SPECIAL CERTIFICATES Christian School Specialist
CONCENTRATIONS Classroom Instruction (1) California Professional Ckar Credential Option A
Preliminary Credential Courses (22 Units) 522 Current lssues in Education ............ .... .... .(3) 530 Reading Process and Practi ce .... ...... .(3) 505/ 506 Elementary/ Secondary Curriculum .... .. .. ............ (4) 5I2/ 514 Elementary/ Secondary Student Teaching .... .. ... (6) 513/ 515 Elementary/ Secondary Student Teaching ......... (6) Professional Clear Credential Courses (7 Units) 510 Health Education for Teachers .... .. .... .. .... .. .. ............ (2) 511 Computers in the Classroom.. (2) 521 Education in the Least Restric- tive Environment.. .. .. ...... .... ... (3) Instructional Leadership (I) Prescribed Program A degree program focused upon excellence in teaching for individuals who either hold a teaching credential or who do not require Cali fornia cre dent ialing (out-of-state empl oyment or private institution). Completion of remain ing credential requirements is also possible in this program. Electives can be drawn fromcourses in the Department of Education, CLAD or BCLAD certifi cate requirements, and cours es in oth er departments and schools at Biola University. Thi s conce ntration normall y requires 35 graduate units for gradua tion , and includes the following courses: Concentration Requirements (9 Units) 522 Current Issues in Education.. (3) 523 Behavior and Classroom Management ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. (3) 524 Culture and Cultural Diversity .................................. (3) Approved Electives or Credential Courses (9 Units) (2) Personalized Program Adegree program that can be cus tom designed in consultation with a fa cu lty adviser. Specifically designed for individuals who either hold a Pre limi nary or Profess ion al Teac hin g Credential or who do not require Cali forn ia credentia li ng (o ut-of- state employment or private institution). Spec iali za ti ons can be crea ted from courses in the Department of Education, CLAD or BCLAD ce rtifi cate requirements, and courses in other departments and schoo ls at Biola Uni versity. Thi s co nce ntrati on norma ll y requires 35 graduate units for gradua-
tion, incl uding an approved personal ized speciali za tion of 18 uni ts. Reading/Language Arts (1) Reading/Language Arts Specialist Credential - Non-Degree Program Thi s creden tial-only program is des igned fo r candidates who have completed at least one successful year of teaching. Because this concentra tion is for a credential only, it may be completed apart from the above M.A. requirements. However, by Califo rnia Commission on Teacher Credenti al ing requirement, it is the basis for the M.A. program that fo llows. The Reading Language Arts Cre dentia l requires a minimum of 24 units of coursework and supervised field experience as fo llows: 524 Research in Culture and Cultural Diversity .. ...... ...... .. ... (3) 530 Reading Process and Practice .. .(3) 531 Writing Process and Practice .. .. (3) 541 Methods ofTeaching Lingui sti- callyDiverse Students ............ (3) 542 Language Assessment and Evaluation...... ....... .. .. (3) 550 Li terature Studyin the Classroom.. .. .. . ..... (3) 551 Prac ticum in Language and Literacy..... ... .. ... .. ... ... ..... .. (3) 552 Supervision in Language and Literacy ............. ............... (3) (2) Reading/Language Arts Specialist Credential - Masters Degree Program. The Reading Language Arts M.A. requi res the above specialist credential sequence of courses, prac ticum and supervi sed fi eld experience and one additional course: 532 Di agnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties. Thi s conce ntra tion normally re quires 44 graduate units for graduation. CLAD certifi cati on may be com pleted in conjunction with the Read ing Language Ar ts M.A. with two add i tional courses: 540 Language and Linguistics...... (3) 543 Language Development and Acqui si tion ..... ... ..... .......... ... .. .(3) Additional CLAD requirements apply. BCLAD certifica tion may be com pleted in conj unction with the Read ing Language Ar ts M.A. with fo ur addi tional courses: 540 Language and Linguistics ...... (3) 543 Language Development and Acquisition ..................... .. ....... (3) 560 Chicano/ Hispan ic Cultures .. .(3) 561 Methodology for Primary Language .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ................. (3) Additional BCLAD requirements apply.
This certifi cate is awarded to any individual who completes a Master of Arts program in the Biola University Department of Educa ti on and who has completed, at any accredited insti tution of higher educati on (regional or AABC) 24 semester units of under grad uate or 15 uni ts of gradua te courses in Bible and theology. Christian School Master Teacher This certificate may be considered for any individual who has completed a Master of Arts program in the Biola Un~ versity Department of Education, has achieved a professional credential (or its equiv,tlent) in any state or counuy, who qualifies for the Christi an School Special ist Certificate, and who has completed the equivalent of five years of full-time classroom insu11ction. Christian School Master Teacher Certificates are awarded by majori ty vote of the cono-acted (foll and part-time) facul ty of the Depart ment of Education upon presentation of acceptable documentation and the rec ommendation ofa qualified supervisor. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 501 Philosophy and Values in Schools and Society (3) Assists Christian teachers and admini s trators to fulfill their roles as change agents. Focuses upon histo1ical, cultural, and social analyses of schools and society from a biblical perspective to help edu cators select pedagogical methods that harmonize with educational aims. 502 Advanced Educational Psychology (3) Conside ration of theories and prob lems of lea rnin g and lea rning processes, the nature and development of cogniti on, individual di ffe rences and moti vation, and the application of this knowledge to educational prac ti ce. 503 Educational Resea rch and Statistics (3) Principles and procedures of research design appli ed to educati onal issues; bas ic sta ti stics with emph as is on teacher-conducted resea rch in th e cl assroom. Prerequ isite: basic com puter literacy. 504 Educational Curriculum and Teaching (3) Historical , phi losophi ca l and soc ial foundations of curriculum. Examina tion of curriculum research related to assessing, developing, and organizing educational strategies.
Specifical lydesigned for individuals in the Professional Teacher Prepara tion Program at Biola University, which provides strong undergraduate insu-uc tion, including the university's general education sequence, approved subject matter program, course requirements for the California Teaching Credential (incl uding CLAD ce rtifi ca ti on, if elected), and Biola's 30- un it biblical studies program. Biola students also nonnally complete the graduate course 505/ 506 Elementary/ Secondary Cur ri culum in conjun cti on with their teacher preparation program (may not be used for both degrees) . Individuals who have comp leted teac her pr eparati on programs at other institutions may need additional coursewor k to compl ete requi red fo undational studies prior to or dur ing the M.A. program. Thi s conce ntration normall y requires 40 graduate units fo r gradua tion, and includes the following courses: Prel iminary Credential Courses (16 Units) 505/ 506 Elementary/ Secondary Curriculum ......... .. ........ (4) 512/ 514 Elementary/ Secondary Student Teaching .. .... .. (6) 513/ 515 Elementary/ Secondary Student Teaching ........ (6) Professional Clear Credential Courses (7 Units) 510 Health Education fo r Teachers ........ .. (2) 511 Computers in the Classroom... (2) 521 Education in the Least Restric- tive Environment .. .. .. .. .... .... .. (3) (2) California Professional Ckar Credential option B Specifi cally designed for individu als wh o have ea rn ed a bac helors degree at an accredited college or uni versity, but have not participated in a teacher preparation program. Passing scores on the CBEST exam ination, and satisfactory completion of an approved single or multiple subject matter program or examinati on are necessary prior to application fo r stu dent teaching. Acourse or examination that covers the United States Constitu tion isalso a prerequisite. The number of graduate units fo r graduation in this concentration vari es according to previous course work, but must include the fo llowing courses:
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