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6. The app li ca ti on dead line for the fa ll is August 1 and for the spring isJanuary I. Applications may be sub­ mi tted after this deadline (late appli­ cation fee of $45), bu t will be consid­ ered and processed onl y if space is ava ilable and time allows. Doctor of Missiology An accredited master's degree in lntercultural Studies, or a related fi eld, of which 15 units will be in biblical and th eol og ica l studi es, and 18 units in social organ ization, intercu ltural com­ munication , cul tural change, d)~1amics of religious experien ce (or fo lk reli- gions), theology of miss ion, and applied anthropology, as described in this catalog. A 3.30 grade point ave r- age is required fo r admission. Doctor of Education An accredited mas ter's degree or its equivalent appropriate lO the Ed.D. is requi red fo r admi ssion. Students must have a CPAof 3.3 in their previ­ ous graduate study. They may transfer in a maximum of 30 uni ts of master's level work toward the Doctor of Educa­ tion. Three years of crosscultural min­ istry experience, or its equi va lent, is required for enu-ance to the program. In addi tion, profi ciency in a second language is expected of students work­ ing in crosscul tural se ttings. Admission of International Stu­ dents and Resident Aliens See Admi ss ion , Registration and Requirements section . GENERALACADEMIC INFORMATION M.A. in lntercultural Studies The M.A. in In tercultural Studies is a 42-unit program . For the qualifi ed appli cant with extensive undergradu­ ate work in intercultural studies/ mis­ sions, it may be reduced to a minimum of 32 un its. Students with li ttle or no academic prepa rati on for graduate stud ies in bibli cal and theo log ica l areas may be required, at the discre­ tion of the academic advisor and in consultation with the student, to take additional un its, such as BE 517, 519, 520, or TH 511, 512, 613,614. In order to graduate the student must do the fo ll owi ng: A. Compl ete the required courses listed below: I. 16 un its of core consisting of:

INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Chair: Donald E. Douglas, Ph .D. FACULTY Professors: Cook, Kraft, S. Lingenfelter Associa te Professors: Dollar , Douglas, Haywa rd ,J. Li ngenfelter, Steffen Ass istant Professor: Alexander Adjunct Faculty:Maivin K. Mayers, Ph.D. OBJECTIVES Bio la as an institution has had a "heart " for Chri stian miss ions since its inception. The burden fo r the bill ions of non-Chri stian s (more th an three bill ion today; live bi ll ion projected by the year 2,000) has been grea t. There has bee n an academic program at Bi ola stressing mi ssion interests for decades, and thi s was brought to a high level of re fin emelll un der th e leadership ofDr. Clyde Cook. Bio la combin es spiriwal ministry with a high academic conceptualization that is realized through a strong facu lty, a growin g lib rary fac ility, and an emphasis on sound research to under­ lie the teaching program. Students can enrich their training in Bible, theology and psychology at the School of llller­ cultural Sn,dies bytaki ng courseworkat Talbot School of Theology and Rose­ mead School of Psychology. They can also complete a specialization in inte1° cultural studies and mi ssionswithin the Talbot degree programs and a special­ iza tion in inte rcultu ral stud ies with in the Rosemead degree program.

higher learn ing; (3) to teachers for educational, developmental insti tutions ,and agencies; and (4) to u·ain consul­ tants for Bible mmslation church plant­ ing ai1d commun itydevelopmenL Doctor of Education The Doctor of Educa tion degree is offered in co operation with the Department of Christian Education at Talbot School ofTheology. The Ed .D. with a crosscultural emphasis is spec ifi ­ cally for traini ng professionals working in crosscultural educati onal programs that may or may not be locali zed in churches. The program is designed to train highly competent profess ional s to conduct research and teach adult literacy, TESOL, Theological Educa­ tion by Extension (TEE), Bible school and seminaiy programs and other fo r­ mal or non-forma l educati onal pro­ grams th at are part of crosscu ltural mini sl!y. The program places a strong emphasis on crosscu ltural educational research. The faculties of the School of lntercultura\ Studies and Talbot School of Theology support the prepa­ ration of the swdent and the direc tion of dissertation research. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Al l students must meet the follow­ ing requirements: I. All applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree from an accred­ ited coll ege or uni versity with a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) grade point ave rage . Graduates from approved unaccred­ ited co ll eges, if acce pted, will be gran ted prov isional accepta nce, if CPA is 3.4 or higher. Graduates from approved unaccredited colleges may be required to take certain additional libera l arts course work (not app lica­ ble towa rd the graduate degree), if their undergraduate program did not include these courses. 2. Those wi thout in tercu ltural/ missions or Bible/ theology may have addi tional coursework added to their program. 3. All appli cants must submit a written s1a tement ou tlining their voca­ ti onal objectives and how the degree will relate to those objecti ves. Appli­ cants should attach a one- page, type­ written letter to the appli ca tion. 4. All appli cants are requi red to submit th ree letters of references on forms supplied by the school. 5. Al l appli cants are requ ired to submi t offi cial transcripts of all previ­ ous schools attended.

Dean: Donald E. Douglas, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Cook, Kraft, S. Lingenfelter, Purnell Associate Professors: Dollar, Douglas, Hayward,J. Lingenfelter, Purgason, Steffen Ass istant Professor:Alexander Adjunct Faculty: Maivin K. Mayers, Ph.D. OVERVIEW The School of illlercul tural Swd­ ies consists of two departments. In addi ti on to its undergraduate offer­ ings, the Depar tment of llllercu ltural Studi es offers graduate programs lead­ ing to a mas ter's degree and two doc­ tora l deg rees . Th ese programs emphas ize the soc ial sc iences and their relation to intercu ltural under­ standing, wor ld mi ss ion, education and a number of technical specialties related to these topics. The Department of lnte rcu ltural Studies was established: (I) to prepare missionary recruits from eve,y nation with cro ssc ultural communi cati on ski lls fo r international service; (2) to provide missions the opportuni ty to encourage the personal and academi c deve lopment of their overseas staff; and (3) to prepare mini sters and Christian education professionals fo r the types of crosscultu ral (and cross­ subcu lwral) ministries they will face in today's mult i-ethni c and mul ti­ nati onal wo rl d, especiall y as these impac t the local church. Th e Departm ent of TESOL (Teaching Engli sh to Speakers of Other Languages) and Appli ed Lin­ gui st ics offe rs two master' s deg ree programs. The graduate program in TESOL provides professional prepara­ tion for Engli sh language teachin g among speakers of other languages. Th e graduate program in Appli ed Linguistics dea ls with issues involved in second language learn ing, analys is, teaching and research .


DEGREES OFFERED Master of Arts Degree

M.A. in lntercultu ral Studies. The Master of Arts in lntercultu ral Studies is des igned fo r th ose anti cipat ing crosscul tural careers and who desire training ski lls associated wi th intercul­ lllra\ communica tion and service . It is a 42-uni t program. Doctor of Missiology The Doctor of Missiology degree is designed to prepare professionals fo r the highest level of service in mi ssions. More specifically, it seeks: (1 ) to develop resea rch professional s in lingui stics, Bible trai1slation, an thropology, church planting, etc., to aid in and support the mi ssiona,y enterprise; (2) to help pre­ pare nationals of eve1y nation for forn1al education service in their own cul ture; and to prepare educators and scholars fromeve1y nacion at the ve1y highes t lev­ els of educa tion to teach in schools of

SCL 500 , 50I, 503 or 560 or 702, 520 or 622, 562, and 751.

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