



Chair: Michael]. Wilkins, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Wi lkins Associate Professors: Arnold , Russell Assistant Professor: Rh ee OBJECTIVES The purpose of this department is to impart to the student a knowledge of th e Gree k New Tes tament whi ch incl udes three principal areas: histori­ cal backgrounds, Greek grammar and exegesi s of the tex t. The plan is to provide students with tools whi ch wi ll enabl e them to utili ze the Greek tex t in future study, interpretation, and in exposition of the Word of God. Students are srronglyadvised to take beginning Greek p1ior to starting course work at Talbot (either in summer school at Talbot or in undergraduate work), so that the student can immediately begin work with the Greek text of the New Tes­ tament. A qualifying examination in Greek is avail able to all students with previous Greek u·ai ning. Those with a grade of "C" or higher on the examina­ tion wi ll be enro lled in NT 503 and die rest in NT 50I. Those who take begin­ ning Greek at Tal bot for credi t will have 4 uni ts fewer elective uni ts. COURSES NT 501-502 Beg inning Greek (2 , 2) An introductory swdy of the basic ele­ ments of New Tes tament Greek. Translati on of porti ons of the New Testament in th e second semester. Designed for students who have not compl eted a fu ll sequence of begin­ ning Greek courses. Not for credi t in the M.Div. program unless the student takes in place of elec tive units. NT 503 Introduction toExegesis (3) A comprehensive survey of morphol­ ogy and syn tax , the buildin g of a Greek vocabu lary, an introduction to tex tual criti cism, and th e deve lop­ ment of an exege ti ca l methodology with readi ng in se lec ted passages of the Greek New Tes tament. Designed to emphasize the va lue of Greek study as a tool for understanding the bibli­ cal text. Includes a required one hour non-<: redit lab. Prerequisite: NT 501- 502. Required of M.Div., M.A. (BE, NT, OT, TH) students. NT604 Exegesis in the Gospels (3) Exeget ica l study of se lect passages from the Greek tex t of the Gospels. Appl ication of exegetica l methodol-

NT 644 Exegesis of Ephesians (2) Translation and exegesis of the epistle with special attention given to deter­ min ing the li fe-se tti ng and to inter­ preting the primary tl1 emes. Prerequi ­ site: NT 503. Elective.* NT 646 Exegesis of Hebrews (2) A study of th e enti re epi stle with de tailed exegesis of se lec t passages. Special attention given to the struc­ ture, argument, and interpretati ve problems of tl1 e epistle. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elec tive.* NT 701 The World of the New Testament (2) New Tes tament hi stori ca l bac k­ grounds and archaeology, including a study of the religious deve lopments, literature, geography and cultural set­ ting of J udaism and the He ll enistic wo rld at the time of Chri st and the ea r ly church. Req uired of M.A. (B/ TS, NT) swdents. NT 705 Hellenistic Religions and the New Testament (2) An analysis of the Greco-Roman reli­ gions, the "mystery religions," magic, astrology, and the beginn ing forms of Gnos ticism for their relevance in bet­ ter understandin g the New Testa­ ment. Elec ti ve.* NT 711 Rapid Reading in the Greek New Testament (2) Directed reading designed to supplement the student's knowledge of the Greek New Testament, to increase vocabula1y, and to pro\1de with further application and understanding of Greek grammar. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 713 English Translations of the New Testament (2) Astudy of the histo1y, philosophy, tex­ tual basis, theological perspective and style of various English u·anslations of th e New Testament. Prerequi site: NT 503. Elec ti ve.* NT 721 Exegesis of the Synoptic Discourses of Christ (2) Christ's major discourses in the Syn­ optic Gospels, witl1principal emphasis upon the Sermon on the Mount, the Parables of the Mys teries of the King­ dom and the Olive t Discourse . The content of the discourses will be analy-Led within tl1 e min isuy of Christ. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 722 Exegesis of the Gospel of Luke (2) Ex tensive translati on in the Gospel. Exegesis of selected portions. Consid­ eration of the conu·ibution of tl1is book to one's knowledge of tl1e life ofChrist.

