

SPY 633 Advanced Seminar in Psychopathology (3)

SPY 621 Com1111111ity Mental Health IV: Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation Method (3) Theory and app li cation of program eval uation methods. Students will be expected to cooperate in a group pro­ j ect in an actual needs assessment or program evaluation in a clinic, hos­ pital , sc hool, church or other agency setti ng. Elective. SPY 622 Attitudes, Values and Beliefs (2) The psycho logical nature of atti tudes, values and bel ief as they relate to social­ ization, conformi ty, beliefs systems and social influence. Special emphasis is given LO values in therapy and the ther­ apist as va lues purveyor. Elective. SPY 625 Cross Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology (3) Aconsideration of the impact of social and cu ltural factors upon the utiliza­ tion and dynamics of mental health services. Focuses on developing the stude nt's sensitivity to the cultural dynamics involved in the therapeutic process. Either this course or SPY 608 or 702 is requi red of Psy.D. , Ph.D. SPY 630 Psychology of Women (3) Adiscussion of historical and contempo­ rary views of women and a look at research on biological and psychological differences between males and females. Also includes discu&,ion of psychothera­ peutic issues, the role of women in the church, and theological perspectives on women's issues. Elective. SPY 631 Principles of Health Psychology (2·3) This course provides an ove rview of theo1y, research and roles of psycholo­ gists in the dissemination of psycho­ logical knowledge imo the health care system. Areas of focus include con­ cerns of the family physician for which referral might be made, acij ustment to ph ys ical disabilities , cop in g with chronic illness, stages of adjustment by individuals and th eir fami li es to death and dying, preventive-educative and motivational issues in medical treatment. Prerequisites: SPY 607 and / or SLB 605 recomme nded. Elective. SPY 632 Research Problems in Psychotherapy (2) Consideration of research approaches LO stud)ing the process and outcomes of psychotherapy. Special emphasis is placed on measurement of process and outcomes, design and execution of. research and status of psychotherapy research to date. Students are actively involved in reviewing and evaluat ing psyc hotherapy research in se lected areas. Prerequisite: SPY601. Elective.

study of cognitive, affective and psy­ chomotor changes manifested in chi ld­ hood and adolescence. Elective. SPY 607 Psychophysiological Processes (3) An inu·oduction to biological/neurolo­ logical mechanisms and their relation­ sh ip LO psychological processes. Physi­ ological processes underlying both healthy and pathological behavior are examined. Either this course or SPY 670 or 705 is required of Psy.D. , Ph.D. SPY 608 Social Psychology (3) Problems and theories of the person in the social context, including person perception , interpersonal relations , role format ion and differentiation, attitude formation , maintenance and change. Either th is cou rse or SPY 625 or 702 is required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 610 Development of Refigious Understanding in Children and Adolescents (2) An assessment of the cognitive and affective meaning which ch ildren and adolescents attribute to religious con­ cepts, practices and experiences, and their changes in meaning during the course of indi,idual development. The biblical perspective of religious devel­ opment is also examined. Elective. SPY 61 S Personal"rty and Psychapathalagy II (3) The second in a two course sequence in personality d1eory and psychopathology. This course focuses on psychoanalytic perspectives including theorists such as Freud, Adler,Jung, Klein, Winnicott and Kohut. Required of Psy.D. , Ph.D. SPY 618 Community Mental Health I: Community Systems and Resources (3) A study of systems theo1y with a focus on communities, schools, health agen­ cies, governmental human service agen­ cies, churches and fami li es. Prmides a conceptual basis for understanding the interactions among indi,iduals and sys­ tems. Practical appli cations include knowing how to enter systems and max­ imizing available resources for clients, parti cu larl y those who are disadvan­ taged or handicapped. Elective. SPY 619 Community Mental Health II: Psychoe­ ducational/Preventive Psychotherapy Models (3) The course focuses on the develop­ ment of psychoeducational approaches aimed al prevention of emotional diffi­ culties or early seconda1y intervention of difficulties. Interventions suitable at strategic developmental phases or criti­ ca l situati ons. The student will be asked LO develop a seminar or work­ shop, deliver it to a su itable population and evaluate its effectiveness. Elective.

