&ji!j•jiH•• SERVICES Biola recogni zes that education does not take place exclu sively in the classroom; rather, the individual student is viewed as a "whole person " and we are committed to contributing to his or her development in the social, personal, physical and spi ritual areas of li fe, as well as in the academic area. Toward that end, several departments are devoted to this emphasis. The Student Affairs Department is responsible for programs and acti,~ties botJ1 in the residence halls and throughout the campus community. Also, they supervise such areas as career planning, di scipline, advi sement to the student organizations, new student orientation, learning skills development, ethnic and international student relations and campus safety. The Auxilia1)' Services Depar tment is responsible fo r the business management of tJ1e residence facilities, food sen~ces, health services, the bookstore, tJ1e duplicating center, and tJ1 e sched uling of facilities for Biola's various non-academic programs. RESIDENCE LIFE The residence halls are more than a place for students to sleep and study. We al so see the halls as a place for a person to develop in all areas of his or her life. For this reason programs and staff are ava il abl e to provide an envi ronment for such growtJ1 . We see tJ1e residence halls as an exciting, challenging place to live. Resident Directors and Resident Assistan ts are available in each hal l to se1ve as a resource fo r students. THE RESIDENCE HALLS Most rooms accommodate two students and are equipped with indi,~dual studydesks, single beds, individual closets and a chest of drawe rs. Each residence hall has laund1)' rooms equipped with metered washing machines and dryers. Students are expected to supply their own linens (sheets, pillowcases, towels, bl ankets, pillow, and bedspreads) and electric irons. No cooking equipment is allowed in the resi dence hall rooms. GRADUATE/NON-TRADITIONAL HOUSING Single- and doubl e-occupancy rooms are avail abl e fo r graduate students and for non-tradi tional (24 years and older) undergraduate students in suite-style rooms in Stewart Hall. Residents of graduate/ non-traditional housing may occupy their rooms year 'round. No meal pl an is required. Four ki tchens are available fo r tJ1e exclusive use of tJ1is community. ON-CAMPUS APARTMENTS Two on-campus apartment buildings are ava il abl e for occupancy by Biola students. Two-bedroom apartments may be rented by single students 21 years of age or older. Each apartment will be occupied by four persons, two per bed room. One-bedroomapartments designed for occupancy up to three persons, are avail abl e primarily for marri ed stu dents. Informati on on depos its and rental rates may be obtained from the Auxiliary Se rvices Offi ce.
RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS All unma1Tied freshmen, sophomores and juniors under 21 years of age and not livingwith their parents are expected to live in me residence halls if they are enrolled for 10 units or more. Seniors and postgraduate students may live in residence halls or apartments on a space-available basis. Requests for exceptions are to be directed in writing to the Housing Manager in Student Affairs. All students living in undergraduate residence halls are required to participate in the food service program. All unive rsity undergraduate res ide nce hall s will be closed over the Christmas holiday. International students or other students with extreme circumstances requiring them to remain in residence during thi s period should contact the Housing Manager in Student Affairs early in the fa ll semester lo make necessal)' arrangements. HOUSING RESERVATION All accepted applicants who indicate that th ey want hous ing will be sent a housing in fo rmation card by the Admis sions Office along with their notice of acceptance. This card must be fill ed out and returned to the Admissions offi ce with a $100 housing deposit and the requi red $100 enrollment deposit. No room can be reserved without this deposit. Applicants who have paid me $100 room rese1vation deposit and are unable to live in the residence halls may request a refund of mis deposit if me Housing Manager has been notified in writing. The Housing Manager must receive mis notification p1ior toJuly 15 for me fall semester or p1ior to December 15 for tJ1e spring semester. Failure to notify me Housing Manager by the designated dates will result in fo1feiture of the deposit. The $100 will be kept on deposit by the University to hold a space in on-campus housing until such a time as tJ1 e student wi thdraws, graduates or requests a refund as described above. CONTINUING STUDENTS: PROCEDURE FOR RESERVING CAMPUS HOUSING Continuing on-campus students desiring to reserve on campus housing fo r th e fa ll must sign up fo r the room of their choice acco rding to the rese rvation schedul e in th e spring. Commu te r students desiring to live on campus need to contact the Housing Manager. COMMUTER STUDENTS Swdents who li ve off campus are an important part of our uni versity communi ty. Because it may take more effort fo r commuter students lo fee l a part of a uni ve rsi ty commu nity, commuter students are strongly encouraged to in teract with those stude11L1 living in residence halls and to partici pate in student life on campus. Involvement in clubs and leadership opportunities is strongly encouraged. For under graduate slUdents, the Student Senate and the Student Rela tions Board have designated positi ons which provide repre senta ti onal status fo r commuters. Informati on and services for commuter students, including commuter hostel housing, are handl ed through th e Swdent Affa irs Offi ce and th e Department of Auxilial)' Servi ces.
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