

STP 710 Sin and Psychopathology (2) An advanced semin ar expl oring the concepts of sin and psychopathology. In cludes a di scussion of the na ture and essence of psychopathology and the relationship of personal, parental and societal responsibili ty in personal­ ity deve lopment and fun ctionin g. Prerequ isites: STP 500, 72 1 or 722; SPY 515 and 615, STH 604 and per­ mi ssion of th e instructor. El ective. (Same as SPY 605) STP 714 Conflicts in the Integration of Psychology and Theology (2) Aconsiderntion of tensions between psy­ chology and theology in areas such as self-esteem, corporal pun ishment, sex roles, egalita1ianism, and divorce. A syn­ thesis model is used for thinking con­ su-uctivelyabout such tensions and iden­ tifying strengd1s and weaknesses of u·adi­ tional lyconflicting1~ewpoints. Prerequi­ sites:STP 500, 721or 722. Elective. STP 715 Contemporary Psychoonalysis andRef"igion (3) The history of the concept of transfer­ ence is u-aced, particularly as pertains to controversies in contemporat)' psy­ choanalys is over histo ri ca l truth vs . narrative truth, and reality vs. ill usion, with special attention to the fo rmation and use of God as a foreground and background object in light of modern in fa nt obse1vational research. Prereq­ uisites: STP 500, 721or 722. Elec tive. STP 720 Psychotherapy with Religiously Committed Patients (3) This course is a chance to share prac­ ti cal ways of addressing cl inical d1emes, as we ll as broader conceptual issues like developing a personally meaning­ ful , on-going theology of therapy. Ce rtain th emes if handled one way allow therapy with religiously commit­ ted patients to take on more depth; if hand led in oth er ways th e work assumes a more superficial quali ty and meets with a kind of therapeutic stale­ mate, even when therapist and patient are both persons of faith. Elective. STP 721 The Nature and Scope of Integration (3) This course includes a discussion of the models, levels and areas in whi ch in tegration of the theological and psy­ chologica l can occur , as we ll as a fr amewo rk for conceptualizing th e scope of integration. Prerequi sites: STH 52 1, 522, 603 and second year standing. Required of Ph.D., Psy.D.

purpose of God. Course includes a one hour lab. Requi red of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 625 Theology V: Christion Ethics (3) Asnidyof Ch1istian ed1ics in relation to di vo rce, abort ion, homosex uality, euthanasia, siniation ethics, environmen­ tal ecology and human conu·ol of human

tion transgenerational sessions with cl ients. Students wi ll also applyexperi­ enti all y these theo ries to their own familyof origin. The lab segment will use Wi ll iamso n's fa mi ly-of-ori gin group therapy model where co-ther­ apy teams will help clients achieve the goal of developing an authentic se lf within the original family. Electi ve. Theology/Biblical Studies Thi s se ri es of courses provides students with essenti al bib li ca l and theologica l understand ing prerequi ­ site to effec tive integration of the dis­ cipli nes of psychology and theology. (17 units required. ) STH 521 Theology I: Foundations of Integration (3) Th e first of a two course sequence expl oring the foundati ons of efforts to in tegrate theo logy and psychology. Th is course fo cuses on the historical, theological and phi losophical under­ pi nn ings of these efforts , as well as va r­ ious models for in tegra tion. Included is a discussion of revelation , th eology of God and hermeneuti cal principles for sound interpretati on of the Bible. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 522 Theology II: Theological and Psychological Modes (3) The second course in foundations for the integration of psychology and the­ ology attempts to interface bibli ca l themes with the idea of in tegrati on. Special emphasis is placed on the rela­ tionship between nature and grace, faith and learning and theology and psychology as reflected in the Old and New Tes taments . Prerequisite: STH 52 1. Required of Psy.D. , Ph.D. STH 603 Theology 111 (4) Man , hi s creation in the image of God , his nature, fall and the effect of sin upon the race. The salva ti on of God, including the Person and work of Christ. The appli cati on of salva tion to men including elec tion , regenera­ tion, justifi cation, sanctifi cation and perseveran ce . Course includes a one hour lab. Requi red of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 604 Theology IV (4) Astudy of the broad kingdom purpose of God and the future even LS relating to the des tiny of individuals and history, including the second coming of Christ in its phases, the mi llennial reign of Christ, the resurrections, thejudgments and eternal state. The church, its inception , its nature both as a living organism and an organ ization, its ordi­ nances, and its place and mi ssion in the

