EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS AND SPIRITUAL FORMATION Coordinator: Dr. Issler (courses listed in the 8l0 's and 820's) ■ DE 811 Spirituali ty and Ch ri sti an Formation (3) ■ DE 8l4Jesus, The Master Teacher (3) ■ DE 815 Selected Topics in Theological Thought (1-3)
An "S" indicates satisfactory com pletion for courses listed from DE 880-889. A "W" indi ca tes an offic ial with drawal from a course and does not affect the student's grade average . A "UW" indi cates an unofficial withdrawal. Students who register for a class but do not attend it are auto matically give n the grade of "UW" which will influence the grade average the same as an "F." A tempora ry mark of "RD " (Report Delayed) wi ll be used in spe cial cases of extreme hardship where an exte nsion is warranted and approved by the dean. A st ud ent must appeal for an "RD" grade before the end of' the semester. Such a grade incurred in one semester must be made up by the end of the first nine (9) weeks of the next semester or the grade will automatica ll y become a ''W." A "V, "' can be made up only by repetition of the course. No grade other than an "RD" may be altered once it has been reported lo the registrar' s offi ce unless an error was made in grad in g or record ing. These changes can only be made upon written approval of the instructor, the regisu-ar and the Ed.D. committee. Academic Probation A studem fai ling to maintain the minimum GPA of 3.0 wi ll be placed on academic probation. The follow ing semester, should the student not meet the minimum cumu lati ve GPA (3.0) , they will automatically be dis mi ssed. A swde nl cann ot graduate wh ile on probation. Academic Dismissal Students who receive two grades of "C" and/ or "F" will be reviewed by the Ed. D. commiuee, and are subject to pro bation or dismissal from the program; a third "C" and/ or "F" brings automatic elimination from the program. Time limit for Degrees All course and academi c require mems mu st be completed within five years from the date of the studem' s first registration for graduate study in the Ed. D. program, un less an extension has been granted by the Ed.D. committee. Any application for an extension will require a$ I00 processing fee. Transfer Credit Students may transfe r up lo six semester hours of applicable doctoral level courses from an accredited grad-
uale school or theological seminary, after see king prior approval from the program director. Transferred course work must be compl eted after begin ning the Ed.D. program. It is the student 's responsibili ty to provide documentation assuring doc toral level status of the course. Docu mentation may include catalog descrip tions, syll abi and other supporting materials from the professor of record or departmem, as deemed necessary. Unofficial Withdrawal A student who fa ils to register in any given semester without arrangi ng for a leave of' absence or formal with drawal is eliminated from the program by default. It is the swdent's responsi bility to be aware of pre-regisu-ation and regisu-ation procedures and deadlines. Students who unofficially withdraw from the program and are later re-admitted may be required to pay cominuation fees for semesters during which they were not enroll ed and are subj ect to Ed .D. cwTiculum changes and gradua tion requirements implememed du,ing their program inactivity. leave of Absence In active students are those who have reques ted and been granted a leave of absence from their program. A leave of absence may be gramed upon petition for change of status if there is deemed sufficient reason for interrupting the program and inten ti on to return to the program. Change of status forms are ava ilabl e from the Registrar's Office. A leave of' absence mu st be renewed by petition each semester and may not exceed two consecutive semesters. Missionaries may petition to be exempted. A leave of abse nce longer than two semesters wi ll require withdrawal from the program and a petition fo r readmission if the student later wishes to regain active status. Each leave of absence must rece ive the approval of the swdent's disserta tion advisor , if app li ca bl e, and the final approval of the Ed.D. committee. StudenL1 on leave are required to reg ister for DE 897 Leave of Abse nce each term (a one-unit fee is assessed). Re-Admission A person who has been dismissed from the Ed.D. program may make reapplication to the program a mini mum of one year after termination. The reapp li cation should be in the form of a leue r and include a new
applica tion form, at least two current references and anydesired supporti ng material s. The leue r should be addressed to the Ed.D. Commiuee stati ng the reasons for req uest ing readm iuance as we ll as any other issues deemed relevant by the appli cant. The leller should direct ly address the causes for dismissal. The application will be considered with the regular admissions pool. CURRICULUM The curriculum of the Doctor of Educa tion Program is organ ized into two parts: a se ri es of common co re courses taken by all students and elec tive courses fromwhich the sn1dem 1vill select those appropriate for a program of study. Ed.D. doctoral courses are numbered in the 800 se,ies. Up to six semester units of 600 or 700 series mas ter's level university courses may be included in the electives program. Core Studies All students compl ete 18 semester units of required course work. Primary Core (12 units) ■ DE 80 ] Foundational Issues in Christian Educa tion (3) ■ DE 803 Human Development and Learning (3) ■ DE 804 Organizational Administration in Educational Leadership (3) ■ DE 805 Curricu lum Theory and Teaching (3). Research Core (6 units) ■ DE 807 Educational Research Methods (3) ■ DE 871 Statistical Methods in Educational Research (3) Students should pnrsue the camf1letion of care cau.rses early in their program. Electives Program Elective courses offered by Ed .D. facu ltypenain lO areas of expertise and cominuing facu lty study and are clus tered according to three broad emph ases. In consu ltat ion with the program advisor, the sllldem designs a program (30-semester unit minimum) in light of educational background and vocational and research interests. Stu dents may se lect courses from any emphasis as they design a program of study relevant lo their vocational objec tives. Sufficient latitude in designing course assignments permits students lO pursue a variety of research interests. Elective courses are usually offered on a rotating basis eveI)' two years.
DE 816Theological Issues in Educational Minist1y (3) DE 817 Christian Communi ty: AContext for Learning (3) DE 821 Formation of Moral Character (3) DE 823 The Exce llent Teacher (3) DE 825 Selected Topics in Philo sophical & Histo1icalThought (1-3) DE 826 Studies in the Histo1y of Education (3)
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EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION Coordinator: Dr. Anthony (courses li sted in the 830's and 840's) ■ DE 83 ] Admin isu·ation of Christ ian Higher Education (3) ■ DE 832 Faculty Development in Higher Education (3) ■ DE 836 Current Trends in Ameri can Higher Education (3) ■ DE 839 Selected Topics in Admin istn tion of Higher Education (1-3)
DE 843 Advanced Organ iza tion and Administration (3) DE 844 Contempora,y Issues in Minisl!y Leadership (3) DE 845 Selected Topics in Educational Leadership and Admin istration (1-3) DE 848 Multiple Staff Manage ment in the Local Church (3)
EDUCATIONAL PROCESS AND DESIGN Coordinator: Dr. Lawson (courses li sted in the 850s and 860s) ■ DE85] Principles of Curriculum Design (3) ■ DE 852 Nonformal Education (3) ■ DE 853 Curri culum Innovation and the Change Process (3) ■ DE 854 Effective Teach ing Research (3) ■ DE855 Selected Topics in Curricu lum Theoq, and Teaching (1-3) ■ DE 861 Educational Psychology in Christian Education ■ DE 862 Faith Development (3) ■ DE 863 Motivation for Learning and Christian Living (3) ■ DE 865 Selected Topics in Human Dcvclopmemand Learning (l-3)
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