


GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Every Master of Arts in Education Degree program at Biola University contains four distinct elements: (l) A common core of graduate studies that provides a distinctive foundation for professional perfor­ mance in school education (15 gradu­ ate units). (2) A concentrat ion of profes­ sional studies (minimum=IS graduate units). Options include: a. A planned course of study related to requirements estab- lished by the Californ ia Com- mission on Teacher Creden- tialing, b. A Biola Un ive rsi ty speciali za­ tion program, or c. An approved personalized specialization program. (3) One of two capstone experi­

MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Chair: Lucile Richardson , Ed.D. FACULTY Associate Professors: Richardson, Sibold Instructors: Hensel, Menjares DESCRIPTION In concert with the mission and vision of Biola University, the Depart­ ment of Education provides quality inso·uction and guided expe1ience in a distinctively Christian developmental context so that individuals may effi­ ciently acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills required for specific roles in school teaching and administration. Faculty members of the Depart­ ment of Education promote academic rigor, scholarly research , and pedagog­ ical excellence as they collaborate 1vith program participants, who are consid­ ered fellow professionals achieving higher levels of academic excellence. The Department of Education contributes LO and benefits from its position in a national university, simultaneously nourishing and being nourished through collaboration with the multiple schools of Biola Univer­ sity. These relationships strengthen speciali zation options. (Students can enrich their training in Bible, theol­ ogy, psychology and intercultural studies at Talbot School of Theology, Rosemead School of Psychology and the School of Intercultural Studies.) The graduate programs are designed for Christians who serve in public schoo l systems and whose instructional and administrative respon­ sibi lities are in private and Christian schools. Truth revealed in God's Word is honored as the basis for sound rea­ son ing, moral intention , and ethi cal behavior in professional teaching. DISTINCTIVES The graduate programs in the Department of Education are based upon specific credential and certifi­ cate requirements established by the State of Californi a and Biola Univer­ sity. Biola University is an approved educational institution that recom­ mends individuals to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing as having fulfilled all standards for Californi a certificates and credentials. The coordination of degrees with certificate and credential requirements results in efficient educational programs.

The relationships with university facu lty, school administrators, master teachers, and peers contribute to pro­ fessional growth and enhances a wide range of personal growth outcomes: ■ Possession of knowledge adequate in specific educational settings. ■ Abi li ty to link theory witl1 practice in classroom circumstances. ■ Possession of Christian attitudes conducive to the development of professional excellence. ■ Commitment to lifelong learning, professional growth , and mutual exhortation. ■ Ability to work cooperatively and collaborativel y in student-cen­ tered activities. ■ Ability to solve problems individu­ allyand in team settings. ■ Ability to be flexible and creative in the face of contextual hindrances. A non-traditional course schedule of evening and Saturday courses pro­ vides flexibility for students, teachers, and administrators. A rich summer calendar accommodates local students and participants from outside the state of California. The graduate program in educa­ tion is designed to faci li tate the devel­ opment of external programs in the region and other countries. Master 's program options designed for profes­ sional specialization are easi ly adapt­ able to international student needs. TEACHING CREDENTIALS California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Requirements for various creden­ tials and certificates are included in tl1e designated degree specializations. Spe­ cific requirements of the California Pre­ liminary and Professional Clear creden­ tials as we ll as other State specialization credentials and certificates may be obtained from the Biola University Department of Education. These requ irements are subject to change. Therefore, student's should keep in contact witl1 the education department. Professional Clear Credential Requirements In addition to the courses integrated with appropriate Biola Master of Arts in Education and credential ing programs, the following requirements related to the Professional Clear Credential apply: ■ Admission to the Professiona l Clear Credential program requires a minimum GPA of 2.75 in an

approved subject matter program or passing scores on tl1e appropri­ ate subject matter exami nation, and passing scores on the CBEST examination. A transcript analysis fee may be required. ■ Student Teaching must be com­ pleted witl1 a grade of "B--" or bet­ ter for a student to be recom­ mended for a teaching credential. ■ The Cali fornia Professional Clear Credential requirement includes verification of training in car­ diopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) wh ich meets the standards in either tl1e American Heart Association B­ or C-level course or the American Red Cross Community CPR course. CLAD and BCLAD Certification The Department of Education and the Department of TESOL and Applied Linguistics have designed coursework which meets the require­ ments for the certificate in Crosscul­ tural, Language and Academic Devel­ opment (CLAD), providing teachers with the knowledge, sk ill s and atti­ tudes needed to effectively teach and guide students from culturally, linguis­ tically and socio-economically diverse backgrounds. Bilingual Cross Cul­ tural, Language and Academic Devel­ opment (BCLAD) certification is also supported. In many cases, CLAD and BCLAD certification can be included in M.A. concentrations. Contact the Education Department for details. Association of Christian Schools International The Biola University Classroom Inso·uction M.A. concentration at Biola Un iversity meets the requirements for the Association of Christian Schools International (A.CS!) Certificate (Iden­ tical to the Cali fornia Preliminary Cre­ dential program except that BBST 465 Integration Seminar must also be com­ pleted) . Application information may be obtained in the Education Depart­ ment office. ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS A.II applicants must hold a bac­ calaureate degree from an accredited or organized institution and must have a 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) grade point average. Those not meeting the requirement, if accepted, will be placed on probation. Applications must be submitted on a graduate application form.

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ences (I graduate unitof599).

a. A I-unit research project that integrates advanced educa­ tional thought with the prac­ tice of school education, or b. A I-unit instructional develop­ men t project that serves to integrate advanced educa­ tional thought with the prac­ tice of school education. (4) Four professional develop­ ment modules directly related to the use of technology in the classroom ( I graduate unit of 596). A minimum of 35 units of gradu­ ate coursework is required for the Master of Arts in Education degree. Special ization options may require a greater number of units. A minimum of 24 graduate units must be completed in the Master ofArts in Education program at Biola Univer­ sity. Students enrolled in the Research Institute for Christian Education (R.I.C.E.) Program in Hong Kong are required to complete a minimum of 20 units on the Biola, La Mirada Campus. MASTER OF ARTS CORE COURSES The 15 units of Core Courses required in all M.A. concentrationsare: 501 Philosophyand Values in Schools and Society .............. (3) 502 Advanced Educational Psychology ... ....... ...... ........ . .... (3) 503 Educational Research and Statistics ......................... .(3) 504 Educational Curriculum and Teaching .... ....... .... ... ............... (3) An approved graduate level Biblical studies or theology elective ............ .(3)

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