

UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Choosing an Undergraduate Major

Pre-Medical: In addi tion to the general courses a student interested in entering the medi cal fi eld should take courses in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. See the bio­ logical sc ience or physical science majors for specific recom­ mendations and requirements. Pre-Legal: In addition to the general courses, a student interested in entering the fi eld of law should take courses in modern language, political science , economi cs, Ameri can historyand government and related subj ects. Pre-Seminary: Biola University provides an excellent back­ ground in undergraduate education for seminary training. The requirements in general education, Bible, and major fieldsmeet the requirements for admission into seminary. The pre-semi­ nary student should check his program at Biola Unive rsi ty with the requirements of the particular seminaryhe plans to enter. DEGREESOFFERED School of Arts and Sciences The BaciUJwr of Arts degree. Offered with maj ors in art, communication, English, history, humani ti es, liberal studi es, music, philosophy, social science and sociology. The Bachelor of Music degree. Offered with emphasis in composition, music education , and pe1formance. The Bachelor of Science degree. Offered with majors in art , biochemistry, biological sc ience, business administration, computer science , mathemati cal science, nursing, physical educati on and physical science. The Masterof A1ts degree in Education. School of lntercultural Studies The Bachelorof Arts degree in the intercultural studies. The Master of Arts degree in in tercultural stud ies, applied linguisti cs and TESOL. The DoctorofMi.ssioloffj and the Doctor of Education degree. Talbot School of Theology The Bachelor of Arts degree in bib lica l studi es and Christian education. The MasterofA,ts degree with emphasis in Bible exposition, NewTestament, Old Testament, theology, philosophy of reli­ gion and ethics and biblical and theological studies-diversified. The Master of Arts degree in Christian education with an alternative emphasis in yomh mi ni stry. Th e Master of Aris degree in practica l th eol ogy with emphasis in pas toral care and counseling, speci alized min­ istries, and women's ministri es. The Master ofAits degree in min isuywith emphasis in pastoral, Christian education, maniage and familyministries, and missions. Talbot also offers the MasterofDivinity degree, the Master of Theoloffj degree, the Doctor of Ministry degree and the Doctor ofEducation degree. Rosemead School of Psychology The Bachelorof Arts degree in psychology. The Masterof A,ts, the Doctorof Psycholoffj and the Doc/or of PhilosofJhy degree in cl inical psychology. School of Continuing Studies The Bachelor ofScience degree in organi zational leadership.

Eve1y student should choose a major by the beginn ing of the sophomore/ juni or year so that he or she may complete the major requirements in an orderlyway. To help students, the Universi ty has ava ilable a number of useful resources: curri culum charts on majors ava ilable from the Registrar's Offi ce; University Life conducted the first semester of entrance; a variety of counseling and tes ting services provided by th e Car ee r Development ce nter; brochures and manuals from schools and department offi ces describing their programs. The task of selecting a major (and often a minor or other complimenta1y specialization's) becomes one of crysta ll izing ideas on the basis of experiences in specific courses, discussions with other students, staff and facul ty. Facul ty advising is a ser­ vice offered to students; however each student is responsible for choosing courses and fulfillinggraduation requirements. Students must pl an freshman or sophomore programs which will permit them to enter or take advanced courses in fields they maywant to pursue. They should be sure to begin or complete requirements such as mathematics, chemisuy or a for­ eign language early in their academic careers. Students antici­ pati ng graduate or professional students should exercise special care in planning undergraduate programs and seek faculty counseling in the fi eld of interest. Advance examination of the possibil ities of graduate or professional studywi ll be helpful to students who have clear educational and vocational objectives. Undecided Majors Students who are unce rtain about their primary educa­ tional or vocational goals may enroll as undecided majors . However, they should select the department that most closely refl ect their general interests and consult that department's offi ce for academic assistance. During their freshman and sophomore years, such students should explore their inter­ es ts and potenti al by enro lling in a set of courses recom­ mended by the department's advisor. Planning a Major Program When students have selected a major fi eld, they should study all the requirements wh ich are specified in this catalog under their chosen degree program. They should make a tentative semester by semes ter plan for compl eting th e requ irement including prerequisites and discuss th is plan with an advisor in the major. In addition to courses in the major department, related courses in other fi elds and supporti ng courses in basic skills may also be required. These should be included in the ten­ tative semester bysemester plan. Some deparunents require an appli cation to the depart­ ment and acceptance; and or placement tests prior to admis­ sion to classes. The times and places for the tests are deter­ mined by the department. Students should contact depart­ ments for testing times.


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