SPY 601 Research Design (3) Covers 1he logic of comparative experi­ mentation and ca usa l inference. Emphasis is placed on problem defini­ tion, hypo thesis formation and design for drawing inference. Major emphasis is give n to the concepts of partitioning variance and experimental and statisti­ cal conu·ol of variance. Analysis of vari­ ance models useful in clinical research will be emphasized . Conside ration is also given Lo 1he con tribu tion of the research process LO the imegration of psychology and theology. Prerequisite: SPY 502. Required of Psy.D. , Ph.D. SPY 602 Cagnitian and Affect (3) Survey of contempo ra1y psychological theori es as they relate to cognitive and affective processes. ln fonnation process­ ing models of cognitive functioning and the interaction of cogn ition and affect are explored. Expe1imental and clinical approaches are utilized. StudenLs may choose either this course, SPY603 or 604. Required of Psy.D. , Ph.D. SPY 603 Leaming, Cognition and Affect (3) Survey of empirically derived psychologi­ cal principles as they relate to learning, cognitive and affective processes. Theo1y and research on oper,mt and respondent conditioning, modeling, cognitive theo­ ries, and affective processes are dis­ cussed. The relationship of d1ese p1inci­ ples to contemporary cogni ti ve and behavior therapies are examined. Stu­ denls may choose either d1is course, SPY 602 or 604. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 604 learning and Motivation (3) Asurvey of the processes, theories and research in learn ing and motivation. Emphasis on the specific content may va1y from year to year. Students may choose either this course, SPY 602 or 603 . Required of Psy.D. , Ph.D. SPY 60S Psychology of Religion (2 or 3) A survey of the psychology of religion research emphas izing both content and methodological issues. Topics covered include religiosity and mental hea lth , measures of religiosity, reli­ gious development, correlates of reli­ giosity and psychological aspects of conversion and other religioL1s experi­ ences. Elective. (Same as STP 705) SPY 606 Developmental Psychology (3) Concepts and processes involved in the understanding of the psyc hological development of the person throughout the lifespan. Major theoretical systems relevant to Developmental Psychology are exam in ed with emphas is upon the

A survey of the development, dynam­ ics and classifi cat ion of the psychologi­ cal di sorders from a psychoanalytic point of view. Special atte ntions given Lo the neuroses and the operations of ego defense mechani \mS. Elective. SPY 641 Measurement and Assessment I: Intellect (3) The first in a seque nce of courses directed toward competence in admin istration, scoring and interpre­ tation of psyc holog ical tests. The course involves a survey of basic con­ cepts and principles of psychological measurement, including factors influ­ encing validity and reliability. Empha­ sis is placed on the Child and Adult Intelligence scales as well as measures of achieveme n t, adjustment, and adaptive behavior. Graduate student will administer test batteries LO public school and clinic populations and also engage in diagnostic and report writ­ ing activities. Graduate s1udents will also learn diagnostic criteria for hand­ icapped children as well as their legal rights as set forth by Public Law 94- 142. Cost of materials required is approx im ately $150. Req uired of Psy. D , Ph.D. SPY 642 Measurement and Assessment II: Personality (3) Use of obj ective personality instru­ ments with emph asis upon the MMPl- 11 and MCMl-11. liiu-oduction Lo more structured projective instruments such as the TAT and Sentence Completion. Prerequisite: SPY 641. Cost of materi­ als required for this course is approxi­ mately$150. Required of Psy. D. , Ph.D. SPY 643 Measurement and Assessment Ill: Projectives (Rorschach) (3) An introduction to the use of projec­ tive techniques in personal ity assess­ ment wi th special emph asis on the administration, scoring and interpre­ tation of the Rorschach using Exner's comprehensive System. Prerequisite: SPY 642. Required of Psy.D. SPY 644 Measurement and Assessment IV: Advanced Projectives (Special Issues) (2) Adva nced interpretation of the Rorschach including special issues as fore nsic evaluations, chi ld and adoles­ ce nt personality assessment, assess­ ment of thought disorder. Other basic projective instruments such as the TAT, CAT and Sentence Comple­ tion tests are also covered . Prerequ i­ site: SPY 643 . Elective.

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