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Change of Major or Degree Objective To change a major or degree, obtain the required fo rm in th e Regi strar 's Offi ce and take it to th e appropriate office(s) for signature(s) . Such a change is not offi cial until the form has been signed and fil ed in the Registrar's Office. Double Degree Students seeking a second baccalaureate degree must complete a minimum of 30 distinct units in a second area of major studies. Aminimum of 160 total units are required fo r graduation with a double degree. All prerequisites, support ing courses and departmental requirements fo r each major must be completed. The student must confer with the depart ments in which he will major and with the Registrar's Office . Double Major Astudent may be graduated with two majors. The follow ing information is for those pursuing two majors: All prerequisites, supporting courses and departmental requirements fo r each major must be completed. The second major must have 'minimum' of 18 upper divi sion units unique to that major (i.e., minimum of 48 major units and 148 total units required - see individual major requirements) . The student must confer with the depart ments in which he will major and with the Regisu·ar's Office. Minors Although Biola University does not require the student to have a minor for graduation, there are a number of instances in which a student may wish to take a minor, especially in plan ning for a career in teaching. By checking the va rious depart ments in the catalog, a student may determine if a minor is offered. Aminor usually requires a 'minimum' of I8 units, 12 of which should be upper di,~sion and six of these should be unique to the min or, i. e., not coun ted towa rd any oth er requirements. Aminimum of six upper division uni ts must be taken in residency. The student should confer with the depart ments in which he will minor and with the Regisu-ar's Office. Writing Competency Requirement Befo re graduati on from Biola, a student must pass th e Writing Competency Requirement. Thi s requirement will not be given separatel y fr om th e standard curri cu lum . Instead, each department has designed its requirement to suit the particular demands of its major. Students with more than one major will need to fulfill the requirement in each major. The Requiremel1l should be met during the junior year. Students with junior status should enroll in at least one of the Writ ing Com/1etency courses offered within their -major ( most depart ments will identi fy their Writing Competency courses in the Schedule of Classes) . Some departments require a student to submit a portfoli o of written work coll ec ted from seve ral upper-division courses. Students should consult their advisors about the department poli cy. Studems will find it helpful to take their papers to the Writing Center in Sutherland Hall before submitting them to their departments. Students who do not complete the Requirement during their first attempt must enroll in a second Writing Compe tency course in their major. After a second fa ilure, students must take English 210 (Writing for Competency) . Agrade of
Ct or higher in this course will satisfy the Writing Compe tency Requirement. Students cannot enroll in English 210 unless th ey have fa il ed their department 's requirement twice. Delayi ng the fulfillment of the Requirement may jeopardi ze the studen t's graduation. Several departments offer more than one Writing Com petency course. If a student enrolls in more than one Writ ing Competency course, that studem may choose the course in which he or she will attempt to fulfill the Writing Compe tency Requirement. GRADUATION PETITION Graduating seni ors must fil e a "Seni or Petiti on" fo rm with the Registrar's Offi ce and submit any departmental checkli sts one year prior to graduation. Students filing late will be charged a late graduation petiti on fee . Alate petition is defin ed as any graduation petiti on rece ived after classes begin in the student's graduating semester. REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL BACCALAUREATE DEGREES I. All baccalaureate degrees require a minimum of 130 degree applicable units fo r graduation. Each major consists of a minimum of 30 units of whi ch 24 must be upper divi sion. The Bachelor of Music degree requires 142 units. A degree in bi ological science requires I35 units and nursing requires 14l uni ts. For specific major requirements please see indicated major listings. 2. Compl eti on of all academi c requirements and approval of the student 's graduati on peti tion by the major advisor and the Registrar's Offi ce a year before graduation. To ensure compl etion of degree requirements, the normal academic load, during the last year, for a student anti cipat ing graduation is 18 uni ts. Those students who wish to take more are expected to notify their graduati on counse lor. Approval fo r the additi onal uni ts beyond the norm will be made iJ1 rough the Registrar's office. 3. A minimum of 30 uni ts must be taken at Biola Uni versity, at least 15 units (upper division level) in the major field . Extension credit or credit by examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residence requirement of 30 semester uni ts. See paragraph for in fo rmati on on minors. 4. Aminimum "C" average (o r a 2.00 grade point aver age) is required on work taken at Biola Universityand within most of th e maj or fi eld s. (Note: GPA requirements are higher in some majors. See departmental requirements. ) 5 All correspondence course work mus t be completed and an offi cial transcript rece ived by the Registrar's Office before the senior year, two semesters prior to graduation. 6. All course work during the fin al semester which will be applied toward graduation requirements must be taken at Biola Uni versity. 7. All students who have entered the University in iJ1e fall l 986 or later and who will be graduating in the spring 1990 or later must pass the Writing Competency Exam. Special Note: All graduation requirements may be met within four school yecm by canying c1pproximalely I6 or 17units each semes ter. A studen t may still be gradua.t,ed within four if hewishes lo take a lighter load and enroll in SummerSession and/or fnterterm.
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