Dissertation Research and Writing SCL 880 D.Miss. Dissertation (1-8) Normally a student must take a mini mum of two units for up to a maxi mum of 4 semesters to be considered full-time. SCL 882 D.Miss. Continuous Enrollment (0) Normally a student must take a mini mum of 3 units per semester to be considered fu ll time. Astudent is con sidered fu ll -t ime for four semesters wh il e taking this dissertation class. Fee: $100. SCL 890 Ed.D . Dissertation Field Research (1-6) Normally a student must take a mini mum of 3 units per semester to be considered full time. Astudent is con sidered full -time for four semesters whi le taking tl1is dissertation class. SCL 892 Ed. D. Continuous Research (0) Students who need extra time to work on first or final draft of the disserta tion are required to register for this course to maintain degree status. A student is considered less than ha lf time status while taking this class. Fee: $100. SCL 893 Leave of Absence (0) For students who have been gramed an official leave of absence from the Ed .D. program. Fee: $100.
Crosscultural and Mu/ti-cultural Education SCL 575 Multi-cultural Education (3) Experiential approach to crosscultural differences in the classroom as they affect teaching and learning. Focus of allention is primarily the United States. SCL 721 Crosscultural Education (3) Exploration of socio-cultural factors that affect teaching and learning strategies in education both here and abroad. SCL 861 Alternative Delivery Systems in Education (3) Contemporat)' technologies and travel ease offer new possibilities for u·aining nationals. This course will examine such systems as theological education by extension, in-service short courses and distance education to evaluate their suitabili ty and effectiveness. SCL 867 Comparative Educational Systems (3) An analy ti cal comparison of selected nati onal educational sys tems empha sizing the w ltural value base for deci sions regarding access to education , choice of curriculum, educational finance , professional and status issues and other matters of educational the- 01)' and practice uti lizing comparative methodological approach. Practicum SCL 690 Practicum (1-6) May be done in Church Planting Urban Studies, Women's Mini stries or other approved church / mission pro grams. Designed for M.A. students. SCL 760 Urban Practicum Internship (3 , 6) SCL 791 -792 Field Internship (2, 2) Integration of all the disciplines of ministt)' and seminal)' education. It provides supervised experience in vari ous phases of Christian ministry. One hundred hours of fie ld experience each semester are evaluated in class room interaction. Required of M.Div. (missions) students. Prerequisites: PT 602; Completion of 64 hours of the M.Div. program for PT 791, PT 792. SCL 860 Practicum (1-6) May be done in Chur ch Planting Urban Studies, Women 's Miniso·ies or other approved church/ mission pro grams. Designed for doctoral students.
Seminars and Independent Studies SCL 691- Tutorial (3) May be repeated with different topics such as imercultural sLUdi es, Bible trans lation, missiology, crosscultural theology, crosscu ltural education, and crosscu ltural health care. Designed for M.A. students SCL 694 Seminars (3) May be repeated with different topics including church planting, evangelism, an thropology, intercultural communi cat.ion, li nguistics, crosscultural educa tion, sociolingui stics, crosswln1ral the ology, th eology of mission, history of missions, mission su-ategy, bible u·ansla
SCL 752 Acts : Biblical and Missiological (3)
This course will focus on the histori cal, cultural and theological content leading the student toward mastery of the book of Acts. This will be fol lowed by a discussion of cogent missi ological themes, such as evangel ism, power encounter, contextuali zation and the supernatural in missions. SCL 850 Crosscultural Implications in Theology (3) The applications of crosscultural com munication princ iples to the study of theology, critique and evaluat ion of such theologies and the design and imp lementation of cu lture specific theologies for various cultures. Community Health and Development SCL 530 Topics in lntercultural Health Care (3) May be repeated with different focus. Topics include: Crosscu.llural Health Care Delivery. Theories and sk ill s related to health teaching, phys ical assessment, prepa ration and utilization of indigenous health care. Personal Health MaintenanceAbroad. Pr eparation for li ving overseas: healthy lifestyle, prevention of disease, mental and spiritual burnout, initial treatment where there is no doctor. Anthwpology of Crosscullural Health Care. The an thropol ogical study of problems of ill ness and health with emphasis on the cu ltural contest of health care programs. Management Strategies in Crosscnl tural Health Care. Preparation for serv ing organ izations involved in planning and impl ementing health care systems at the district and village level. Jntercultnral Cliniwl Practicwn. Super vised crosswltural clinical health care experience. Prerequisites:SCL 520, 622, 675 (may be taken concurrently) . RN licensure or consent of instructor. SCL 571 Topics in Technology and Missions (3) SCL 667 Technology in Community Development (3) Examines the worldwide economic pressures of population growth and food shortages, and focuses on appro priate development projects for Chri s tian holistic minisuy
tion. Designed for M.A. students SCL 793-794 Independent Study (1-4, 1-4)
In-d epth investigation of a topic under the gu idance of the fac ulty, using standard research procedures. Topic se lection and course enroll ment byadvisor's approva l. SCL 873 Tutorial (3) May be repeated with different topics such as in tercu ltura l studies, Bibl e translation , missiology, crosscultural theology, crosscultural education, and crosscultural health care. Designed for doctoral students on ly. SCL 874 Seminars (3) May be repeated with different topics includ ing chu rch planting, evange lism, anthropology, interwltural com munication, linguistics, crosscu ltural education , sociolinguis ti cs, crosscu l tural theology, theo logy of mi ssion , histot)' of missions, mi ssion strategy, bible translation.. Designed for doc toral students on ly. SCL 895 D.Miss . Research Seminar (1-3) In-d epth investigation of a topic under the gu idance of the lntercu l tural Studies department using stan dard resea rch procedures . Top ic selection and course enrollment is by department approval. Elective. SCL 896 Ed .D. Research Seminar (1-3) In-depth investigation of a top ic under the gu idance of the Intercul tural Studies department using stan dard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by department approval. Elective.
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