First Year Personali ty and Psychopathology I Introduction to Psychotherapy
Prcpracticum 1
Personalityand Psychopatl1olow 11 Measuremem and Assessment I
3 2 3 3 3
3 3 3 2 3
Advanced Statistics
Research Desivn Prepracticum I
Measurement and Assessment I
Theology I
Theoil' "
Psychot erapyand Religion
I 15
Second Year Prac ticum I
Cros.s-Cultural Issues in Cli nical Psychology*
Learning and Motivation , Cognition andAffect or
3 3 4 3 2
Advanced Research Design
Lcarnmf Cognition and Affect
3 3 3 4
Na ture an Scope or Systems of Integration
Theolo91: Ill
Psycho erapyLab** Research Apprenticeship
Practicum II Theolo~ rv
2 15
Researc Appren ticeship
Third Year HistO!)' and Systems or Psychology
Neuropsychology* or Cli nica l Psychopharmacology Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues
3 3 6 3 2
3 3 4 3 3
SPY/ SL Elective Practicum Ill Integration Elective Fourth Year SPY/ SLB Elect ives lnte\ation Elective
Integration Electives
Dis.sertation Practicum IV
6 3 2
SPY Electives SLBElec tives
2 6 3
SLB lec tive Dissertation
Integration Elec tive
Filth Year Internship
0 0 Note: *For student with undergradua te coursework in social and /1hysiological psychology. Students withou t undergraduate social psychology will take RSPY608, Social Psychology, i11stead ofRSPY625 Cross Cultural Issues i11 Cli11ica l Psychology. Stude11ts without undergraduate physiological psychology w ill take RSl'Y607, Psychophysiological Processes instead of RSPY 670 Neuropsychology or RSPY 705 Cli11ical Psychophannacology. These alternative courses will generally be taken during the spring of the second or third year. **Second year students elect 011e of the following psychotherapy lab courses: RSLB613 Psychotherapy w ith Adolescents, RSLB642 Psychotherapy with Children, RSLB643 Behavior Modification with Childre11 a11d Parents, or RSL87 I 7 Gestalt Psychotherapy. Int ernship
PsychoingJ: Ph.D. students must comtheir progress and potential for success
(6) Internship
research on a selected, cl inical lyrelevant
All students are required to comtopi c; and (c) a proficiency examination
plete a minimum of 86 semesters hours
ful completion of the doctoral program. This interview is scheduled after the completion of three semesters in resi dence, including at least one practicum assignmen t. The results of this inter to allow the student (1) to continue, (2) to continue sntdies with a Preliminary Oral Interviewreview the fo llowing year, or (3) not to allow the student to con
plete a one-year, full-time clinical internevaluating the student's abili ty to critiin psychology in addition to a doctoral
ship prior to graduation. All internships are to be approved in advance by the
cally evaluate current clinical research papers. This proficiency exam is taken
dissertation. These 86 uni ts include at least 12 units selected from SLB elective psychotherapy courses, and 12 units of
Clinical Training Commi ttee. For furin conjunction with the first semester of
th er details, refer to the Internship
practicum (which must be taken in resiview are reported to facu lty which votes
the doctoral research seminar. Psy.D.
Guidelines in student handbook. Internstudents must either register for fi ve
dence). Students may apply up to six units of graduate coursework from the School of Intercultural Studies toward the total psychology hours requirement. Thevlo!fj: All sntdents must complete a minor in theology which includes a
ship fees are listed in the psychology course section (STN 731 Internship).
units of credit for dissertation proposal or for the doctoral research seminar.
(7) Completion of Training Therapy
(9) Final Oral Examination
All students must receive certificaThe fin al examination is an oral
tinue in the doctoral program.
tion of completion of training therapy from the director of clin ical training.
defense of the dissertation before the
(3) Comprebemive Examinations
minimum of I7semester units.
doctoral committee and other invited Master's Research: Ph.D. students Aminimum of 50 hours of group therAl l students must pass a set of doc professionals. must compl ete a year-long M.A. level apyplus 50 hours of incliviclual therapy toral-level comprehensive examina Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology research project (SPY 600) involving tions covering the following areas: (I) is required . See Train ing Therapy literature review, problem conceptualpsychological in tervention and (2) Guidelines for further details. 1) Residence and Coursework iza tion, data gathering and analysis, psychology and th eology. Nonnally, four years of residency are (8) Dissertation OR Research Consumership and report writing. These examinations are given two Sequence required un less transfer of cred it is Integration Seminm,: All students partimes annually and serve as the major All Psy.D. students must demonbrought in and adva nced standing ticipate in a series of seminars (14 un its) strate doctoral-leve l mastery of a granted. Whi le the docto rate is not means of evaluating a student's sui tabil devoted to the integration of a variety of research area in clin ical psychology. awarded simply for completion of stated ity to continue sntdies toward the doc theological and psychological concepts torate. The examinations may be taken This may be clone either by a dissertacourse work, there are basic unit require in research, themy and practice. any time after completion of 75%of the tion or by a research consumership ments for the degree (133 semester sequence. The research consumership hours). Each student is assigned a facDissertation Research: 16 units of course work and must be taken prior to di ssertatio n resea rch are req uired sequence is composed of: (a) a two ultyadvisor who assists in the planning of the Professional Qualifying Exam. prior to granti ng the Ph.D. semester, fi ve credit doctoral research each semester's schedule of courses and Only one retake of the examina seminar focusing on the oitical evaluasupervises the student's progress in the (2) Preliminary Oral Interview tion is allowed. The dates of the Com tion and utilization of clinical research; program. For transfer credit, see GenAl l students have an oral interview prehensive Examinations are specified (b) a paper involving a critical review of eral Academic Infonnation. with a facu lty committee to evaluate in the Academic Calendar.
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