


interested shou ld consu lt with both

Applied Linguistics



departments for details.

Although language teaching is the most prominent area within the field of applied linguistics, there are many ot her areas of importance whi ch address language-related human prob­ lems both in the United States and abroad. Among these are bilingual and multilingual education, language planning, lex icography, li teracy, sec­ ond language acqu isiti on, testing , tra nslati on, and the development or

The Certificate in TESOL

Chair: Herbert C. Purnell, Ph.D..

requ ires 16 semester units of preCURRICULUM


scribed course work, beyond the fou n­ dational units, with at least nine units taken wh il e in res idency. Practice teaching is required , but there is no

TESOL Foundational Units: (May be taken concurrently with program wurses.)

Professor: Purnell

Associate Professor: Purgason

Bible or Theology.....



comprehensive examination.

Introduction to Language

The M.A. TESOL and M.A. Applied Linguistics programs consist of 32 units at the graduate leve l. Both programs assume that incoming stu­

and Linguistics.............

....... .3

TESOL {Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) English has become the most widely used language in the wor ld ence, commerce and education. Tens of thousands of students in develop­ ing countries are required to learn English in school. Thousands more study Eng li sh in order to pursue careers or educationa l programs demanding Engli sh language skill s. Refugees and immi grants to the United States desire English to survive

Intercultural Communication ....... ....3



modification of writing systems.

dents have a basic fo undation in lanCertificate in TESOL

The Department of TESOL and today, particularly in the areas of sciguage, culture and Bible. Students who

STE 509

Su·ucture of Engli sh .. .....3 Introduction to TESOL

Appli ed Linguistics offers a Master 's degree in Applied Linguistics to provide a broad-based academic foundation as we ll as practical training in several of

enter the M.A. TESOL program withSTE 525


out such prior work wi ll be required to take three units each of Introduction to

or the areas mentioned above. Also, by takLinguistics, lntercultural CommunicaSTE 526

Introduction to TESOL

..... .3

-~1 2....

tion and Bible, or their equivalents, in

ing specified TESOL courses as one's

Materials Evaluation and .

electives, it is possible to obtain the Ceraddition to the 32-unit program. StuSTE 527

tificate in TESOL along with the M.A. in

dents entering the M.A. Applied LinPreparation ......................3

Applied Linguistics.

guistics program without suitable founSTE 560

Communicating Values through TESOL ............. ! Practicum in TESOL II ...3

dational work wi ll be required to take

and to establish themselves in th ei r Admission Requirements new homeland. There is thus a considthree uni ts each of Introduction to LinSTE 692

Applicants must meet the qualifi­ cations specified in the Admi ssion to the School of Intercultural Studies section. In addition to these, foreign speakers are required to submit their TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) results. The TOEFL must have been taken within the past five years. A score of 550 or higher is

erable demand for qualified teachers of English both here and abroad. To help meet the need for trained

guistics, Phonetics or Phonology, SynSAL614

Second Language Acquisition.. ... .. .. .

tax and Bible, or their equivalents, in addit ional to the 32-unit program. M.A. Applied Linguistics students will




teachers of English as a Second Lanapplicants who are non-native Engli sh

guage (ESL) or Engli sh as a Foreign Language (ELF), the Department of TESOL and Applied Linguisti cs offers two regular programs in TESOL: a Certificate in TESOL and an M.A. in TESOL. The programs are academi­ cally rigorous, yet focus on the practi­ cal aspects of teaching in a variety of settings. The department also seeks to se rve teachers desiring to continue their professional advancement or upgrade their qualifications, and non­ degree students interested in gaining basic teaching or tutoring skills, by offering a variety of separate courses,

also be required to demonstrate in terM.A. in TESOL

All the Cert ifi cate courses, plus

mediate-leve l proficiency in a fore ign language. Botl1 master of arts degrees require a comprehensive examination, but students choosing to write a thesis

the fo llowing:

STE 621 Advanced Methods and

Techniques in TESOL ....3

STE 632

Language Testing and

required for admission to the gradumay be exempt from this requirement.

Assessment. ......................3

ate programs in the department. Because ESOL teachers are expected to have a hi gh degree of competence in written English, all new gradua te students, both native and non-native English speakers, are required to take the departmen t's Writing Proficiency Exam. If the

The M.A. in TESOL and the track of the M.A. in Applied Linguistics, which includes the certificate in TESOL, also

STE or SAL Electives ...... .....................7 Bible or World Perspective Elective ... 3

STE 697


require practice teaching.

The M.A. program requirements may be reduced for students with a background in TESOL, linguistics, or English , but the minimum number of



Program Total


M.A. in Applied Linguistics

results of the exam indicate that addigraduate uni ts required for either

from introductory to advanced.

Applied Linguistics Foundational Units:

tional work in written grammar and The Certificate in TESOL is a oneM.A. is 32, of which 24 must be taken

(May be taken concurrently with

composition is needed to enable a stuthrough Biola. Aminimum of 12 units

year full-time program designed to enable post-baccalaureate studen ts to

program courses.)

dent to perform at the level expected

must be taken on campus.


Bible or Theology ..

for this fi eld, he or she wi ll be develop both a solid academic fo undaAll students mu st successfu ll y


In u·oduction to Linguistics .. Phonetics or Phonology ...

expected to take and pass one of the special studi es courses, SS 500 or SS

tion in second language pedagogy and practical ski lls in teach ing English in

compl ete all required coursework with a minimum grade point average of 3.0

.. 3

..... .3

Syntax ...

501, described below.

crosscultural situations. Part-time stuto qualify fo r graduation. All graduate programs in the taking up to three years to complete it. department require as a prerequisite a TEACHER PREPARATION dents also may enro ll in the program,



Regular Program:

minimum of three semes ter units of acceptable Bible or theology coursework

The MA. in TESOL, which takes up to two for completion of the course


STE 541 Intercultural Communi ca-

In cooperation with the Education for Teachers ............3

work, encompas&s the goal of the certifiat the upper division or graduate level in

SAL 511

Applied Linguistics .........3

tion Department, TESOL and Applied Linguistics provides courses which can enab le teachers who are work ing

addition to the specified foundational units. The M.A. in Applied Linguistics also has a foreign language requirement

cate program plus the adclitional goal of

SAL 614 Second Language

broader academic training.

Acquisition ..... ............ . ... .3

Emphases of the TESOL graduate

Discourse Analysis. Seminar in Appli ed

... .3

toward or who already hold a Cali forSAL 648

programs are, in order of priori ty: appliin addition to the fo undational units.

Foundational units may be taken connia Teaching Credential to gain a supSAL 668

cation of theory to teaching, language



plementary authori zation in emphas is

pedagogy, linguistic theory, crosscu lcurrently with regular program courses

Research Design and

in crosscu ltural, language, and acadeSAL 677

but should normally be completed by

tural communication , mate1ials design , program administration , and research.

the end of the first year.

mi c deve lopme nt (CLAD) . Those

Statistics .. .........................3

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