

3. Acompleted Affidavit of Support form that certifies the student has sufficient funds to sn1dy in the U.S. must be on file prior to acceptance and issuance of the 1-20. 4. Character reference forms as appropriate to the pro­ gram of appl ication. Generally one reference from a pastor/ minister a11d a11otl1er from a school administsa­ tor, teacher, ai1d/ or employer who has known tl1e appli­ Call t for at least one yeai·. Reference forms ai·e provided by the University a11d are included with the application. 5. Minimum TOEFL scores of 500 for undergraduate studies or 550 for graduate studies. Students will be referred to the English Language Studies Program for preparatory courses in English if the scores are below requirement. Filing Deadlines for Undergraduate International Applicants The app li cation deadline for entrance into the fa ll semester is June I. Spring semester appl ications are discour­ aged. Late applicants will assume expenses for documents needing express postal delive,y to and from the university. See ELSP section for program deadlines. Financial Responsibility of International Students All applicants for admission to Biola University must establish the degree of their financial responsibility to meet the costs of an education in the Un ited States. The student must supply information attesting to his ability to provide United States dollars in the minimum amount required to support the costs of tuition and room and board, in excess of the cost of a round trip fare from his native country. Applicants who do not have the finances to pay all of their expenses must come under the sponsorsh ip of an approved mission or other approved agency. Sponsorship must include financial responsibility toward the sponsored student. Enrollment Requirements Foreign students admitted to the United States on a stu­ dent visa are required by law to be registered as full-time stu­ dents, carrying a minimum of 12 credit units, 9 units for graduate students, of academic work. Employment No off-campus employment is permitted fo r foreign stu­ dents without written permission of the United States Immi­ gration authorities. VETERANS Biola University is approved as a degree-granting insti tu­ tion for the attendance of veterans under Title 38, Un ited States Code. This includes the programs covered in chapters 30, 31 , 35 of Title 38, relating also to the education of dis­ abled veterans and war orphans, and 1606 of Title IO. The Counci l for Private Postseconda,y and Vocational Education has also authorized the University for the attendance of vet­ erans and veterans' dependents. Veterans or dependents of veterai1s who plan to enroll in t11e University are urged to contact the veteran's coordinator in tl1e Regisuar's office well in advaiice of registration so that the neces­ sary arrai1gements may be made with the Veterans administration.

Students who wish to take TOEFL should obta in the TOEFL Bulletin of Information for Candidates, Interna­ tional Editi on. Copies of th is bulletin and the registration form may be obtained in a number of cities outside the Un ited States. They often are available at Amer ican embassies and consulates, offices of the United States Infor­ mation Service (USIS), United States educational commis­ sions and foundations abroad, and binational centers. Students who cannot locally obtain a TOEFL Bulletin of Information for Candidates, International Edition and regis­ tration form should write for them we ll in advance to: Test of English as a Foreign Language, Box 899-R, Princeton , New Jersey, USA 0854 l Because this test is administered only at certain times, the candidate for admission should inquire about testing dates we ll in advance of the date of anticipated matriculation in the U.S. Requirements for admission of international students entering the undergraduate/graduate programs at Bio/a University l. All international students must meet the same requirements for admission as U.S. citizens, and have successfully completed a course of study in their native country. 2. Transfer international students must have completed sat­ isfacto1y course work with a 2.4 academic GPA, or GPA equivalent to the program of application (graduate). 3. International students must verify financial support before being admitted to the University. 4. International students must subsciibe to the Biola Uni­ versity international student health insurance policy and maintain coverage throughout their entire stayat Biola. 5. ATOEFL score of 500 for undergraduate and 550 for graduate studies is required. Students will be referred to tl1e English Language Snidies Program for preparato1y courses in English if the scores are below requiremenL Documents needed for admission of international students entering the undergraduate/graduate programs at Bio/a University I. An app li cation for admiss ion and a $35.00 non­ refundable application fee. 2. Transcripts from all seconda,y schools and post-sec­ ondaiy instin1tions attended. All lranscri:pts must be official c1nd acrompaniR.d by a certified English translation. All docu­ ments must show coursework ai1d exaininations taken, indicate grades received, identify passing and maximum marks, and show evidence of secondary graduation . International students must have successfullycompleted a college preparato1y course of study in their native country. Certification of the accreditation status of post­ secondaiy instinitions and tl1e comparability of courses for u-ansfer credit is tl1e responsibility of the applicant. Certifi cation request forms and schedule of fees are available in theAdmissions and Registrar'sOffices.

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