

is only in rare instances that a student will be accepted on provisional status. Students wi ll be classified in the program as follows: First year 30 graduate units or less completed Second year 60 graduate units or less completed

No grade other than an "RD" may be altered once it has been reported to the registrar's office unless an error was made in grad ing or recording. These changes can on ly be made upon written approval of the instructor, the registrar and the Committee on Admis­ sions and Academic Qualifications. The following grades are also used in Rosemead records with special sign ifi cance for the professional aspects of I.he programs: S Satisfacto1y 0.00 points U Unsatisfactory 0.00 points AUD Audit 0.00 points R Dissertation Research in Progress 0.00 points IP Internship in Progress 0.00 points Professional Standards and Student Conduct The academ ic program at Rose­ mead is designed to prepare graduates for licensure (on I.he doctoral level) by the professional licensing boards of I.he various states. Because of the profes­ sional nature of Rosemeacl 's program, students are required to maintain the standards of the psychological profes­ sion as defined by the American Psy­ chological Association , the state of Cal­ ifornia and the professional psycholo­ gists who comprise Rosemead's faculty. As a part of Biola University, which serves a broad spectrum of evangeli cal churches, Rosemead also has both a docu-inal statement and a statement of conduct (See general information sec­ tion of catalog). Prospective applicai1ts should be familiar with the standards. Students who do not abide by these standards or other institutional policies and procedures may be subject to pro­ bation or dismissal from I.he program. Academic Probation A student failing to maintain the minimum grade point average of 3.0 1vill be placed on academic probation. The following semester, should the stu­ dent not meet I.he minimum cumulative grade point average (3.0), he or she will automatically be dismissed. A student cannot graduate while on probation. Academic Dismissal A student may only be allowed a combination of two "F"s and/or two "C"s (understood to include bol.h Ct or C-); a third "C" and/ or ''F" brings auto­ matic elimination from the program.

or its functional equivalent (30 semes­ ter hours of credit in psychology) . This should include at least one course in: General (inu·oductory) psychology; sta­ tistical methods; experimental psychol­ ogy; abnormal psychology; theories of personality; and learn ing. Develop­ mental psychology is an admissions requirement. If students have not taken the course before I.hey are admit­ ted into the program, they must take it at the undergraduate or graduate level before completion of the doctoral pro­ gram. Also su·ongly recommended are courses in measurement theory, history of psychology; physiological psychology or a year of biology/zoology. If possi­ ble, undergraduate courses in Old and New Testament survey and henneneu­ tics will strengthen the student's prepa­ ration for Rosemead. (3) Submit scores on the Grnduate Record Examination Aptitude Test and Psychology Advanced Test. Informa­ tion regarding testing dates and loca­ tion may be obtained byw1iting to the Educational Testing Service, Box 955, Princeton, NewJersey 08540. No appli­ cant is exempt from submitting GRE scores which must be received prior to the deadline date ofJanuary 15. (4) Submit completed profile (not answer sheet) of the Minnesota Multi­ phasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). This test should be taken at a college testing service or from a licensed psy­ chologist. Since this test material is confidential, Rosemead will not make copies of tests sent for admission pur­ poses at any time. Applicants are referred to the agency from wh ich the testing was administered if they desire a clinical interpretation. (5) Submit five letters of recom­ mendation on forms supplied by the school. Three of these are academic references and two are character ref­ erences (pastor and personal friend). (6) Appear for a personal inte1view with the Admissions Committee or its representative. Arrangements are made by the committee following a prelimi­ nary screen ing of applications. Only those who are finalists in Rosemead's admissions procedure, determined by the preliminaiy screening, will be sched­ uled for a personal inten~ew. For final­ ists from the general Southern Califo1° nia ai·ea, interviews are held on campus at La Mirada. Arrangements will be made by the chairperson of the Rose­ mead Admission Committee for those outside the Southern Cali fornia area.

Interviews are conducted in a number of cities throughout the country, gener­ ally between January 15 and Februa1y 28. Anon-refundable fee of $75 is clue and payable following arrangements for the interview. It is the responsibili ty of the appli­ cant to make sure that all application materials have been received. If there is any doubt, the app licants should write to the University Admissions

Third year

90 graduate units or less completed 120 graduate units or less completed Class work complete and internship in progress

Fourth year

Office for verification. Application Deadline

Fifth yeai·

Since enrollment is limited and admission is on a selective basis, appli­ cations shou ld be made as early as possible. The application deadline is January 15. Decisions are made on ly on comp leted app li cations . Rose­ mead currently admits new students for the degree programs only in the fa ll semester each year. Applications submitted after the January 15 cleacl­ line will rarely be considered for the

Dissertation (ABD)

All requirements met except for dissertation.

Grading System

Students wish ing to obtain a grad­ uate degree must maintain a consis­ tently high academic performance throughout their program. An overall B average, i.e. , 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, is required for all degrees. Only grades of "A", "B", "C" earn graduate credit. Grades of all stuclen ts are recorded in the registrar 's office. Grading is on the following basis: Grade Grade points A Superior ach ievement 4.00 ~ 1~ B+ Above average achievement 3.33 B Average achievement 3.00 B- Low average achievement 2.67 Ct Minimum passing perfonnai1ce 2.33 C Minimwn passing perfom1aI1ce 2.00 C- Minimum passing perfonnaI1ce 1.67 F Failure 0.00 A "W" indicates an official with­ drawal from a course and does not affect the student's grade average. A "UW" indicates an unofficial withdrawal. Students who register for a class but do not attend it are auto­ matically given the grade of "UW" which will influence the grade average the same as an "F. " A temporary mark of "RD" (Report Delayed) will be used in spe­ cial cases of extreme hardship where an extens ion is warranted and approved by the clean. A student must appeal for an "RD" grade before the encl of the semester. Such a grade incurred in one semester must be made up by the end of the first nine (9) weeks of the next semester or the grade will automatically become a 'W." A "W" can be made up only by repetition of the course.

following fall semester. Notice of Decisions

The Admissions Committee will process applications as quickly as pos­ sible following the January 15 cleacl­ line, though time must be allowed for comp let ion of personal interviews. Certificates of Acceptance wi ll be mailed on or before April I. Informa­ tion concerning the stan,s of an appli­ cation will not be given except by let­ ter from the clean following action by the Admissions Committee. Because of the large number of applicants, information cannot be given by tele­ phone. In the event that an applicant has not heard from the committee by May I , written inquiry may be made. Admission of International Stu­ dents and Resident Aliens See Admission and Registration

and Requirements section. GENERAL ACADEMIC INFORMATION Classification of Students

Gradua te psychology students meeting all entrance requirements will be classified as regular graduate students. Students who do not fulfill all entrance requirements may be admitted on a provisional status until they correct the deficiency. Any such deficiencies must be removed within one ca lenda r year of a student's admission as a provisional student. It

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