Educational leadership and
OE 81 4 Jesus , The Master Teacher (3) Detailed analys is of what Jesus taught and how he taught base d on an exege tical study of va rious teaching episodes in the Gospels (competence in exegetica l skills and knowledge of
DE 874 Writing for Publication (3) DE 875 Selected Topics in Educa tional Research (1-3) DE 880 Directed Research (1-3) DE 881 Directed Readings ( 1-3) DE 882Professional Internship ( 1-3)
Core Courses
DE 831 Administration of Christian
DE 801 Foundational Issues in Christian
Higher Education (3)
Education (3)
Explora tion of major responsi bilities in the administration of higher educa ti on with a view to broaden the stu dent's awareness of the compl ex ities involved in educa ti onal leadership . Emphas is is given to a di scussion of the de partments of fac ul ty, student affa irs , advancement , lega l affairs,
Advanced studyof the history and phi losophy of Christian educa tion. Sig nificant historical trends and topics are analyzed in the development of a
NT Creek is help ful ).
DE 815 Selected Topics in Theological
phil osophi ca l and theo log ica l pe rThought (1-3)
spective. Em phas is is pl ace d on
Exp loration of selected issues led by
Up to six uni ts of graduate course work direc tly related lo the program
enhancing critical thinking of educaresident facu lty or visiting professors.
tional theory and content. of studymay be taken in other departOE 816 Theological Issues in
library, and support services.
DE 803 Human Development and
Educational Ministry (3)
ments at Biola Uni versity or transLearning (3)
DE 832 Faculty Development in Higher
A study of th eo logical components
Education (3 )
ferred in from other accredited graduAdva nced study of the processes of ate institutions. The fo llowing uni ve rlea rning, motivati on, and life-span
whi ch are esse ntial to the deve lopA study of current techniques fo r the
assessment and development of fac ulty in hi ghe r edu cat ion. Topi cs include methods for eva luating pro
human developmen t. Investiga tion cenment of a th eology of the teaching
sity courses may have some relevance
ters on understanding of social science
ministry (compe tence in th eo logical
fo r a student' s program.
data within a Christian world view. Stumethod is helpful ).
Talbot School of Theology
dents are challenged to develop imp lifess ional competency and designing DE 817 Ch ri stian Communi ty: AContext
cations fo r various teaching contexts. DE 804 Organizational Admin istration
in-service development programs.
TTTH 717 Theology of Human
for Learning (3 )
Nurture (2)
DE836 Current Trends in American
Astudy of the concepts of vengeance, forgiveness andjusti ce as they apply to
in Educational Leadership (3)
Higher Education (3)
TTTH 718 Theology of Christian
Advanced study of significant th eori es
An examination of cri tical issues fac interpersonal relationships. Students and principles of effec tive adminisu-aing North Ameri can uni ve rsities and
Nurture (2)
will deve lop a proactive model for a reconciliation minisu-yat the personal
tion. Emphas is is upon the integration of management theory and bibl ica l concepts concerning relationsh ips fo r appropriate local church and organi zational ministry leadership in va ri ous
School of lntercultural Studies
disc ussion of the acquisition of viable premi sing data, re levant strateg ic pl anning issues, and futu re program
!SST 721 Crosscultural
and corporate leve l.
Education (3)
matic designs.
OE 821 Formation of Moral Character (3)
!SST 765 Crosscul tural
Analysis of criti cal issues related Lo ethiDE 839 Selected Topics in Administration
Leadershi p (3)
culwral se ttings.
of Higher Education (1 -3)
cal theori es, psychological development, and the prac ti ce of moral education.
ISCL 803 Qualitative Research (2)
DE 805 Curriculum Theory and
Exploration of selected issues led by resident facu lty or visiting professors.
Teaching (3)
Rosemead School of Psychology
Advanced studyof teaching within varOpportuni ty for swdents to explore
RSPY 610 Development of Religious Understanding of Children and Adolescents (2) RSPY 733 The Self: Theological, Philosophical, Psychological and Cross-Cultural Perspec tives (3) · RSPY 745 Matu rity: Psyc hological and Theological Perspectives (2)
OE 843 Advanced Organization and
nu rture of individual and corporate moral maturity in ministry contexts (for
ious educational settings. Students are challenged to enhance their personal
Administration (3)
A detailed study of the primary man
repertoire of teaching skills and educompanion course, see DE 81 I).
ca ti onal strateg ies through obse rvaagerial fun ctions of planning, organ iz DE 823 The Excellent Tea cher (3 ) tion, di scussion and prac ti ce. Compeing, stamng, directing, and evaluating tencies in designing va ried curricu lar Pursues the ques ti on, "What consti in the con text of church and para
tutes exce ll ence in teaching?" The course involves analyzing case sLUdies
materials are developed.
chu rch min istries. Emphasis on man agement by obj ectives, total quality man agement, budge tin g, co nfli ct management , computer assessment programs, and evaluati ve techniques appropriate for mi nistryapplication.
DE 807 Educational Research Methods (3)
Advanced study of a variety of methof outstand ing teachers and related
Normally Ed.D. courses are availods for scholarlyeduca tional research.
research on teac hi ng.
able as te rm-length courses in the Fall
The course foc uses on the li te rature
DE 825 Selected Topics in Ph ilosoph i
and Spring and as three-week in tenreview analyz in g research desig n,
ca l & Historical Thought (1-3)
methodology and resul ts. sive modules during the Summer sesExploration of selected issues led by
DE 844 Contemporary Issues in Ministry Leadership (3)
sion. Additi onal coursework may be offered duri ng theJanuary term. Visiting fac ulty who have offered
Educational Foundations and
resident facu lty or visiting professors.
An examination of issues signifi cantly impact ing church and para-church ministries today. Special focus given to tJ1 e dynami c nature of leadership and its re lationship to social instituti onal
Spiritual Formation
OE 826 Studies in the History of
DE 811 Spiritual ity and Christian
Education (3)
Formation (3) Selected Topics seminars include: DonInves tigation of great teachers, grea t
A study of the Scri ptures and va ri ous Church tradi tions regarding how one deepens one's relationship with Cod and th e spirit ual discip lin es whi ch
ald Brown (1985-91), Kenneth Gange l (1988, 1996) , DonaklJoy (1985, 1987) , Gilbert Peterson ( 1985), John Reed
educational ideas or great educa tional sys tems in the histo ry of edu ca ti on and th e teac hin g mini stry of the
contextua li za tion.
DE 845 Selected Topics in Educational Leadership and Administration (1 -3)
(1992), Lawrence Richards (1 989), NorChurch. Aparticular historical period cont ri bute to th e deve lopment of
man Wakefi eld (1988-91), Ted Ward (1993), and Campbell Wyckoff ( 1987).
may be treated or themes across hisExploration of selected issues led by
Chri st-likeness (fo r co mpani on
course, see DE 821).
torical periods (may be repeated).
resident facu ltyor visiting professors.
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