

advancement to candida cy . Thi s examination includes both written and oral components. W,·itten Qualifying Examination Written material is required which , in tl1e judgmelll of the facul ty, demon­ su·ates proficiency in the areas selected in consultation wi th the programdirec­ tor. The examination is composed of fo ur written papers compl eted whil e the student is engaged in el ec ti ves course work. (See the Ed.D. Student

tl1ree weeks prior to expected gradua­ tion, tl1 e original and four copi es of the di ssertation signed by the di sserta­ tion committee. Extra-Curricular Factors Ed.D. fac ul ty must recommend that the student is eligible for confe r­ ral of the degree on tl1 e basis of acade­ mic stature and evidence of Christian life and character established during residelllial studies. All fin ancial obliga­ tions should be settled and attendance is required at commencement ce re­ monies when the degree is granted. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The Ed.D. program seeks to admit applicants whose backgro und cl early demonstrate scholarlyaptiLUde, a com­ mitment to the historic Christian fai th, personal character and integri ty and a se rvice-ori ented motivati on towa rd endeavors of educa tional mini stry. Bi ola do es not di scrimin ate on th e basis of the applicant's race, color, sex , handicap or national or ethnic origin. Persons interested in allending the Ed.D. program should reques t an Ed.D. appli cati on fo rm for Talbot School of Theology from the director of graduate admi ss ions of Biola Uni­ versity. As in manygraduate programs, competition is keen and enrollment is limited. In order to be admitted to full graduate standing the applicant must complywith the fo llowing: (I) Have completed at least three yea rs of full-tim e voca tional experi­ ence in educati onal minisu-y with evi­ dence of leadership gifts and abilities. (2) Submi t a compl eted Talbot School of Theology Ed.D. application form. (3) Have earned a Mas ters degree in Chri stian or Reli gious Educa tion (MACE or MRE) or its equivalent from an accredited educational insti tution. Equivalence is defin ed as an earned master's degree of 64 semester uni ts of graduate study in areas related to the Christian education mini s□ y, including 18 uni ts ofgraduate Bible and theology. At least one course in tl1 e foll owing areas should have been compl eted: Philosophyor Histo ry of Christian Edu­ cation , Human Development, or Edu­ cation al Psyc hology, Edu cational Administration , Interpersonal Commu­ ni ca ti on/ Croup Dynamics or Coun sel­ ing, Curriculum Design and/ or Meth­ ods ofTeaching, Research Metl1ods. A minimum CPAof 3.25 on a 4.0 scale in all graduate work is required.

Students whose formal educa tional preparation does not include all of the requi red prerequisite course work may be admitted provisionally with a defi­ ciency of master's leve l courses. See the Ed.D. Student Handbook fo r sev­ eral ways to address defi cienci es. (4) Submit sco res eith er on th e Graduate Record Examination (CRE) or the Miller Analogies Test (MAT). Infor­ mation regarding CRE tesling dates and location may be obtained bywriting to the Educational Testing Service, Box 955, Prince ton , NewJersey 08540. For infom1ation regarding MAT tesling elates and location wri te tl1e Psychological Test Corp., MAT/Colllrol Testing Center, 555 Academic Court, San An tonio, TX 78204, or call (800) 622-3231. International students whose native language is not English are required, instead, to submi t scores on the Test of Engli sh as a Fo re ign Language (TOEFL) and the Test for Written Eng­ lish (TWE). The minimum score for admi ssion is a total of 575 and a score of 55 or above. The TOEFL and TWE are administered toge ther on ce rtain test elates. For more information call (609) 77 1-7100, FAX (609) 771-7500 or 111·ite: Test of English as a Foreign Language, Box 6151, Princeton, NewJersey, U.S.A. 08541-6151. Students should consult tl1e general Biola University guidelines (see the Admission of In ternational Students and Res ident Ali ens sec ti on at the beginning of the catalog) . Since doc­ toral seminars involve regul ar student di scussion, it is expected that interna­ tional students have the requisite abili ty with spoken English to be a contribut­ ing member of such discussions. (5) Present evidence of potential for original academic research at the doctoral level by submitting a sample of scholarlywriting (with citati ons and bibli ograph y) , preferably related to education, of at least 20 pages, fo rmat­ ted according to APA style. (6) Applicants maybe asked to be interviewed by the program director or the Ed.D. committee as a require­ mem for admi ssion. Application Deadline The Applicati on Deadline for the Fall semes ter is April 1.5 and for the Spring semes ter is November I. Since enrollment is limited and admi ss ion is on a sel ec ti ve bas is, appli ca tion s should be made as early as poss ibl e. Th e Ed.D. committee will process completed applications soon afte r they are received. Applications submitted

