca tion ■ Personal Statemem Between two and jive yean since graduation: ■ ReAdmit Application ■ Pas tor Reference on form pro- vided by the Admiss ions Office

■ Personal Statement Over five yea rssince graduation: ■ Full applica tion ■ Personal Statemelll

Talbot graduates should include in the Perso nal Statement any changes in marital SI.illus or docu·inal convictions since graduation with the Mas ter of Divinity degree . In addi­ ti on, th ey should signify their imen­ tion to abide by the Standards of Con­ duct ofBiola University. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Degrees are awarded to qualified candidates at the university's wimer and spring commencements. Students arc required to be presenl for graduation unl ess advance permi ssion to graduate in absentia has been secured. To quali~,

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