SS 500 Academic Writing (1 -2)
STE 509
Structure of Engli sh
STE 527 Materials Evaluation and
b. Diagnosing and Treating Pronun-
Preparation (3)
ciation Problems
(req ui red for the CertifiPractical instruction in grammar and
Pr inciples of ESOL materials design . Enables teachers to evaluate and adapt published materials, prepare
composition skills needed to meet the demands of academic writing at the graduate and professiona l level.
c. Reading in the ESL/ EFL Context d. Writing in the ESL/ EFL Context
cate in TESOL)
e. TESOL and the Teaching
Linguistics Elective .........3
Experience in writing papers in reletheir own materials, and use a variety
of Literature
STE or SAL Electives..
of media, including video and com puters. Prerequisite: STE 525 or 526. STE 541 lntercultural Communication Study of cultural values, nonverbal behavior, language and culture relation ships, and patterns of reasoning, with the goal ofina-easing intercultural awareness for Teachers (3)
vant academic fields. Required for native English speaking students ass igned by the TAL departmental Writing Proficiency Exam. Must be taken within the first nine units of
Readings in ESOL Curriculum
Bible or World Perspective Elective ... 3
STE 621 Advanced Methods and Tech
SAL 697
niques in TESOL (3 )
Examination .... ..............0
In-<lepth treatment of a variety of meth ods in TESOL and broad coverage of teaching techn iques through demon-
Program Total
graduate study.
To obtain the Certificate in TESOL, the following courses must be taken in
SS 501 Advanced Writing for
stration, discussion, and practice.
Inte rnationals (1 -3)
Grammar , sentence structure, and paragraph development for academic
and teaching effectiveness while decreasSTE 632 Language Testing and
place of the above electives:
Assessment (3 )
ing culu1re-based misunderstandings in
STE 525/ 526 Intrnduction to TESOL ... 3
writing. Critical thinking and compoand out of the classroom.
Examination of (I ) theory and prac
STE 527
Materials Evaluation and Preparation .....................3 Communicating Values through TESOL .............. 1 Practicum in TESOL.. ....3
sition, including extracting informatice in language testing and assessment STE 551 ESL Methods and Materials (3)
tion from sources , synthesis , and proper format for written papers . Experience in writing papers in rele vant academic fie lds. Requ ired for non-native English speakers assigned by the TAL deparunental Writing Pro ficiency Exam or students who have completed the Biola ESL sequence or
and (2 ) classroom based research on
Examination of methods and materials for teaching ESL in elementary and sec ondary multi lingua l classrooms. Includes a discussion of bilingual instruction , techniques for teaching oral and wri tten language, and assessment.
STE 560
second language learning.
STE 641 Issues and Trends in TESOL (3) Current theoretical and methodologi cal trends and the "state of the art" in the discipline, focus in g on major issues in both research and applica tion. Actual topics may vary depend
STE 692
In addition to those listed above,
STE 560 Communicating Values
Through TESOL (1)
the following courses would be approits equivalent. Must be taken with in
Consideration of ways in which TESOL may be used to promote cross cultural understanding through the communication of different world views and values. Prerequisite: STE
ing on student interest.
priate for electives:
the first 9 units of graduate study.
STE 580
English: Past, Present, and Future ...................2-3
STE 664 Engl ish for Specific Purposes (3) Exploration of issues involved in teaching Engli sh LO specific groups of students, especially those in scientific,
In gene ral , STE 525 or 526 are prerequisites for 600 level STE courses, and SAL 507 is a prerequisite
SfE 581-582 Topics in TESOL.......... 1-3
STE 641
Issues and Trends in
525 or 526.
technical , and vocational fields .
TESOL ............................3
for most SAL courses.
STE 570 Developments in TESOL (1-3) Readings on recent developments in major areas of the discipline; also may include new technical skills. Designed to offer an update for students with
STE 665 Course Design in TESOL (3) Examination of the communicative approach to teaching English in relation to syllabus design, curriculum develop
STE 664
English for Specific
STE 509 Structure of English (3)
STE 665
Course Design in
Study of the syntax of English in preparation for teaching non-native speakers. Theoretical insights taken from several approaches lo grammar. May also be completed as a Field Stud
TESOL ............................ .3
significant but not current backment, and program management.
STE 691
Field Practicum
ground in the discipli ne. Required in some programs to validate studies taken more than four years ago. Does
STE 682 Supervising and Training
in TESOL.. ...................2-3 Applied Linguistics ........ .3 Articulatory Phonetics ....3
ESL/EFL Teachers (3)
SAL 511 SAL 584
Development of techniques for evalu
ies course .
not apply toward min imum requireating instruction , conducting in-ser ments for degree and certificate provice training, and providin.g supe1vi
STE 525 Introduction to TESOL -
SAL585-586Topics in Applied
Adult (3)
grams, since credit is awarded for the earlier studies being updated. Prereq uisite: Sign ificant background in the
sion to ESL/ EFL teachers, whether native English speakers or not. Stu dents wi ll have opportunities to gain toring one or more teacher trainees. STE 690 Independent Study (1-3) Individual work, directed reading, or special problems in TESOL. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor
Linguistics ..................... 1-3 Sociolinguistics ................3 Discourse Analysis ...........3
An inu·oduction to the field ofTESOL at the post-seconda1y and adu lt levels dealing with learner needs, approaches
SAL 646 SAL 648
subject and consent of instructor. to and methods of teaching, techsupervisory experience through men
niques for the four skills, lesson planSTE 580 English: Past , Present, and
Future (2-3)
ning , classroom management, and assessment. Credit for course may be earned by examination. May also be completed as a Field Studies course.
The following are special studies courses to assist students in becoming proficient in wrillen grammar and
Histo1ical and social smvey of the devel opment of the English language from a small tribal language LO the widespread ble fuu1re trends also discussed. STE 581-582 Topics in TESOL (1-3) Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be
composition skills essential for effecinternational language it is today. Possi STE 526 Introduction to TESOL -
K-12 (3)
tive graduate work in TESOL or
of record .
applied lingui stics. Specific enroll An introduction LO the field of TESOL
STE 691 Field Practicum in TESOL (2-3) Intensive ESL/ EFL classroom teach
at the primary and secondary levels in multi lingual classrooms. The role of the
ment requirements are indicated in
each course.
primary language, methods and techrepeated once for credit with a differing in a field setting, typica lly as part
Note: Special Studies courses may not be used to meet program graduation
of a supervised team working with a volunta1y agency. Elective, by depart
ent. Titles offered include:
niques for teaching the four skills, and assessment are also covered. May also be completed as a Field Studies course.
a. Materials Design for Voluntary
ment permission only.
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