

SPY 645 Measurement and Assessment V: Neuropsychological (3) This course pr01~des an overview of the basic issues in ncuropsychology, and examines tJ1e key cognitive-psychological abi liLy areas LhaL are assessed in a neu­ ropsychological evaluation. AssessmenL from a flexible, hypOLhesis-Lesting and clinical perspective is emphasized. Spe­ cial attention 1,~II be given to b1ief neu­ ropsychological screening procedures which help Lo differentiate between organ ic and psychological disorders. Prerequisite SPY 607. Elective. Required of l\y.D. with Family-Child emphasis. SPY 647 Adva11<ed Assessment of the Child (3) An advanced diagnostic course which focuses on Lhe assessmem and diagnosis of exceptional children as well as legal and advocacyissues required bythe Indi­ viduals with Disabilities Act. Specific diagnostic populations include mentally retarded, learning disabled, emotionally disturbed and gifted children. Attention is also given to low incidence handicaps such as vision impaired , hearing impaired, multiple handicapped, et.c. Prerequisites: SPY 641, 680 and comple­ tion of/or CUITelll enrollmem in a ch ild practicum. Required of Psy.D. with Fam­ ily-Child emphasis. SPY 650 Family Psychology and Psychopathology (3) Emphasizes the construction of a con­ ceptual framework for system change as a foundation for clinical interven­ tion. Surveys major approaches lo sys­ lems-orien ted famil y therapy and inc ludes such re lated issues as the fami ly life cycle, object relaLions inte­ grat ion , family pathology/ dysfu nc­ tion, family assessmem, ethni city and re ligious influences. Elective. SPY 663 Human Sexuality (3) An exami nation of Lhe areas of human sexual functioning, behavior, relation­ ships and fee lings. Issues of sexual ity are discussed with in spiritual , psycho­ logical , cu lwral and medical/ health perspectives with implications for clini­ cal u·eallllenl of sexual issues. Elective. SPY 670 Neuropsychology (3) Consideration of behavioral and inLel­ lectual disorders of neurological origin. Clinical and experimemal evidence is considered as Lhey relaLe Lo the major syndromes. Prerequisite: Physiological Psychology. EitJ1er Lhis course or SPY 607 or 705 is required of Psy.D. , Ph.D. SPY 680 Prepracticum (3) Acondensed version of PrepraCLicum I & II for sLudems witii significant previ-

ous graduate study in psychology. Thi s course is designed to facil itate the development of empath ic li stening, imcrpersonal ski lls and basic therapeu­ tic techniques through group imerac­ tion and closely supe rvised on campus practicum experiences. Required of advanced first year students LO be taken concurrently with STP 500 Psy­ chOLherapy and Religion. Fall. SPY 681 Prepracticum I (I) The first of a two-course sequence designed to facilitate the developmelll of empathi c li sten ing, imerpersonal skill s and basic therapeutic techniques including an introduction to ethi cs. This first course emphasizes a small , imeractive group format for Lhe devel­ opment of skills. lnterterm. SPY 682 Prepracticum II (2) The second of a two-course sequence designed LO fac ili tate the developmem of empathic li sten ing, imerpersona l skills and basic therapeutic techniques. During this course, direct observation and videotaping of Lhe student' s first clinical prJcticum in the Universi ty's on­ campus counseling center are uti lized to provide a closely supervised in troduction LO the therapeutic process. Spring. Requirement: To be taken concurrently with STP 500. Prerequisite: SPY 681. SPY 691-696 Practicum I-VI (3) Supervised clinica l expe ri ences including diagnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpati em clientele. Hospitals, private and pub­ li c clinics, menta l hea lth organiza­ tions, schoo ls and college counseli ng cen ters are utilized. Prerequisite: suc­ cessfu l compl etion of SPY 680 , or approval of Lhe Professional Training Committee. Required of all doctoral programs; Ph.D. and Psy.D. SPY 697-699 Practicum Elective (1-3) For studenlS desi1ing supe1vised clin ical experiences beyond the requ iremenlS for their degree . These are used as elective practica. Prerequisite: approval of the director of cl inical a-aining. SPY 700 Clinical Case Conference (I) Sma ll group supervision of ongoing psychological cases. Elective. SPY 70 I College Teaching of Psychology (2) A semi nar on teaching methods including the development of course objectives, outlines, lectures and eval­ uations. Major emphasis is placed on the examination of the various teach­ ing methods avai lable 10 the teacher of psychology. Elective.

