TYPICAL COSTS The combination of tuition, fees and associated expenses at Biola University is sufficien tlyhigh that it is necessary for students to carefullycalculate their financial resources and costs. The fo~ lowing estimated student budget reflects tl1e average cost to full time students for tl1e 1995-96 academicyear (nine month ): Undergraduate With On Off Parents Campus Campus Tuition &Fees $13,408 $13,408 $13,408 Room & Board 2,322 5,196 5,742 Books & Supplies 612 612 612 Personal/Misc. 1,440 1,170 1,566 Transportation 702 558 8!0 TOTAL $18,484 $20,944 $22,138 Graduate - Master's Programs and Specials (except Rosemead) (Based on 9 units With On Off per semester) Parents Campus Campus Tuition & Fees $5, 184 $5,184 $5, 184 Room &Board 2,322 5,196 5,742 Books &Supplies 612 612 612 Personal/Misc. 1,440 1,170 1,566 Transportation 702 558 810 TOTAL $10,260 $12,720 $13,914 Doctoral - Ed.D. and D.Miss. (Based on 12 uni ts With On Off per semester) Parents Campus Campus
PAYMENT OPTIONS Astudent's account must be curren t (no outstanding bal ances) prior to re-enrollment in subsequent sessions. Cost of tuition , room and board and special fees may be paid in one of the following ways: Plan 1 - Payment of each session in full on or before the day of registration . Plan 2 - Adown payment at the time of registration with payment of any remaining balance by the first payment due elate (October 15 - fa ll semester; March 15 - spring semes ter). Down payments include 60% of the balance of tuition , room and board, class fees and vehicle registration less con firmed fin ancia l aid plus I00% of insurance charges. No finance charges are assessed. Plan 3 - Adown payment as described in PLAN 2 with the remaining balance in tliree payments (October-December or March-May). A finance charge of 1.5% per month of the first $1,000 of unpaid balance and I%per month of unpaid balance over $1,000 is added at each billing to carry the accounL All pay ments are clue in the Student Accounting Office on or before the 15th of the month as indicated in the billing summary. DOWN PAYMENT Minimum cl own paymems 1 are calcu lated acco rding to the fo ll owing schedul e: Master's &Special Undergraduate 1 Programs 3
$5,581 $4,022 100% 75% 60%
$3, ll 4 $1,555 100%
On Campus Off Campus
l-3 units 4-6 units 7 units and above
75% 60% Graduate Psychology2
$13,408 2,322 612 1,440 702 $18,484
$13,408 5, 196 612 1,170 558 $20,944
$13,408 5,742 612 1,566 810 $22, 138
Tuition &Fees Room & Board Books &Supplies
Personal/Misc. Transportation TOTAL Graduate Psychology
$4,577 $3,019 100%
$7,222 $5,273 100%
On Campus Off Campus
l-3 units 4-6 units
75% 60%
With Parents
On Campus $14,062
Off Campus $14,062
7 units and above 4 units and above Notes
Tuition &Fees
In terterm (I st yr. ) Prof. Growth Fee Room &Board Books &Supplies* Personal/Misc. Transportation**
1 Dm,m pllyments include Iii£ llmounts slwwn on this schedule plus the llpplicable percentages for class fees and vehicle registration. Owrges for insurance must be paid in full al the lime of registration. 2 Down payments in the Graduate Psychology program include the mnounts shown on this schedule plus theapplicable perce111agi1 for clllSs fees and vehicle registration. Charges for imurance must be paid in full al the time of registration. Al the time of registration, 75 % of the applicableProfessional Growth Fee must also be paid.
1,000 2,322
1,000 5,196
1,000 5,742
$23, 184 $24,378
*$750 for first year students **May be adjusted for practicum travel expense.
3 Assu111£s 9units per semester.
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