
ADMISSION, REGISTRATIDN ruul, § 'Lculu.a,luui, ~

Second Master'sDegree Students seeking a second mas ter's degree must com­ pl ete a min imum of 24 disti nct un its in a second area of major study, taken at Biola Unive rsity (i.e., Talbot: a mini­ mum of 90 uni ts fo r two M.A.s, and a minimum of 122 un its fo r an M.Di v. and an M.A. are required fo r graduation wi th a seco nd master's deg ree). All prerequ isites, suppo rting courses and departmental requi rements fo r each degree must be completed prior to graduation. The studem must receive approval from the appropriate academic departmem and from the Regisu-ar's Office. The student may choose to graduate with both degrees at one commencemem or differ­ ent commencements. Astudent may petition the fac ul ty LO surrend er the fir st ce rtifi ca te or mas ter 's to avoid the requi red extra 24 units. GRADUATION HONORS- GRADUATEPROGRAMS Honors at graduation fo r mas ter's program recipients are based on overall perfo rmance, Christian values, and a minimum 24-unit residency. Honors are not automatically granted. They are granted by the faculty and may be with­ held or modifi ed. The university honors have been defined by the Academi c Standards CommiLLee as: Honors GPA 3.50-3.69 High Honors GPA 3. 70-3.89 Highest Honors GPA 3.90-4.00 Honors recognized in the graduation ceremony may be changed based on the f1ro cessi 11g of final grades. Graduate students should check their program secti on in the catalog fo r honors qualifi cation and honor society recognition. COMMENCEMENT Al l degree requi rements must be completed before the student may parti cipate in commencement ce remoni es . 11zose students completing all their coursework d111ing interten11 or summer session must contact their graduation counselor tobe cleared forgraduation. In such cases no tuition is charged. It is expected that all graduating students wi ll be present at commencement ce remonies excep t in cases of extreme emergency or other similarlydifficult circumstances. Permis­ sion to graduate in absentia must be secured from the Regis­ trar's Office we ll in advance. SUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY ENROLLMENT FALL SEMESTER 1995

GRADUATION HONORS - UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Honors at graduation for baccalaureate recipients are based on overall perfo rmance, Christian values, and a mini­ mum 60-unit res id ency. Honors are not automati ca ll y granted. They are granted by the faculty and may be with­ held or modified. The university honors have been defined by the Academic Standards Committee as: Cum Laude GPA 3.50-3.69 Magna Cum Laude GPA 3.70-3.89 Summa Cum Laude GPA 3.90-4.00 Honors recognized in the graduation ceremony may be changed based on the processing offinal grades. Graduate and BOLD stu­ dents should checkwith their program section in the catalog for honors qualifi cation. HONOR SOCIETY A se lect group of graduating sen iors are chosen by the facu lty each year to membership in Epsilon Kappa Epsilon, the baccalaureate honor society of Biola Uni ve rsity. Eligibil­ ity is based on invitati on from the deans ' offi ce. Students receiving an invita tion must compl ete the appl ication fo rm and return it to the Dean of Arts and Sc iences. Final selec­ tion is based upon scholastic perfo rmance, Christian 1vi tness and contributi ons to the Biola community. Membership is limi ted to no more than 5% of the graduating class. To be eligible fo r membership, a student must have a cumulati ve GPA of 3.6 or higher and mus t have compl eted 80 credi t uni ts at Biola prior to the semester of graduation. BOLD stu­ dents should check their program fo r a listing of honors. GRADUATE PROGRAMS Requirements for All Graduate Degrees See individual degree programs for specifi c requirements fo r graduati on. I. Comp leti on of all academi c requ irements and approval of the student 's gradua tion petition by the major advisor and the Regisu-ar's Offi ce a year before graduation. 2. All course work during the fin al semester whi ch will be applied toward graduation requi rements must be taken at Biola Unive rsity. 3. Aminimum of twenty-four (24) distinct units must be completed at Biola in any additional graduate degree at the same level. This applies to the second (or additional) degrees and double degrees taken at Biola for all graduate programs. Double Emphases Aminimum of l 2 uni ts must be taken that are unique to the second emphasis. (i.e., Talbot: a minimum of 78 units fo r two emphases in the M.A. and a minimum of 11 0 units for two emphases in the M.Div. degree) . Al l prerequisi tes, sup­ porting courses, and departmental requirements for both of the emphases must be completed prior to the required single commencement. The studem must rece ive the approval of both the departments and approval of the Registrar's Office.

Undergraduate Programs Cl.assijication

Men 191 184 164 218




365 250 237 328

556 434 401 546


Juniors Seniors


Special Students




84 15

65 17

Adult Degree Program English Language Inst.






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