after the deadline will usually be con­ sidered fo r the fo llowing semester. Admission of International Students and Resident Aliens See Admi ss ion and Reg istrati on and Requir ements sec ti on at th e

beginning of tl1 e catalog. GENERAL ACADEMIC INFORMATION Classification of Students

Ed.D. stud ents mee tin g all entrance requirements will be class i­ fi ed as regular graduate students. Stu­ dents who do not fulfill all entrance requirements may be admitted with prm~s ional status until they correct any defi ciency. Normally all prerequisites must be satisfi ed before a student may enroll in Ed.D. courses. Full-time study is defined as nine units per semester. Research Competence Specific research skill s appropri­ ate fo r proposed dissertation studyare to be demonstra ted. The Ed.D. pro­ gram direc tor will va lid ate compe­ tence through reviewof examinations, compl eted research, or course work. Appropri ate research tools and meth­ ods include bibl ical languages, mod­ ern languages, sta tisti cal anal ysis, and research methodologies appli cable to educa tional problems and issues. Defi­ ciencies in research competence may resul t in additional program special­ ization components. Grading System Students wishing to obtain a doc­ toral degree must maintain a consis­ tentl y hi gh ac ademi c performan ce tl1roughout tl1eir program. An overall B average, i. e., 3.0 on a 4.0 scal e, is required. Only grades of "A", "B", "C" earn graduate credit. Grades of all stu­ dents are recorded in the registrar's office. Grading ison tl1e following basis: Grade Grade points A Superi or achievement 4.00 A- Significalll achi evement 3.67 B+ High standard achievement 3.33 B Standard graduate achi evement 3.00 8- Lowstandard achievement 2.67 Ct Minimum passing perfo rmance 2. 33 C Minimum pass ing performan ce 2.00 C- Minimum pass ing performance 1.67 F Failure 0.00 R Dissertation research in progress 0.00

Hm1dbook for further details) . 0ml Qualifying Examination

The student takes the oral exami­

nation after completing:

(l ) All coursework, and (2) All papers constituting the writ­ ten quali.lying examination. The oral qualifying examination may be taken in thefinal semesterofcmirsewmk Admission to Candidacy Official candidacy for the doctor­ ate signifies an advan ced stage in the student 's progress and is character­ ized by self-directed research and the compl etion of a di ssertati on under the direction of a facul ty di sse rtati on advisor. In order to be admitted to candidacy, the student must have: {l ) Passed the Qualifying Exami­ nations, and (2) Received approval of a di sser­ tat ion proposa l by th e stu­ dent's di ssertation committee . Upon completion of the minimum 48 units of course work, a student must enroll in DE 891 (3 units) in the next term. Subsequellll y, the registrar will automatica lly enroll the student in DE 89 I each fall and spring semester until graduation. A student must enro ll .for a minimum of two semesters of DE 891 and must be enrolled in DE 89 I in the semester of graduation. Normally, dis­ serta ti on students are considered full­ time for a maximum of four semesters. Dissertation Doctoral students must submit a di sse rtation evidencing hi gh attain­ ment in original scholarship. Detailed in fo rmation may be found in the dis­ se rtati on guidelin es sec ti on of th e

Ed.D. Student Handbook. Final Oral Examination

The final examination is an oral defense of the di ssertation before the student's di ssertation committee and oth er in vited profess ion als. Upon pa ss ing the defense, the candidate must submit to the program secretary,

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