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Chair: Kenneth R. Garland, Ed.D. FACULTY Professors: Anthony, Dirks Associate Professors: Garland, Issler, Lawson, Stevens Assistant Professors: Cunningham, Leyda, Ten Elshof OBJECTIVES The aim of the department of Christian education is that of develop ing Christian educators who under stand the sign ificance of an educational ministry and who possess the skills nec essary to function as Christian educa tors. To this end ,. course offerings have been designed to blend theory and practice. Most elective courses are designed for Uacking to accommodate the student's vocational specialization. COURSES CE 511 Foundations of Leadership (3) Investigation into leadership theOI)' and practice leading LO the develop ment of a bibliocentric philosophy of leadership; practi ce in basi c leader ship ski ll s; study of application of con cepts in the church and para-church agencies. Elective. CE 512 Education Administration (3) An analysis of administrative princi ples and processes as they apply to the church and para-church age ncies. Specia l auention Lo the re lat ion of admini strative functions and min isu-y. Required of M.Div. (C.E.), M.A. Min. (C.E.) , and M.A.C.E. students. CE 514 Women and Men in Christian Ministry (2) An investigation of the role of women and men in ministry and leadership in the light of Scripture. Also includes a discussion of issues men and women in the min isu-y face when work in g together. Elect ive. Offered fa ll , odd years. CE 516 Curriculum Writing and Development (3) Emphasis on custom development of a curriculum for various yo uth min isu-y teachi ng programs such as Sun day school, Bibl e study, discipl es hip groups, and more. Various youth cur ricu lum sources will be surveyed and their materials evaluated for effective ness of presentation. Elective. CE 521 Psychological Foundations of Christian Ministry and Lifestyle (3) Investigation into the major issues of educational p;-ychology including growt11
CE 566 Youth Group Development and Programming (3) Astep by step approach to the bui lding of a youth group and developing a yea rly youth group minisu-y program. Emphasis may be on eitherjunior high or high school age group and course wi ll contain an emphasis on develop ment of community within the group. Required of M.A. in Youth Minisuy CE 570 Special Studies in Christian Education (2) Designed for students who desire a spe ci fic course content not covered in any of the regularly offered classes. May be taken twice with different emphasis. Content 11111 differ based on need/ inte1° est. Possible required fee. Admission to course by advisor approval. CE 600 Educational Ministry in the Church (3) Analysis of ministries of ed ification as th ey relate to the personal, the congregational and the administrative aspects of minisu-y with peop le of all ages . Focus is on the exp lanatio n of various methods and resources ava il able for ministry and on the deve lopment of individual ski ll s in commun icating and leading in these ministries. Required of M.A.C.E., M.A. (Min.) , M.A. (B. / T.S.) , and M.Div. students. CE 612 Missionary Education (2) Objectives, programming, activities and administrative methods of imple menting a program of missiona1-y edu cation. Investigation into the auxi li a1-y organ ization of the church's educa tional program through which mis sions are taught. Elective. Offered fall, odd years. CE 616 Principles of Curriculum Development (2) Consideration of essen tial elements in curriculum formation. In tensive study of varied existing curricula. Analysis of contempora1-y trends in curriculum production. Elective. Offered spring, even years. CE 620 Premarital Preparation and Counseling (2) Counseling techniques applied to dat ing and courtship, engagement and premarital adjustments. Principles and su-uctures of premarital counseling are stressed and demonstrated. Emphasis on the use ofTJTA, Prepare and Family History analysis. Prerequisite: PT 706 or permi ssion of professor. Requ ired of M.A.C.E. Reduced Program stu dents. Offered fa ll , even years.
and development, learning theo1-y, moti vation, individual differences, self-con cept, human nature, dete1minism, social interaction, maladjustment, discipline, moral influence and retention. Discus sion of the major theories and theo1ists of psychology. Integntion of theology and psychology an emphasis. Also inves tigation into personality developmem as it relates LO Christian growth and lifestyle. Required of M.A.C.E. students. CE 543 Counseling Adolescents and Their Parents (3) An overview of the issues related to pro viding pastoral counse ling to adoles cents and their parents including addic tive behavioral problems, abnormal developmental concerns, intervention and enrichment counsel ing and aware ness of when and Lo whom to refer ado lesce nts for professiona l therapy. Required of M.A. in Youth Minisuy CE 552 Life Span Development in Ministry (3) A survey of human developmental resea rch with attention given to physi cal, cognitive, socio-emotional , moral, and faith aspects as they all relate Lo spiritual development as a basis for a holistic Christian education minisu-y. Required of M.A. Min. (M.F.M. ) and M.A.C.E. students. CE 555 Para-church Youth Ministry (2) Focus on the various types of para church ministry to junior hi gh and high school age students ava il ab le. Includes principles which make para church youth minisu-y different from local church youth minisu-y and prin ciples for beginning a new para church campus club. Elective CE 557 Moral and Faith Development in Ministry (2) An advanced study of the leading theo ries ofmoral and faith development with attention directed toward impli cation for intentional education minisuies that develop a Biblical values system. Required of reduced M.A.C.E. program. CE 562 Personal and Interpersonal Development (3) Emphasis on personal and interper so nal growt h through individual assignments and small group interac tions. Opportunity given for spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and rela tional development. Required of two year M.A.C.E. students.
CE 622 Philosophy of Ministry (3) Investigati on into the theological, his torical, and ph ilosophical foundations which underlie Christian ministry. Also includes an investigation of cu rrent practices of ministry through an analyti cal perspective. Designed to help the minister evaluate minisu-y programs and respond with remedial or enrichment stmegies. Required of M.A.C.E., M.Div.
(C.E. non-thesis) students. CE 629 Group Counseling Leadership (3)
Training in the p1inciples of counseling and the1,1py in a group setting. The class itself used as a laborato1-y expe1ience with the student participating both in the role of therapist and client. Required of M.A. Min. (M.F.M.) students. CE 633 Principles of Research (2) Basic methods of educational research 111th assessment of each method for use in religious education. Inu·oduction to statistical measurements. Formulation and implementation of research projects in mini su-y situations. One hour lecn1re and one hour laboraL01)' required per week. Required of all M.A.C.E. sn1dents. CE 636-637 Independent Study (1-2, 1-2) In -depth investigation of a topic under the gu idance of the Christ ian education department using standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by advisor 's approva l. Elective. CE 638 Current Trends in Christian Education (2) Identifying and understanding those issues which are of prima1-y concern LO the field of Christian education today. Opportunity will be provided for indi vidual and group research in areas of personal conce rn. The course wi ll investigate current educational trends, alternative church education pauerns and new forms of minist1y Elective. Offered spring, odd years. CE 642 Youth Minister's Home and Family Development (3) Emphasis on techn iques to balance professional ministry schedule with home and fami ly life and responsibili ties. Includes personal nurture tech niques, fam ily nurture techniques and developmen t of a plan for meeting family needs in the context of being a youth ministry professional. Required of M.A. in Youth Ministry.
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