education, students are expected to take their courses in no more than two deparunents. The program gives the student the opportunity to experi ence the British lecture and tutorial system first-hand, as we ll as enjoy the unique historical and cultural environment of London and the British Isles. Students are given an orienta tion at Roehampton before starti ng their term of study. The faculty member designated byBiola will men tor the students whil e at Roehampton , providing counse l and guidance throughout the semester. The students who participate in the program are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of Roehamp ton Institute; in addi tion, they are expected to main ta in Biola's code of conduct as they would on the La Mirada cam pus. At the end of the semester Roehampton Institute will forward the student's transcript to Biola where it wi ll be interpreted in light of our American grading system. Anyone wishing add iti onal information should apply to the Coordinator of the Roehampton Institute Year Abroad Program in the Deparunent of English . AU SABLE INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Biola University is a participating member of Au Sable Institute, a Christian environmental stewa rdship institute, whose mission is to bring healing and wholeness to the bios phere and the whole of creation . In a setting of northern Michigan forests, wetlands, lakes and rivers, students take courses, gain field experience, and develop practical tools for environmental stewardship. Several courses offe red in the summer and interterm may be used for upper di1~sion elective uni ts in the biology major. Financial assistance is ava il able from Au Sable. Interested students should obtain information and forms from the Department of Biological Sciences. CHRISTIAN COLLEGE COALITION - OFF CAMPUS STUDY PROGRAMS The Coalition for Christian Co lleges and Un iversities, a Washington, D.C.. based association of 90 colleges and uni versities rooted in the arts and sciences, is North America's primary organ ization devoted specifi cally to serving and strengthen ing Christ-centered higher education . The Coali tion 's main fun ctions are to promote cooperati on and inter action among colleges; provide opportunities for personal and professional growth for administrators, facu lty and stu dents; mon itor gove rnment and legal issues; and promote these institmions to the public. Because Biola University is a member of the Coalition, the ses diverse off-campus swdy programs are available to juniors and sen iors with a minimum G.P.A. of 2.75. For further info1° mation regarding academic requirements, financial arrange ments and schedule planning see the program director. American Studies Program The American Studi es Program (ASP) is a semester-long internship/ seminar program for upper division students in
most majors. Located in Wash ington, D.C. , the program offe rs a non-tradition al, inter-d isciplinary, iss ue-o ri ented learning experi ence. SLUdents gain on-the:job experience th rough an internship in the field of their choice and study current national and in ternational issues in seminars led by Washington policy experts. ASP serves as Biola Un iversity's Washington campus and students may earn up to 16 semes ter hours of credit toward their degree. By exploring public poli cy issues in the light of biblical truth an d wo rking in internships wh ich help prepare them for a future in the mar ketp lace , students gain insight and experience that can su-engthen their abi li ty to live and work in a biblically faithful way in society and in their chosen fi eld. For additional infor mation see th e Political Science secti on, or make inquiry with Dr. David Peters in die Department of Political Science. Components Recommended credits Foundation for Public Involvement and Poli cy Analysis 2 Domestic Poli cy* 3 International Poli cy* 3 Internship/ Practicum 11 16 *One unit of study each semester looks at an economic issue in eitherdomestic ar international f!olicy. Latin American Studies Program San Jose, Costa Rica is the setting for the Coalition's Latin .American Studies Program (LASP). This semester abroad program is designed for students who are seeking to integrate d1eir faith with knowledge and experience in a third world context. LASP participants typically earn 16 credits toward their degree. Students li ve with Cenu-al American families, engage in language classes and seminar courses, work on rural service projects and u-avel in Central An1erica. Each spring semester LASP also offers a spec ial ized track for science majors entitled "Tropical Science and Sustainability/ Environ mental Studies." Participants natural science students branch off from the main LASP body for six weeks to ears six of their credits in natural sciences. Likewise, each fa ll the LASP offers a speciali zed u-ack for the students majoring in business. Enti tled "International Business: Management & Marketing" this program differs from the core program byoffering six credi ts structured specifically fo r business students. For additional in formation and app lication, see Dr. David Dickson in the Department of Modern Languages, at least two semesters prior to your anticipated participation . ComfJonents Recom111ended credits Spanish language 6 Seminar I Central American History 3 Seminar II Faith & Practice in Latin An1erica 3 Service projects/ Cenu·al An1erican Travel 1 16 Fall: Business Track Seminar II Internati onal Business: Management & Marketing 4 In ternsh ip 2
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