

PRE-REGISTRATION Pre-registration for the fa ll semester is held duri ng the months of April and May, and fo r the spring semester in October and November. Al l students are required to prereg­ ister if they plan to return to school the next semester. Fail­ ure to preregister wi ll require a $45 non-pre-registrati on fee to be paid at the time of registration should the student decide to enroll for the nex t semester. REGISTRATION Students are to register in person during the scheduled registration days. Late regisu·ation will be allowed through the eighth day of class and requires a fee of$45.00. Registration is completed when students have paid the required lllition down payment. Students will receive credit fo r courses offi­ ciallyenrolled through the Office of the Registrar. Registration is mandatory fo r Rosemead students in all phases of the program including students in internsh ip and those who have completed all requirements except the dissertation. CHANGE OF REGISTRATION Course registrati on changes are made by submitting an add/ drop form to the Regisu·ar's offi ce. The fee is $5.00 fo r each transacti on. Courses may be added to th e sllldent's schedule during the first two weeks of the semester. Courses may be dropped until the end of the 12th week of the semester. A sllldent who stops attending a class but does not submit an add/ drop form will not be dropped from the class and will receive a grade of Unoffi cial Withdrawal for the course. Courses dropped duri ng the first eight weeks of the semester wi ll not be recorded on the student's permanent record. Courses dropped between th e ninth and the 12th week of the semester will be recorded with a grade of ''W. " WITHDRAWAL Official Withdrawal from enrollment to the University is made bysubmitting a compl eted Departure Card to the Reg­ istrar's Office. Students may officiallywithdraw until the end of the 12th week of the semester. Students who drop from enrollment at any time duri ng the semester but do not sub­ mit a Departure Card , or withdraw from enrollment during the 13th through the 15th week of the semester, are consid­ ered Unoffi cially Wi thdrawn. Unoffi cially withdrawn slll­ dents will not rece ive a refund of any portion of llli tion or fees and will receive grades of "UW" or "F" fo r their courses. Sllldents departi ng the University for longer than one year will be required to fo llow the current catalog at the time of their readmission. Students may petition for an exception. STUDENT'S RECORDS En ro ll ees are advised that th e University maintain s schoo l and student records for no longe r than a five-year period beyond the sllldent's fin al term of enrollment, with the exception of the u·anscri pts and the academic record. ATTENDANCE Regular cl as.s attendance is expected of all sn,dents. are conducted in a manner that wi ll encourage academic excel­ lence and the growth ofChristian character. The final authority

for attendance and any effect that it might have upon grades rests with the individual faculty member. Th is is due to the u·emendous va,iety of clas.s size and purpose, and the specific requirements in attendance. Visitors and current students may ,~sit a clas.s for a maximum of one week. After one week, regis­ tration in credit or audit status for tJ1e course(s) is required. GRADES Quality of course work is graded on the foll owing scale, with a system of grade points used to determi ne a student 's general grade point average or standing: Graduatestudents should see the appropriate section of the cata­ logforfu.rther grade infon11ation. Grade Qua l ity Grade Po ints A Highest Passing Grade 4.00 ~ 1m & 1TI B Good 3.00 ~ 2.m ~ 2.TI C Satisfacto1y 2.00 C l.m ~ I.TI D 1.00 D- Lowest Passing Grade 0.67 (for undergraduate courses) F Failure 0.00 UW Unoffi cial Withd rawal 0.00 Biola's policy requires that when computing the CPA, the CPA is recorded at the third decimal point without rounding ufJ. The fo llowing grades are also used with special significance in certain programsand are not used in computing the GPA: CR Credit 1 0.00 NC No Credit2 S Satisfactory 1 0.00 US Unsatisfactory 3 0.00 RC Registered in course 2 R Research 2 0.00 IP In ternship in Progress2 0.00 W Wi thdrawal3 AUD Audit 3 0.00 NR Not reported byfacuJ ty3 1 No grade poin t1/ Credi1 given 2 No grade poinLI 3 No grade poinLs/ No credi t given

Special Notations on Course Titles CPL

Credit for Prior Learni ng

PTT Professional and Techn ical Training The two notations above apply to the BOLD program. CPL and PTT arenot considered resident units. SLC Service Learn ing Contract This type of course involves the student in a mini stry off campus in the community. Acredit "CR" indicates the completion of course workwitJ1 academic performance equal to or higher than the "satisfac­ tory" standard for tJ1e degree program (normally "C" 2.00 fo r undergraduate programs and ''B" 3.00 for graduate programs.)

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