•=•i-il•liH-ttil THEOLOGY
TH 81 0Johannine Theology (2) The theology of theJohannine writings, wi th emphasis upon the concepll thaL the writer himself emphasizes. Prereq uisiLe: NT 50 1-502. Elec tive for Th.M. studenll; oLh ers by departmental per mission. (Cross listed wi th NT 823) . TH 815 Advanced Ecclesiology (2) An inLensive study of signifi ca nL aspec ts of th e church related Lo its na LU re, purpose and organi za Li on. Particul ar attenti on directed to cur renL problem areas. PrerequisiLe: TH 614 or the equi valent in ecclesiology. Elec tive fo r Th.M. studenll; others by departmemal permi ssion. TH 827 The Doctrine of the Kingdom (2) An investigation into the meaning and purpose of the Kingdomof God and ill progressive deve lopment wiLhin hi s-
HT 705 History of Revivals (2) Th e background , deve lopment and resulll of tJie great revivals in America. Elec tive. HT 706 Protestant Theology Seminar (2) An examination of significant develop menll in Refo1mation/ post-Rekmnation ProtesLant thought. May be repeated with different emphasis. Elective. HT 707 The Radical Reformation (2) An examination of the Anabaptist and Socinian movement,. Consideration of the distinctive features of their theology and practi ce and the Reformed and Lutherdll polemicagainst them. Elective. HT 709 Arminius and Arminianism (2) A sLudy of th e wri tin gs of James Arminius and his fo llowers, including Limborch, Episcopius and Curcellaeus. Comparison of classical Arminianism with Reformed and Lutheran ortho doxy. Spec ial allention give n to A.rminian views of predestination, sin , grace, and atonement die01y. Electi ve. HT 710 Denominational Distinctives (2) The history, distinctives and poli ty of th e stud ent ' s denominati on or church. Required for M.Div. studenll not taking HT 506 in this semina1y. HT 718 Research Seminar (2-4) Supervi sed resea rch, with peri odi c reports to semin ar members, in an approved area of spec ial inLeresL to the student. El eCLive. HT 721 The Theology of John Calvin (2) Treannem of die main issues in Calvin 's dieology, as detailed in his Institutes of the Christian Religion and otJier major writings. Calvin 's dieology is compared with other significant thinkers in the
tory. The course includes discussion of historical and comempora1y theol ogi cal pos itions with emphas is upon Lh e biblical teaching in ill hisLori cal frame wo rk . ElecLive fo r Th.M. students; other bydepartmental permi ss ion. TH 880 Directed Research (1-3) Supervised research in selected areas of theology. Elec tive for Th.M. studenll. TH 891-892 Research Seminar (3 ,2) Discussion and applica tion of the cen tral areas of theo logy research and related fi elds of study. lnsu-uction in research methodology, including tJi e identificaLion of a probl em, the steps taken Lo reso lve it and writin g th e resul ll. Required for the first semes ter of Lh e Th.M. (SystemaLi c Theo l ogy) program. A second semes Ler may be Laken Lo continue research in the area of inLerest.
1 HT 505 Patristic and Medieval Theology (3) Hi sto • of the church from the Apos tolic Fathers to the eve of the Refor mati on wi th an emphas is on the deve l opme!ll of doctrin e. Discussion of key thinkers, such as Origen, Tertulli an, Augustine, An selm, Aquinas and Sco tus. Required of M.Div. studenll. HT 506 Reformation and Modern Theology (3) The aims of tJiis emphasis are to: acquaint the student witJi the dow·inal views of significam movemenll, schools and individuals in church histo1y; show the trajecto1y of thought in the develop ment of docoines as they are worked out histmically; and give an appreciation for the struggles and labors of the grea t sainll of God who have gone before us in establishing and defendingorthodoxy. COURSES Histo1y of the church from die Reforma tion to the present with an emphasis on die key Continental and English Refomi ers, including Zwingli , Luther and Calvin. Discussion of tJie coun ter-Reformation, ProtestanL scholasticism, the EnlighLen menL, and importalll theological develop menll in the modem era. OpportuniLy is given for studenll Lo study tJie poli ty and hi sLory of Lh eir own denominati on. Required ofM.Div. studenll. HT 514 Historical Theology Survey (3) Histo1y of the church from Lh e apos Lo li c Fath ers Lo the modern era with an emphas is on the deve lopmenL of doctrin e. Highlights key thinkers in Lh e paLrisLi c, medieval , ReformaLi on and modern eras. Required for M.A. (BE, OT, NT, TH, B/ TS), oLh ers by deparunental permission. HT 558 Puritanism (2) A survey of Lh e Puri ta n movemenL wiLh emphasis on its es tab lishment and practice in New England. Theo logical , social, political, economic and cultural aspecll considered, including anal ys is of the Puritan influence on Ameri can Evange licalism. El ec tive. HT 702 The Church Fathers (2) An introduction to the Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers wiLh spec ial emphasis upon the deve lop ment of doctrine and church. Elec tive. HT 704 Medieval Theology Seminar (2) Astudyin die development of scholastic th eology from An se lm to Bi el with emphasis on the conLribution of the medi eval doctors to die development of dogmatic theology in theWest. Elective.
Reformed u·adition. Elective. HT 722 Cults of America (2)
The distincti ve features of the cul ll of Ameri ca with Lh eir significance in the development of religious thought and with particular reference to their treat ment of the central features of orthodox Ch1istian docnine. Required ofM.A.(Th. ) studenll. Elective. (Sarne as PH 722) HT 725 Church History and Trends of Asian Immigrants (2) Examination of the Asian church in the Uni Led States in light of historical antecedenll. Emphasis on Japanese, Korean, and Chinese Christiani ty in America. Explores modifi cations that have occurred historicallywhen indigenous Asian Christiani ty has been imported into an American context. Considers al so future trends. Elective. HT 880 Directed Research (1-3) Supe1vised research in selected areas of theology. Elec tive for Th.M. studenll.
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