SLB 707 Cognitive Behavior Therapy (3) Thi s course will present a cognitive behavioral model of treatment fo r depression, anxiety, and the personal diir orders. The theo1ies of Aaron T. Beck, Donald Meichenbaum and Christine Padeskywill be considered. Students will learn how to apply this approach with individualsand witJ1 couples. SLB 709 Therapeutic Approaches to Sexual Dysfunction (3) This course focuses exclusivelyon clini­ cal approaches to assessmen l and the1-a­ peutic inte1vention in relation to sexual dysfun cti on within the mari tal dyad. Prerequisites: SLB 671, SPY 607, 663 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 710 Existential Psychotherapy (3) Study and practice of the therapeutic relationship and the process of ther­ apy from a growth or actualiza tion perspec tive, in cluding the approaches of se lected theori sts such as Rogers, Gendlin, and selected existential ther­ apists. Prerequisites: SPY 515 and per­

beings. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 730 Independent Study (1-3)

Individual work, directed reading or spe­ cial problems in d1eology. Such study must be done with the approval and supervision of a fac ulty professo r of record. The student is expected to sub­ mi t a detailed course proposal and a bib­ liography on a learning contract form ava il abl e fr om the registrar's offi ce. Required courses may not be taken through independent snidy. Elec tive. Integration of Psychology and Theology Rosemead's curr iculum is di stin­ guished bya se1ies of seminars designed to investigate the mutual relationships between theological and psychological concepts and data. These seminars con­ stitute an essential part of Rosemead u-aining and offer students an opportu­ nity to become involved in a creati ve app li ca ti on of shared insights from these related disciplines. Each student must take STP 500 and STP 72 1or 722 and fi ve additi onal in tegration semi ­ nars. Completion of STP 721or 722 isa prerequ isite for all other integration seminars. (14 uni ts are required. ) STP 500 Psychotherapy and Religion (1) An inu·oduction to the conu·ibutions a bibl ical understanding of human nature can make to the psychological prac ti­ tioner's understanding of tJ1e tJ1ernpeu­ tic process. Special attention is given to the relati onal dimension of human growth and developmen t. Required of al l fi rst year students to be taken concur­

mi ssion of instructor. Elec tive. SLB 715 Current Psychotherapies (3)

Thi s course foc uses each time it is offered on a speci fi c therapynot regu­ larly included in Rosemead' s curricu­ lum, in cluding such approaches as: Transactional Analys is, Adlerian, Psy­ chodrama, Rational-Emotive Therapy, Reali ty Therapy, and otJ1ers. Teaching personnel are drawn from the profes­ sional communi ty of active prnctitioners of the specific modality to be consid­ erecl. Prerequisites: as determined by

the indi1~dual insu1.1ctor. Elective. SLB 717 Gestalt Psychotherapy (3)

The focus of this course will present the theoryand appl ication of Gestal t the1-apy for use with individualsand groups. This dm-apy, created by Perls and developed byZinker & Polster, focuses on personal growth and self-actualization. Elective. SLB 718 Advanced Gestalt (3) Th is course is open to students who have completed SLB 717 and focuses on the application of Gestalt therapy and techn iques to group psychother­ apy. Enrollment is limited and the per­ mission of the instructor is requi red. SLB 725 Multigenerational Therapy (3) The course fo cuses pa rticu larl y on fam ily-of-origin theories and practical approaches th at share both an auen­ tion to familydynami cs across three or more generations and a history in psy­ chodynamic theory. Avideotape series will be used to demonstrate conduc-

rentlywith STP 680 Prepmticum. STP 705 Psychology of Rehgion (2)

A su1vey of the psychology of religion research emphasizing both content and methodological issues. Topics covered in cl ude religiosity and mental health, measures of religiosity, religious devel­ opment, correlates of religiosity and psychological aspects of conversion and other religious aspects. Prerequisites: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective.

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