SPY 702 Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes (3) Focuses on the social psychology of interpersona l re lation ships with special emp has is on intimate rela­ tions. Prerequ isite: a survey cou rse (undergraduate or graduate) in social psychology an d permission of the instructor. Required of Psy.D., Ph .D. SPY 703 Organization and Administration of Psychological Services (2) Asemi nar deali ng with administrative issues such as personnel, finances, commu­ nityrelationsand supervision. El ective. SPY 704 Advanced Research Design (3) Acominuauon of SPY60 I for studenlS interested in pursuing dissertat ion research. TI1e course includes advanced swdy of univariate and mu ltivariate analysis of variance, regression analysis, canonical and disoiminant analysis and factor analysis. Required, Ph.D. only. Prerequisite:SPY 60 I. SPY 705 Clinical Psychopharmacology (3) A genera l ove rvi ew of current research on the use and effectiveness of psychotropi c medi ca tion in the treatment of the psychoses, neuroses and other emotional disorders. Con­ sultation and class presen rations by area psychiatrists. Prerequ isite: SPY 607 or equivalent. Either this course or SPY 607 or 670 is required. SPY 706 The Professional Practitioner (3) Intensive consideration of the impact of psychotherapeutic practice on the personal life and relat ionship of the clinician and the interac tion between th e professional and private life. Issues addressed include caree r satis­ faction , professional decorum , inter­ disciplinal)' relationshi ps and therapist impairment and burn ou t, and steps involved in developi ng and maimai n­ ing a clinical practice. Elective. SPY 709 Current Issues in Psychology (1-2) Intensive focus is given to a selec ted topic of contempora1y interest such as grief therapy, fore nsic psyc hology , National Health Care and Psychologi­ cal se rvice. Elective. SPY 710 Special Techniques in Clinical Practice (1-3) Intensive consideration of a specific tech­ nique utilized in modern clinical practice and requi1ing specialized u-aining. Asin­ gle major technique, for example the Halstead-Reitan Adult Neuropsychologi­ cal BaLLe1y, clin ical hypnos is , or multi­ generational therapy will be the focus each time thiscourse isoffered. Elective.

SPY 711 Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues (3) A study and discussion of the ethics of professional psychology 1,~th an empha­ sis on the American Psychological Asso­ ciation's Code of Ethics, guidelines, and laws that govern the profession. Prepa­ ration for the oral and written portions of the licensing exam in the state of Cal­ ifornia is also given emphasis. The chal­ lenge to imegi-ate a professional , Ch1i st­ ian , and personal ethical code is dis- cussed. Required of Psy.D, Ph.D. SPY 712 Independent Study (1-3) Individual work , directed reading or special problems in psyc hology. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected LO submit a detailed course proposal and a bibliography with an arranged course permission form available from the Registrar ' s Office. Required courses may not be taken through independent study. Elective. SPY 715 Training Therapy (Group) (0) For official indication on the student's u·anscript of required personal growth experience through gi·oup training ther­ apy. Required of all doctoral studenlS. SPY 716 Training Therapy (Individual) (0) For offi cial indication on the student's transcript of required personal growth expe ri ence through an individual training therapy. Required of all doc­ toral sLuden IS. SPY 718 Doctoral Research Seminar I(3) This is th e first of a two course sequence wh ich Psy. D. non-dissertation studenlS can take as a partial fulfillmem of their doctoral research competency. This course includes an in-depth study of research methods in clinical psychol­ ogy and experience in critically review­ ing curremcl inical research. SPY 719 Doctoral Research Seminar II (2) Bui lding on SPY 718 , this co urse invo lves writing an in-depth criti cal review of the research li terature on a selected topic in clinical psychology. SDS 721 Dissertation Research (1-10) Pl annin g and impl ementa ti on of a research proj ec t including literatu re review, problem definition, hypothesis formation, design, and impl ementa­ tion of fi eld research, data ana lys is, and report wri ti ng. The student 's di s­ sertation research is supervised by a fac ulty chair and committee. The final stage requires the student to successfullysus tain an Oral Defen se of the dissertation. Required of Ph .D. Permi ssion of insu-uctor.


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