

BIBLE •:f3il•tiiH•U• Chair: John C. Hutchison, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Curti s, Flory, Hutch ison, Rae, Russe ll OBJECTIVES Whi le the entire seminary curricu­ lum conu·ibutes to the goal of accu­ rate expositi on of Scripture, it is the purpose of this department to focus on the following: ( I) sound hemzeneu­ tics, which leads to accurate interpre­ tation and ap plication of Scrip ture; (2) introduct01y ·issues for each Old and New Testament book wh ich in fo rm accurate Bible exposition, includi ng authorsh ip, historical and cu ltura l background, theme and purpose, or unique theological contributions; (3) synlhesis and analysis, accomp li shed through biblical survey and analysis of selected passages and books, enabl ing one to interpret Scripture in light of the "big picture"; (4) ex/iosition and application, providin g exampl es of we ll--0rganized, relevant messages and Bible studies from the English Bible books stud ied. COURSES BE 517 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods (3) A study of principles for sound inter­ pretation and appli ca tion of the Bible, including analysis of presuppositions, general rul es and specialized princi­ ples for the various biblical genre and phenomena. A presentation of vari­ ous approaches to studying the Bibl e. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students. BE 519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi (3) A broad su rvey of the Old Testament books, including selected in u·oductory and criti ca l iss ues , relevant back­ ground , major themes and divisions, and crucial problems. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students. BE 520 Survey of Matthew-Revelation (3) A general overview of the ew Testa­ ment books, including selected intro­ ducto1y and critical issues, relevant back­ ground, major themes and divisions, and crucial probl ems. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students. BE 530 Elementary Principles of the Biblical Languages (3) Basic princip les of language that are foundational to interpreting the bibli­ cal text. Overview of the su-ucture of the biblical languages, eval uation of th eories of Bible trans lation, and instruction in th e use of various tools

Israel, the strategic location of the Holy Land, the cl imate and topography, and the location of important place names. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental perm ission. BE 750 Did Testament Wisdom and Poetry (2)

based on the original languages. The course wi ll aid the student in under­ standing issues th at arise in interpreta­ tion because of 1.he original languages. Requi red of M.A. (B/ TS) students. BE 602 Genesis (2) An expos it.ion, with an emphas is on important cr iti cal and contemporary issues, and biblical 1.heology, especially 1.he Abrahamic Covenant. Elect.ive. BE 608 Matthew (2) An expos ition , emphasizing back­ ground issues, purpose, structure, and interpretation of narrati ve literature. Elective. BE 610 Romans (2) An expos iti on, emph asizi ng back­ grou nd iss ues, purpose , st ructure , development of the argument , and 1.heological contributions. Elective. BE 722 Directed Research (1-2) Guided research in some bibli cal area re lating to exposition , accordi ng to the student 's need and relevancy to ministry. Elective . BE 726 Expositional Methodology in Daniel and Revelation (3) Application of expositional method to selec t.ed passages from Daniel and Rev­ elati on. Discussion of crucial back­ ground and critical issues, book su-uc­ tures, interpretive difficulties, practical imp lications and var ious approaches to expounding the text of each book. Req uired of M.D iv. program. Sug­ gested elec t.ive for M.A. program. BE 731 Exposition of Did Testament Segments or Themes (2-3) * BE 732 Exposition of New Testament Segments or Themes (2-3)* BE 733 Biographical Exposition of Selected Biblical Figures (2)* *These electives will be offered in cycle, with the breadt.h of the scope of each offering determined by: 1) the expertise of available faculty; 2) current issues of scholarly and practical importance; and 3) balance in regard to recent offe1ings. BE 740 Advanced Hermeneutics (2) Aseminar focusi ng on advanced prin­ ciples, practice and current issues of bibli ca l interpretation and appli ca­ tion. Prerequisite: BE 517. BE 741 Issues in Biblical Exposition (2) Aseminar focusi ng on selected technical and practical issues in lhe field of bibli­ cal exposition. Prerequisite: BE 726. BE 743 Biblical Backgrounds (2) A presentation of the cultural develop­ ment of the Holy Land and nations of th e Ferti le Cresce nt in relat ion to

ethnic groups, as well as introducing the pot enti al fo r ch urch plantin g.

Prerequisite: DM 826. DM 850 Self-Study (1-6)

A directed individual study whereby the studen t may do advanced reading or research into an area of spec ial interest. Aproposal must be prepared according to guidelines ava il able in the D.Min. Office and approved by the D.Min. director. DM 890 Dissertation Seminar (6) The study of research methods appro­ priate to the Doctor of Minisu-y pro­ gram. Attention is given to principles and procedures of research design and students produce their disserta­ tion proposal as the fin al course pro­ ject. Prerequis ite: Must be taken between the third and fifth courses. DM 899 Dissertation (6) Prescribed fo r D.Min. students.

An expositional study of key passages and themes in Psalms, Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes. Special emphasis is given to the characteristics of Old Tes­ tament poeuy, lhe unique purposes of Old Testament wisdom and hymnic lit- I T-21 erature and the th eological relevance of each book in minisny today. BE 770 The Life of Christ (2)

A chronological and expositional study ofJesusChrist's life on earth , emphasiz­ ing the historical, cultural and lheologi­ ca l interpretat ion of key events and teachings in Christ's life, as well as the si milariti es / differences of the four gospel accounts. BE 806 Bible Exposition Seminar (2-3) Special course work for BE majors who wish to study a particular area of Bible expos ition. Elec tive for Th.M. students. BE 807 Exposition of Central Prophetic Passages (2) A special concentration on exposit.ion of selected prophecies wit.h regard to cu lture, views and the integration of the passages wit.h an ove rall biblical pi cture. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. BE 880 Directed Research (1-4) Supervised research in selected areas of Biblical studi es . Elec ti ve for Th.M. students. BE 891-892 Research Seminar (3 ,2) Discussion and application of th e cen­ n·al areas of Bible Exposi tion research and related fi elds of study. Instruction in research, including the identification of a problem, the steps undertaken to resolve a prob lem, and writing the resulL1. Required for the first semester of 1.he Th.M. (B.E.) program. Asecond semester may be taken to continue research in the area of interest.

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