


are additional services handled by this department. Recogniz­ ing that a Christian university is nol exempt from crime and danger, students are asked to use common sense and caution in every aspect of their activities. C1ime statistics are avai lable upon request al the Office of Campus Safety. Please refer to the Campus Safety Handbook for further

Information or contact us at (3 10) 903-4877. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES

Biola University believes that students from various cu l­ tures c01iu-ibute significantly to the community. The diversity that comes from their expe1iences enhances our em~ronment of fait11 and learning. We also believe Biola can contribute lo the imernational altempl to provide services which will help the international student to accl imate to t11e University. Con­ tact t11e Students Affairs Office for further information. DISABLED SERVICES The Coordinator of Servi ces to the Disabled works with both the physically and learning disabled to provide personal assistance and service. Included are issues of accessibility, curri culum, transportation, housing and registration. Stu­ dents with learn ing disabiliti es which require some adj ust­ ment in their academic program, must provide appropriate documentation regarding that disability so provisions can be made to assist with appropriate accommodations. Pl ease contact the Office of Student Affairs. COUNSELING SERVICES Personal counse ling services are available to interested graduate and undergraduate students for a modest adminis­ trative fee. Individual counseling, group counseling, pre­ engagemenl, premarital and marital counseling are available during the school year and summer mont11s. Groups for spe­ cial needs, workshops and seminars are held throughout the year. Inquiri es may be made in person at the Biola Counsel­ ing Center or by phone at extension 4800. Emergency ser­ vice during non-clinic hours can be obtained through the on call counselor at (3 10) 903-4800. CAREER SERVICES Career services include personal career counseling, interest testing, career-related workshops, internships, reference files, graduate school and career fairs, recruitment and career explo­ ration workshops. Acompute1ized career-infonnation program is avai lable to all students at no cost The center has a resource librarycontaining infonnation about internships and jobs, com­ pany li terature graduate programs, and career paths related to majors offered at Biola. Students mayreceive personal assistance from student peer counselors or make an appointment to see a professional career counselor. Se1vices are avai lable to alumni.


CollegeStudy Skills C/,asses

■ ■ ■

Tutming Programs Computer Assist.ance

. ■ Individual Academic Counseling and Advising ■ LeamingDisa/Jility Suf>fJort Program

Learning Assistance Services provides programs which assist students in becoming effective and intentional learners in order to meet the academic demands of the University. Pro­ grams offered lo the undergraduate population include: ■ College Study Skills course with a focus primarily for newly admitted students who would like to strengthen academic ski ll s. ■ Tutoring programs provided for most General Education courses and selected Major emphasis courses (a minimal fee maybe required). ■ Macintosh computer for typing papers. We also provide pro­ grams lo aid in developing typing skills and improving reading ski lls. ■ Indivi.dual counseling a.nd advising. ■ A Support Program for students with Leaming Disabilities, including College Study Skills, counseling, advocacy and accommodations. Note: Students with learning disabilities which require some adjustment in their academic program, must provide approp,iate documentation regarding that disability so provisions can be made to assist with approp,iate accommodations. APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES Detailed information regarding grievances and appeals, whether in regard to scholarships, academic life, federal leg­ islation or student conduct are found in the Student Hand­ book of each school. Copies are available upon request.


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