The Charles Lee Feinbe1g Award - To the senior who best exemplifi es the image of a student at Talbot School ofTheology. The William. W. Bass Memorial Scholarship Award - To a second or third year student who has demon strated a keen interest in Philosophy of Religion and/ or Theology. The Inez Gooden Memorial Scholar ship Award - To a seminary student with financial need. The Gordon Johnson Scholarship Award - To a seminary student per forming well academi cally in one of the Bible related fi elds. The Walker Scholarship Award - To a semin ary student with special interest and ability in the area of out reach, establ ished by the International Fi sherman's club. The Bill Bynum Memorial Scholar ship Award- To the Doctor of Educa tion student who does exe mpl ary work in th e study and pract ice of Christian Education. The Baker Book Award in Ch1istian Education - To the graduate who has
distinguished himself or herself in the studyof Christian Education. The North American Professors of Christian Eilucation Award - To a graduate student in Christian educa tion for ou tstanding academic and scholarship achievement. The A111e1ican Bib/Ji Society Award - To the student who has distinguished himse lf in meaningful and interpre tive public reading of the Scriptures. The Louis T. Talbot Memorial Scholarshi/1 Award - To a continuing student preparing for the ministrywho has demonstrated academi c exce l lence, exceptional Christian commit ment and zeal for practical ministJy. 11ze Rotary Club ScholarsMp Award - To a continuing student who is out standing in Christian character and spiritual leadership. The Baker Book Award - To the graduate who has distinguished work in the studyof theology. The Robin Finley Memorial Award in Missions - to a continuing student preparing to serve on the mission field.
The awards that follow are pre sented annually to qualified students on the basis of criteria indicated: The Louis T. Talbot Award - To a student in the seminary whose con cern and zeal, in th eory and practice, are outstanding in th e area of the evangelization of theJews. The Audrey Talbot Awarcl in Bible Ex/1ositirm - To the student in the semi nary who does the best work for the year in the Department of Bible Exposition. The William W Bass Award- To a student in th e seminary whose con cern and zeal, theoreticallyand practi cally, are exemplary in the interest of the evangeli za tion of theJews. The John and Jennie Solomon Award in Old Testament - To the student in the seminary who does the best work for the year in th e Department of Semitics and Old Testament. The Library Award - To the stu dent completing a thesis or thesis pro ject who, in the opinion of the Librar ian, has made the most intelligent and effective use of the Library during the year of his or her graduation.
The Robert N. Oliver Award in Systematic Theology - To the student with the best work for the year in Sys tematicTheology. The Award in Homiletics - An annual award to two students in the seminary who distinguish themselves in preaching. The Kenneth D. Archinal Award in Christian Education - An annual award to the outstanding second year in the Deparunent of Christian Education. The Award in N1?w Testament - To the student who has done outstanding work in New Testament studies through out the seminary program. The Rev. & Mrs. David Doerhsen Award in Missions - To the student in the seminarywho does the best work for the year in the Department of Missions. The Marge Niquette Award in Bib/Ji Exposition - An annual award to the student in the seminary who has done outstanding work in the Depart ment of Bible Exposition in the final year of traini ng. 771.e Alumni Award - To a contin uing student in the seminary by the Alumni Association.
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