NT 791 New Testament Seminar (1 -4) Supervised research of designated areas of concentration in New Testament liter ature, history, interpretation or theol ogy. May be repeated for credit with different content. Elective.• NT 801 Textual Criticism of the New Testament (2) The origin and history of textual criti cism. Study of the re lat ive value of manuscripts and the examination of textual theories. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective for Th.M. students; others by
OT 708 Advanced Hebrew Reading (2) Selected passages of Hebrew text with emphasis on reading and translation. May be repeated with different con tent. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.* OT 709-710 Reading of Selected Psalms from the Hebrew Text (2 , 2) Part icu lar emphasis upon the devo tional and practical values. Prerequi site : OT 604. Elective.* OT 715 Studies in the History and Culture of Israel (2) Historical and cultural examination of a period in Israel's histo1y (Exodus and Conquest, Judges, United Monarchy, Divided Monarchy,Judah to the Fa ll of Jerusalem, Post-Exilic), using available bibli cal and extra-biblical materials. May be repeated with different con tent. Prerequisite: BE 519. Elective.* OT 717 The Old Testament in its Near Eastern Context (2) Examination of the archeology, history and li terature of the Ancient Near Eas t as these subjects relate to interpretive issues in the Old Testament. Required of M.A. (O.T. emphasis). Elective.* OT 718 Archaeology of Palestine (2) The histOI)' of excavation, the history and geography of the land and the bear ing upon l11e Old Testament. Elective.• OT 720 Studies in Old Testament Introduction (2) Text, canon and exami nation of the foundations and conclusions of mod ern historical-critical methods. Spe cial in troduction of selected Old Tes tament books to illustrate these topics of ge neral introduction. Elective.* OT 725 Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha (2) Consideration of the non-canoni cal literature from the period between the Testaments. Emph as is on the development of Jewish thought dur ing the centuries before the advent of Christianity. Elective.* OT 730 The Dead Sea Scrolls (2) A survey of the discoveries, the origin of the Qumram Communi ty, its belief and practices and the relationship of the finds to Old and New Testament studies. Elec tive.* OT 731 Biblical Aramaic (3) Astudy of the grammar with emphasis on comparisons with Hebrew;·translat ing of all the Aramaic of Daniel and Ezra. Prerequisite: OT 705. Electi ve.* OT 732 Seminar in Hebrew Exegesis (2-4) A consideration of selected Old Testa ment passages wil11 emphasis on histori cal background and detailed exegesis
NT 822 Seminar in the Gospels (1-3) Advanced study of one or more of the gospels. Special attention given to criti cal and exegetical issues problems asso ciated with a particular Gospel(s). May be repeated for credit with the studyof a different content. Prerequisite: NT 503, 604. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. NT 823 Johannine Theology (2) The theology of the Johannine writings, wi th emphasis upon the concepts that the writer himself emphasizes. Prerequisite: NT 501-502. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental pe1mission.• NT 824 The Acts of the Apostles (2) Introduction to the book, the empha sis upon its importance and its hi s tor icity. Translation of the text with exegesis of certain sections. Compar ison of style wit h that of Luke's Gospel and compa ri so n of Peter ' s and Paul's speeches with their epis tles. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission* NT 832 Seminar in the Epistles (1-3) Advanced studyof one or more of the ep istles. Special attent ion given to critical and exegetical issues assoc i ated with a particular epistle(s) . May be repeated fo r cred it with the study of different epistle. Prerequisite: NT 503, 605 . Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission* NT 880 Directed Research (1-3) Detailed research on some aspect of the New Testament. May include a special focus on or combined study of exegesis, New Testament hi story, intro ductory matters, or New Testament theology. Elective for Th.M. students. NT 890 Advanced New Testament Seminar (1-4) Supervised research of designated areas of concentration in New Testa ment literature, hi story, interpre ta tion or theology. May be repeated for cred it wit h different content. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permi ssion. NT 891-892 Research Seminar (3 , 2) Discussion and application of the cen tral areas of New Testament research and related fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the identification of a problem, the steps taken to reso lve it, an d writing the results. Required for the first semester of the Th.M. (N.T) program. Asecond semester may be taken to continue
Chair: Thomas]. Finley, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Curtis, Finley, Rigsby OBJECTIVES
The department aims to acquaint stu dents with the life, customs and thought of the Hebrews and their neighbors in the biblical and related periods; and to give students an accurate fo undation in Hebrew grammar, syntax and exegesis, so that their expositions of the English Bible wi ll reflect this sound basis of interpreta tion. The department purposes not to be exhaustive, but ral11er directive in the mat ter of further independent study from l11e 01iginal languages. COURSES OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I (3) Basic grammar with translation and written exercises. Anon-credit lab wi ll be required for all students. Required of M.Div. and M.A. (B.E., N.T. and O.T. emphasis) students. OT 604 Elements of Hebrew II (3) Additional grammar and syntax with emph asis on reading and translation in selected biblical texts. Anon-{I'edit lab will be required for all sn1dents. Required of M.Div. and M.A. (B.E., N.T. and O.T. emphasis) students. Prerequisite: OT 603. OT 704 Old Testament Prophecy (2) The character, extelll and personali ties of Old Testament prophecy, with a treatment of principles of prophetic interpretation. Elective.* OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages (3) Readings and exegesis from the Hebrew text of Genesis and selec ted passages with discussion of text criti cism, background issues (historical and compositional) and exegetical method ology. Special attention given to the strengths and weaknesses of contempo rary methodologies for the interpreta tion of the bibl ical text. Prerequisite: OT 604. Required of M.Div. , M.A. (O.T. emphasis) sn1dents. OT 706 Advanced Hebrew Grammar (2) Astudyof the details of Hebrew gram mar and syntax along with readings in the Heb rew text. Prerequ isite: OT 705. Elective.* OT 707 Old Testament Poetry (2) The natu re, scope and principles of Hebrew poetry in the Old Testament. Comparisons with the poetry of the ancient Near East. Elective.*
departmental permission .* NT 803-804 Advanced Greek Grammar (2, 2)
An intensive study of standard works on advanced Greek grammar. May be continued for a second semester as warranted. Prerequisite: NT 503, 604, 605, 4 units NT exegesis elec ti ves . Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission* NT 808 Comparative Style of New Testament Writers (2) Comparison of style, vocabulary and theological concepts of th e various New Testament writers on the basis of se lected portions of the wr itings of the Greek New Testament. Elec tive for Th.M. students; others by deparunental permission. NT 811 lntertestamental Background Seminar (2) Study of the religious developments, lit erature, geography and cultural setting of Judaism leading up to the time of the gospels. May be repeated for credit with a different emphasis. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elec ti ve for Th .M. studen ts; others by departmental permission.• NT 812 The World of the New Testament (3) New Testame nt historical back grounds and archaeology, including a stud y of th e reli giou s develop ments, literature, geography and cul tural setting of Judaism and the Hel leni st ic wor ld at the time of Christ and the early chu rch. Required of Th.M. (NT) students. NT 816 Hellenistic Greek Seminar (2) Readings from a variety of literary and non-literary Koine texts as a means of developing a greater awareness of the linguistic , literary, and cultural con text of the New Testament. May be repeated for cred it with a different emphasis. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elec tive for Th.M. students; ot hers by deparunental permission.*
research in the area of interest. * Eil!ctives are offered uy rotation and on request.
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