ogy and di scuss ion of background iss ues, in clud in g histor ica l back­ ground s, composition , authorshi p, and distinctives of each book. Special attention given to assessment of mod­ ern critical methods for the interpre­ tation of the Biblical text. Prerequi­ site: NT 503. Required of M.Di v. , M.A. (BE, NT) students. NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts (3) Exege ti ca l study of se lec t passages from the Greek text of the Epistl es in the light of the historical framework of th e book of Acts . Appli cat ion of exege ti ca l methodo logy and discus­ sion of bac kground issues, including histori cal backgrounds, composition, authorship, and distin cti ves of each book. Special attention given to assess­ ment of modern cri tical methods for the interpretation of the Bibl ical text. Prerequ isite: NT 503. Requ ired of M.Div., M.A. (BE, NT) students. NT 606 New Testament Introduction (2) New Tes tament hi stori cal bac k­ grounds; Engli sh tran slations of the New Testament; fo rmation, histo ry, extent and transmi ssion of the canon; special introducti on of each New Tes­ tament book. NT 616 Readings in Hellenistic Greek(2) Readings from a vari ety of literaq•and non-literary Koine texts as a means of developing a greater awareness of the linguisti c, literary, and cul tural con­ text of the New Testament. Prerequi­

Examination of style and vocabulary of Luke. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 723 Exegesis of Acts (2) Extensive translation in the book. Exe­ gesisof selected portions. Consideration of the contributi on of thi s book to knowledge of the expansion and life of the early church. lnrroduction to criti­ ca l issues in the book, with emphasis upon its importance and its historicity. Comparison of style witl1 that of Luke's Gospel. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 729 Theology of the Gospels (2) An examin ation of the theologica l teaching ofJesus as recorded in the four Gospel narra tives. Special attention is paid to the chronological development of themes taught by Ch1ist in the light of Hi s presentati on and rej ec tion. (Cross-listed witl1 TH 729) . Elective.* NT 741 Exegesis of Second Corinthians (2) A detailed SLUdy of the Greek text of the epistle with special attention given to problems of grammar and in terpre­ tation. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 742 Exegesis of Galatians (2) Adeta il ed exegesis of the original tex t toge ther with a consideration of the histori ca l situ at ions. Prerequi site: NT 503. Elective.* NT 743 Exegesis of Philippians (2 ) Adetailed studyof tJ1e Greek text of the epistle with special attention given to tl1c problems of grammar and imerpre­ tation. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 744 Exegesis of Colossians (2) A detailed study of the Greek text of the epistle with emphasis upon the prob lems present in the Col ossian church. Exegesis of tl1 e epistle. Pre­

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site: NT 503. Elective.* NT 621 Life of Christ (2)

1 A study of th e historical and cultural background to the Gospels; ex tensive studyof l11e mission, life and teachings of Christ. A harmony/ synopsis of the Gospels 111 be employed in order to give attention to th e simila1ities and differ­ ences in the Gospel accoun ts. Elective.* NT 623 Exegesis of the Gospel of Matthew (2) A stud y of the enti re gos pel with detailed exegesis of selec t passages. Special allention given to the struc­ ture, argument, and in terpretati ve problems of the gospel. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 641 Exegesis of Romans (2) A study of th e enti re epistl e with detailed exegesis of se lec t passages. Special attention give n to the struc­ ture, argument, and interp retati ve problems of the epistl e. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.*

requ isite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 747 Exegesis of the Pastoral Epistles (2)

An examination of ITimothy, II Timothy and Tiu1s in tlie Greek text with a special focus on church structure and leader­ shi p. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 751 Exegesis of the Apocalypse (2) A study based on the ori gin al tex t, with a focus on the seven churches and the literary genre of the book. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 759 Pauline Theology (2) The main themes of Paul's doctrine from the biblical tl1eological perspec­ tive. (Cross-listed with TH 730). Pre­ requisite: NT 501-502. Elective.*

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