




First Year Personalityand Psychopathol0!,1' I lnu·oduc tion to Psychotherapy

3 3 3 2 3

Research Design

Preprac licumI

3 2 3 3 3

Measurement and Assessment II Personalityand Psychopathology 11

Advanced Statistics

Prepracticum II

Measuremcnl andAssessment I

Theology II

Theology I

Psychotherapyand Religion




Second Year Measurement andAssessment III

Leaming and Motivation, Cogn ition andAffect or l..earnmg, Cognition and Alfect Seminar in Elhical and Professional Issues

CroSS-Z:ultura l Issues in Cl inical Psychology*

3 3 3 4 3

3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 4 3

Nature and Scope or Systems of Integration

Practicum I Theology Ill

SLB Elective Practicum 11 Theology IV


Psychotherapy L.1b**



Third Year History and Systems of Psychology

Practicum rv

SLB Elective

3 3 5 3 2

SLB Elec tive SPYElective Practicum Ill

Integra tion Elec tive

Neuropsychology* or Clini cal Psychopharmacology

SPY Elec tives SLB Electives

Integration Elective



FourthYear TheologyV SLBElective Practicum V

SPYElective SLB Elective Practicum VI

SPY/ SLBElective

3 3 3 3

5 3 3 3

Integration Elective

Integration Elective

Doctoral Resea rch Seminar I or Psy. D. Dissertat ion Proposal

DocLOral Research Seminar II or Psj•.D. Disseruttiou Proposal





FilthYear Internshi p


lmernshi p

Note: *For studen t w ith undergraduate coursework in social and physiologica l psychology. Students w ithout undergraduate social psychology w ill take RSPY608, Social Psychology, instead ofRSPY625 Cross Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology. Students w ithout undergraduate physiological /Jsychology will take RSPY607, Psychophysio logical Processes instead of RSPY 670 Neuro/1sychology or RSPY 705 Clinical Psycho/1harmacology. These alternative courses will generally be taken during the spring ofthe second or third year. '"Secoi,d year students elect one of the following psychotherapy la/1 courses: RSLB6 l3 Psychotherapy with Adolescents, RSLB642 Psychotherapy with Children, RSLB643 Behavior Modification with Children and Parents, or RSL/3717 Gestalt Psychotherapy.

Psy.D. inClinical Psychology

(3) Comprehensive Examinations

devoted to the integration of a variety of theological and psychological concepts

and less emphasis on fo rmal course­

Al l students must pass a set of docwork. In order to

be admi tted to candi­

( 1) Residence ond Course Work

toral-l eve l comprehensive examin adacy the snident must have:

in research, theoryand practi ce.

ormally, four years of residency are required unl ess transfer of credit is brought in and advanced standing granted. Whil e the docto rate is not awarded simply for completion of stated

tions covering the foll owing areas: l )

■ Successfullycompleted the

Dissertation Research: Students in Rosemead's Psy.D. track may fulfill the research component of their program

psychological intervention and 2) psyPreliminary Oral In te rview

■ Passed the Comprehensive

chology and theology.


either bywriting a dissertation or bysucTh ese ex am ina tions are given

twi ce annually and serve as the major

■ Received approval of disserllltion

course work, there are basic unit requirecessfull y comp leting a research con­ ments for the degree (133 semes ter sumership sequence (5 units) whi ch hours). Each student is assigned a facincludes a year-long doctoral research

mean s of evaluating a student's suitproposal by the Doctoral Commit­ abili ty to continue studies toward the tee or completed the two-semester,

doctorate. The examinations may be

seminar, a critical reviewof research litfi ve-credit Doctoral Research Semi­ taken any time after comp leti on of nar and comprehensive profi ciency

ultyadvisor who assists in the planning of each semester's schedule of courses and supervises the student's progress in the

erature on a clinical topic and a profi ­ ciency examination for consumers of

75% of the course work and must be successfully compl eted prior to th e Profess ional Quali fying Examination. Psy .D. stud ents who se lect the non-disse rtati on opti on will take a

research examination

■ Completed training therapy'

program. For transfer credit, see Genclinical research.

eralAcademic lnfonnation.

(5) Professional Qualifying Examination All Psy. D. students must success­ full y compl ete an examinati on that evaluates the sLUdent's readiness for a

(2) PreliminaryOro! Interview

Psychology: Psy. D. students must compl ete a min imum of 97 semester hours in psychology. These 97 uni ts must in clude at least 21 uni ts selected fr om SLB elec ti ve psyc hoth erapy cou rses, and 18 un its of practicum. Students may apply up to six un its of graduate coursework from the School of lntercultural Studi es toward the total psychology hours requirement. ThfiDUJgy: Al l snidents must complete a minor in theology which in cl udes a

All students have an oral inten-i ew with a facu lty committee to evaluate

research profi ciency exam

their progress ai1d potential for successOn ly one retake of the examin afull -time intern ship. It may be taken ful completion of the doctoral program. tion is allowed. The dates of the Comany time after th e comprehensive

prehensive Examinations are specifi ed

This in terview is schedul ed after the

examinations have been passed and must be comp leted prior to acce p­ tance of an intern ship. The examin­ ing committee may require the stu­

completion of three semesters in resiin the Academic Calendar.

dence, including at least one practicum assignment. The results of this interview are reported to facu ltywhich votes to allow the snident either (I) to continue,

(4) Admission lo Candidacy

Official candidacy for the doctorate

signifies an advanced stage in the student to compl ete additi onal course

dent's progress and is accompanied by

work, prac ti cum, or other professional growth experiences prior to beginning the internship. See the Professional Quali fying Examination Guidelines in student handbook for further detail.

(2) to continue studies with a Prelimia redefin ition of full -time enrollment

naryOral Interviewreview the fo llowing year, or (3) not to al low the student to

whi ch enabl es the stude nt to pl ace greate r emphas is on hi s prac ti cum experience, internship and dissertation,

min imum ofl 7semester uni ts.

lnlegration Seminars: Al l students pai 0 ticipate in a seri es of seminars ( 14 units)

continue in the doctoral program.

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