

SAL 511 Applied linguistics (3) lnu"OCluction to theoretical and practi­ cal issues in applied linguistics, focus­ ing on several important areas; e.g., bilingual education, lexicography, li ter­ acy, orthographydesign, social dialects and education , and translation. SAL 574 Practicum in Second language and Culture learning (3) Fi eld experience in independent lan­ guage learning and cultural investiga­ tion , using sn1dent-developed language texts and ethnographic interviewing. SAL 584 Articulatory Phonetics (3) Di scrimination , transcription, and

ti cs. Such work must be done with the approval and supervis ion of a faculty professor of record. SAL 695 Research Seminar (1) Guidance in the development of a thesis or research paper. Students produce a prel iminary thesis state­ ment, proposal, outline, and working bibliography. Prerequisites: a. permission of instructor b. no more than six units of course- work remaining. SAL 696 Research Paper (1) A paper based on classroom research , literature review, or the design of a syl­ labus or appropriate teaching materi­ als. Prerequisite: SAL 695 or equi valen t. SAL 697 Comprehensive Examination (0) An exam ina tion covering the major knowledge areas of the fi eld. Nor­ mally taken in the final semester. Stu­ dents choosing to write a thesis will not be required to take a comprehen­ sive examinati on. SAL 699 M.A. Thesis (3) Research for and writing of an M.A. th esis. Students choosing to wr ite a thesis wi ll not be requ ired to take a comprehensive examination. Prereq­ uisite: SAL 695 or equivalent and con­ sent of M.A. committee.

STE 692 Practicum in TESOL II (3) Extensive independent teachi ng in an ESL classroom under the general super­ vision of a master teacher, plus weekly group discussion of issues in language pedagogy. Credit for course may be earned, in some field-based situations, by portfolio assessmen t. Lab fee: $50. STE 695 Research Seminar (1) Guidan ce in the development of a thesis or research paper. Studen ts produce a preliminary thesis state­ ment, proposal , outline, and working bibliography. Prerequisites: a. permission of instructor. b. no more than six units of course- work remaining. STE 696 Research Paper (1) A paper based on classroom research, li terature re1~ew, or the design of a syl­ labus or appropriate teach ing materi­ als. Prerequisite: STE 695 or equivalent. STE 697 Comprehensive Examination (0) An examinati on cove ring the major knowledge areas of the field. Nor­ ma lly taken in the final semester. Stu­ den ts choosing to wr ite a thesis wil l not be required to take a comprehen­ sive examination. STE 698 Project (1) The final project in TESOL is in lieu of a thesis. Only transfer students who have wri tten an acceptable M.A. thesis at another institution are el igibl e to do a project. Topic and scope must have department approval before work maybe started. STE 699 M.A. Thesis (3) Research for and writing of an M.A. thesis. Prerequisite: STE 695 or equiv­ alent and consent of M.A. committee. Students choosing to write a thesis will not be required to take a comprehen­ sive examination. STE 799 Research Continuous Registration (0) Students who need extra time to com­ plete research programs such as thesis, project, or research paper are required to register for this course to maintain their degree stallls. Fee: $100. Applied Linguistics SAL 507 Introduction to language and linguistics (3) In troduction to basic concep ts in the sc ien tifi c study of language, major areas of linguistic anal ysis, and several sub-fi elds of linguistics importan t fo r ESOL teachers. Prerequisite for grad­ uate courses in Applied Linguistics.

Includes discussion of learn ing su·ate­ gies as wel l as autonomous learning inside and outside of the classroom. SAL 646 Sociolinguistics (3) Overview of the relationship between language and society. Topics covered include language and cu lture, lan­ guage and social change, ethni city, language contact, language po li cy, ethnography of commun ication , and

social aspects of conversation. SAL 648 Discourse Analysis (3)


Examination of language in its com­ municative contexts. Cove rs three main areas: text analysis , discourse ana lys is proper (o ral and written) ,

production of speech sounds. SAL 585-586 Topics in Applied linguistics (1-3)

and pedagogical applications. SAL 668 Seminar in Applied linguistics (3)

Topics are li sted in the class schedule each semester. Co urses may be repeated once for credit with a differ­ ent. Titles offered include: a. Contrastive Analys is b. ESL Dictionaries c. New Englishes in the Third World d. Historyof English e. Readings in Language Learning Strategies SAL 614 Second language Acquisition (3) Exam in ation of the various factors , especially individual, sociological, and psychol ogical, whi ch enter into the process of acquiring a second language.

In-depth examination of some main areas of appli ed linguistics. Topics vary, depending on class interests. SAL 677 Research Oesign and Statistics (3) Introduction to principles and proce­ dures of research design and basic sta­ tistics used in social sciences, particu­ larly teacher-conducted resea rch in second language classrooms. Prereq­ uisite: basic computer literacy. SAL 690 Independent Study (1-3) Individual work, direc ted reading, or special problems in applied linguis-

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